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考研英语一江西省九江市浔阳区2023年巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In my childhood, I envied my classmates very much as my absence from school was not allowed due to my strict parents. I had to be 1 in order to stay home. My parents 2 to say that they were leading me to have a 3 work ethic(职业道德). Not until last week did I see the 4 I was on a bus, and behind was a man who was 5 to his friend about his life. His dream was to become a director but he wouldnt continue to 6 it because he had no 7 if he could make enough money. And he didnt want to waste 8 because it probably would take months or years to 9 it big. Then he admitted to thinking about becoming a(n) 10 because he thought he could 11 make six figures within one year. His friend agreed because as he put it, “I have no 12 to work long hours and not make much money. Taking pictures is good because you can make big money and only work short hours.”Many people these days dont 13 that when things seem to happen immediately, it is only because a lot of 14 , determination and time have gone into it. Someone once told me that you may know 15 someone is an expert in his given field by how easy he makes it look. The 16 it looks, the more hours go into it.There is no 17 for laziness. In the television show Fame, the dance teacher told her students, “If you want fame, fame 18 and heres how you start paying for it, in sweat.” Every time I watch that show, my dad would repeat how 19 she was because in order to 20 you have to work hard. He would go on and on about how bad it is to be lazy.1、Ashaking Bsmiling Cshouting Dlying2、Aneeded Bused Cagreed Dought3、Adifferent Breliable Cstandard Dgood4、Aevidence Bsignificance Canswer Dresult5、Awriting Bexplaining Creflecting Dcomplaining6、Asupport Bmake Cfollow Dchange7、Aidea Bdoubt Cevidence Dsign8、Aluck Bmoney Ctime Dopportunity9、Atake Bpromote Cmake Dcreate10、Adancer Blawyer Cactor Dphotographer11、Agently Beagerly Ceasily Dcarefully12、Achoice Btime Cdesire Dchance13、Aunderstand Bguarantee Crecognize Drealize14、Adecision Beffort Cpressure Dintelligence15、Athat Bwhy Cwhether Dwhen16、Aeasier Blighter Cbetter Dharder17、Aexplanation Bstatement Cexcuse Dpossibility18、Amatters Barises Cworks Dcosts19、Anatural Bbeautiful Cright Dkind20、Asucceed Bdevelop Cfinish DrestSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1In Spain, there are as many gazpachos (西班牙冷汤菜)as there are Spanish people. Every family here has its own recipe with its own little changes. I much prefer gazpacho mil do in a food mill,as that: allows tor some texture (口感),and that is the way it was made when I was young, Nowadays it is done in a blender, an electric machine tor mixing soft foods mil liquid together, but it does not torn out exactly the same. Machine-blended gazpacho with bread and olive oil is more like a salmorejo (chilled tomato soup) , but without that soups creamy smoothness. Although tomatoes and peppers arrived on our tables by the 16th century, red gazpachos that mod them did not become popular until the 19th century. Big landowner families that had a lot of country employees generally had a “gazpachero”, a man who would prepare gazpacho for the peasants working on their estates. These men made gazpacho by pounding the vegetable mixture in an olive wood bowl, as in a mortar. They were very patients,as it took quite some time. The main difference between gazpacho and some of its variations lies in texture and emulsion (乳状液).In a classic Spanish gazpacho,olive oil is simply stirredin at the end; in salmorejo, porra and other soups? the olive oil is emulsified, resulting in rd brighter orange colour and a smooth, creamy texture. Pipirranas components are the same as those in gazpacho,but they arc cut into pieces; with the addition of a little water or ice cubes,it turns into a liquid salad,and the bread is served separately ,for dipping. Gazpacho is a sophisticated (复杂的)dish that takes to a multitude of variations. But with all its versatility (易变),it still requires a certain balance of components. In particular, too much vinegar or garlic can ruin it Here in Spain,gazpacho can be a drink,a a dip,a sauce or seasoning, a starter* a main dish,even a dessert. It is eaten at any time ot the day and at any ti
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