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考研英语一安徽省芜湖市马塘区2023年考前冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music. My parents, although sharing my love of music, didnt _36_ it as a profession. My grandfather, having taught music for years at college and, though much _37_, earned merely enough to support his family. As a result of this _38_in the family, I went to college -quite _39_, for although I loved my violin and spent most of my spare time practicing, I had many other _40_. Before my graduation from Columbia, I felt _41_my duty to leave college and take a job. Aside from the satisfaction of being able to _42_the family, money is all I got out of it. My only ambition was to save enough to _43_ the job and go to Europe to study _44_. I used to get up at dawn to practice_45_ I left for “downtown “to work. . I continued to make money, and _46_, bit by bit, accumulated enough to enable me to _47_.The situation of my family improved, and my help was _48_necessary, so I resigned from my _49_and, feeling like a man released from jail, sailed for _50_. I stayed four years, worked harder than I had ever dreamed of working before and _51_every minute of it. I was a _52_man and I was doing what I_53_ to do and what I was meant to do. If I had stayed in business, I might be a quite wealthy man today, _54_ I wouldnt have made a success of living . I would have _55_all those that money can never buy.Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high price on it.1、Areceive Baccept Crefuse Dkeep 2、Arespected Bhated Cdoubted Dscolded3、Aexcuse Bchance Cpromise Dexample4、Ahappily Bsadly Chopelessly Dnervously5、Ainterests Bpities Cexperiments Dproblems6、Athis Bthat Cit Done7、Aquestion Bhelp Cwarn Dvisit 8、Agive up Bgive in Cgo on Dthrow away9、Acomputer Blaw Chistory Dmusic10、Aafter Bin case Cbefore Dthe moment11、Afirstly Bfinally Cgenerally Dlately12、Ago back Bgo home Cgo abroad Dgo down13、Ano longer Bof course Cin fact Dmuch too14、Aposition Bcollege Chome Dfriends15、AAsia BEurope CAfrica DNorth America16、Awasted Blost Cforgot D .enjoyed17、Anative Bfree Cwise Dweak18、Arepeated Boffered Cloved Dsigned19、Aso Band Cbut Dfor20、Amissed Bgained Cachieved Dwon Section II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 I heard many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling(叛逆)I wish it were soAt your age you ought to be growing away from your parentsYou should be learning to stand on your own hvo feetBut take a good look at the present rebellionIt seems that teenagers are taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parentsInstead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching(紧握)at one anothers hands for reassuranceThey claim they want to dress as they pleaseBut they all wear the same clothes. Then set off in new directions in musicBut somehow they all end up with listening to the same record togetherTheir reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that many people are doing itThey have come out of their cocoon(茧) into a larger cocoonIt has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and go his or her own wayIndustry has firmly carved out a teenage marketThese days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and beAnd many of todays parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their childrenAll this adds to a great barrier(障碍) for the teenager who wants to find his or her own pathBut the barrier is worth climbing overThe path is worth following, You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a partyYou may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting recordsYou may have some thoughts that you dont care to share with your classmates at once, well, go to itFind yourselfPopularity will come-with the people who respect you for who you areThat is the only kind of popularity that really counts1、In this passage, the author w
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