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考研英语一2023年湖南省永州市江华瑶族自治县预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I was shopping in a store, when a little boy 1 me with a doll in his hand and asked, “Sir, the 2 told me I dont have enough money for the doll. Can you count it for me?”I did as he asked and gave a disappointing 3 to him. The little boy was still 4 the doll. “Its the doll that my sister wanted so much. I wanted to 5 her for her Birthday. But she has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see Godvery soon too; 6 I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it tomy sister.” Then he looked again at the doll with 7 eyes, very quietly. I quickly 8 for my wallet and said to the boy. “Suppose we check again, just 9 you do have enough money for the doll?” He agreed with hopeful eyes.I 10 some of my money to his 11 seeing.There was enough for the doll and even some 12 money.I finished my shopping in a totally different state from when I 13 . Icouldnt get the little boy out of my 14 Then I remembered a piece of news that a 15 man in a truck hit a car 16 by a young woman and a little girl. The little girl died 17 ,and the mother was left in a critical state.Two days 18 this encounter with the littleboy, I read in the newspaper that the young woman had 19 . I couldntstop myself. The 20 that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is still, tothis day, hard to imagine. And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver hadtaken all this away from him1、Aprovided Bturned to Cgreeted Dturned up2、Acashier Bguide Ccustomer Dguard3、Apermission Breply Callowance Dimpression4、Ataking Bshowing Cholding Dkeeping5、Acelebrate Bappreciate Csend Dgift6、Aso Bbut Cthere Dbesides7、Aregretful Bguilty Csad Dsurprised8、Aapplied Breached Cpicked Dfound9、Aas if Beven if Cso that Din case10、Aput Battached Cadded Dsaved11、Abeyond Bwithout Cwithin Dfrom12、Aspare Babundant Cavailable Dpossible13、Asaw Bstarted Cstayed Dentered14、Aability Bheart Cmind Dcontrol15、Atired Bsleepy Clost Ddrunk16、Aoccupied Bdriven Cobtained Dbought17、Aby coincidence Bby accident Cright now Dright away18、Abefore Bafter Cat Dupon19、Awent through Bturned away Cpassed away Ddied out20、Aconnection Badmiration Clove DgratitudeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 We often seek food after focused mental activity,like preparing for an exam.Researchers guess that too much thinking consumes a lot of energy from the brain.So the brain,sensing that it may soon require more calories to keep going,apparently leads to bodily hunger,and even though there has been little physical movement,we eat.The researchers note that tiring activity both increases the amount of blood sugar and lactate(乳酸盐)circulating in the blood and increases blood flow to the head.Because the brain uses sugar and lactate as fuel,researchers wondered if the increased flow of fuelrich blood during exercise could feed a wornout brain and reduce the urge to overeat.Thirtyeight healthy college students were invited to determine their fitness and metabolic(新陈代谢)rates and to report what their favorite pizza was.Afterward,they sat quietly for 35 minutes before being given as much of their favorite pizza as they wanted.At a later date,the volunteers returned and spent 20 minutes making selections from college and graduate-school entrance exams.Next,half the students sat quietly for 15 minutes,before being given pizza.The rest of the volunteers spent those 15 minutes doing intervals on a treadmill(跑步机)two minutes of hard running followed by about one minute of walking,repeated five times.These students were then allowed to gorge on pizza,too.But by and large,they did not overeat.When the researchers factored in(将作为因素考虑)the calories burnt on running,they determined that those students actually consumed 200 fewer total calories after their brain workouts than the resting students.The researchers do not know if the runners consumed extra calories at dinner.They also cannot tell whether other types of exercise would have the same effect as running,although the researchers say they suspect that if an activity causes someone to break into a sweat,it should also increase blood sugar and lactate,feeding the brain and weakening hungers call.1、What do we learn from the first paragraph?AWe
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