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考研英语一昆明市宜良县2023年预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) My brother Gene was four years older than me. By the time I turned four, I was upset that he could read but I couldnt. I burned with 1 to read a book like my brother. I begged: “Teach me to read, Mom! Please, please?!” Finally, Mom set aside time after lunch 2 reading lessons, and soon after my fifth birthday, I was reading.I longed for my father, who was a great storyteller, to read me the books that I couldnt yet read on my own. But my father worked three jobs to feed the family. He didnt have the time or 3 in the evening to read to me. 4 , every Sunday morning, my brother and I lay next to him in bed, waiting for him to tell stories about his 5 . I can still hear my fathers voice 6 the cold winters on the family farm in Poland. His family didnt have enough money to burn wood in the fireplace all night. He told us that he always volunteered to help with 7 . I can smell the soup made by my grandma and 8 my father cutting onions, carrots and tomatoes for salad, and when no one was looking, putting a piece into his mouth. “I was always 9 ,” he explained. Hearing my fathers stories 10 me closer to the books and the stories they held.One Saturday afternoon when I was seven, we walked two blocks to the small 11 in our neighborhood, and my dad filled out forms for a card. That Saturday 12 my life: I met Mrs. Schwartz, the librarian, and my dad said, “Youre 13 enough to walk to the library yourself.” And so I didalmost every afternoon.In my mind, Mrs. Schwartz was “the keeper of books and the guardian of stories.” Some days she read aloud to a small group of us 14 . Most of time, Mrs. Schwartz let me 15 myself with books I pulled from the shelves and look through them to see which ones Id 16 out. I remember that sometimes shed 17 a book and tell me a part of the story. But she always let me choose. Books became my 18 who were my comfort when I felt lonely.Yes, reading changed me. It gave me the 19 to study hard so I could become a teacher, and share my 20 of reading with my students. And inside my head, I can still hear the voices of my mother, father, and Mrs. Schwartz, which are with me every time I open the first page of a new book.1、AangerBworryCdesireDinterest2、AforBbeforeCinDuntil3、AabilityBambitionCcourageDenergy4、AStillBThenCThereforeDFinally5、AworkplaceBchildhoodCfarmlandDneighborhood6、AexplainingBdescribingCintroducingDinterpreting7、AlivingBreadingCfarmingDcooking8、AcatchBdiscoverCnoticeDpicture9、AbusyBpoorChungryDtired10、AlaidBdrewCtaughtDleft11、AlibraryBbookstoreCofficeDclub12、AsavedBchangedCtestedDanything13、AnearBreadyColdDfree14、AgraduatesBregularsCcandidatesDcommunicators15、AsurroundBfamiliarizeCexamineDreward16、AfindBlendCcheckDsign17、AwriteBrecommendCstudyDreserve18、AteachersBassistantsClistenersDcompanions19、AdriveBdreamCorderDchance20、AlessonBtimeCloveDplanSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 About six months ago, I was working in a job where I sat at a computer in an office for 50 or so hours each week. My best friend, Dusty, also sat in an office at a computer all day. We often talked about what a waste it seemed to be, spending our time inside in front of a computer all day long. I ended up leaving my job, and so did Dusty. Neither one of us are sitting in an office all day. Last week, Dusty came to my home and declared, “Im going to travel.”Of course, traveling is exciting. Its getting to experience new things, getting to be a slightly different version of ourselves, but I think the point is more about the mindset(心态) that it allows for than the actual reality that comes with it. Waking up every day with a sense of excitement for the unknown. Approaching each interaction during the day with a sense of wonder. Not thinking about yesterday or tomorrow, and just about whatevers right in front you.However, the thing is, we dont need to be in transit to be able to approach our days this way. It is possible for me to be living my normal life and be excited for the unknown of the day. I meet new people and do new things every day. Yes, they might be in Santa Monica, a few blocks from my apartment, but whats the difference between a new person here and new person in Australia?I read an Alan Watts quote recently, and it goes as follows:“If I ask you what you did, saw, heard, smelled, touched and tasted ye
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