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黑龙江省鹤岗市兴安区2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Beverly and I have been the best friends for years. And our friendship, like a well-worn sweater, has 1 in there, through thick and thin. After her divorce, she moved several 2 away. We keep in touch through phone calls.Last Saturday night, Beverly called, telling me she found a lump (肿块) in her breast and was 3 for surgery on Tuesday. She was terrified, and 4 was I. After we hung up, I booked a flight. 5 , I couldnt let Beverly face her 6 future alone.On Monday morning I went to the airport. I stepped up the 7 and handed my identification to a girl. Her fingers 8 the computer keys for a moment. When she looked up and handed my identification back, she said, “Im sorry to 9 you this flight is overbooked.” “But,” I stammered (结结巴巴地说), “I have to get on this flight. This is not just a 10 trip. My best Mend is having surgery-she needs me.”“Im sorry.”A tear 11 my cheek.“Perhaps I can help you,” said an older woman with smiling blue eyes. “Well, I have a ticket. Id be 12 if you would take my place.” She 13 the ticket and boarding pass at me.“My journey is not 14 ,” she added. “Go to your friend.”She handed me the ticket and we made the necessary 15 at the counter. I turned to this generous lady and 16 my hand. She took it and said, “Someday you will see a woman in 17 and you will do the same.” With a smile, she let go of my 18 .To this day, I often think of that woman who 19 convenience for friendship. I will never forget her 20 of kindness.1、Aplaced Bput Chung Dlaid2、Astates Bstreets Cmiles Dblocks3、Aintended Basked Callowed Dscheduled4、Asuch Bit Cso Dnor5、AIn all BAfter all CAbove all DFirst of all6、Auncertain Bhopeless Cdisappointing Dpromising7、Aflight Bcounter Cpilot Dcomputer8、Ahit Bknocked Ctapped Dstruck9、Ainform Bremind Cwarn Dinstruct10、Aday Bplane Csurgery Dvacation11、Aturned down Brolled down Cfell down Dpoured down12、Ahonored Bsatisfied Cannoyed Dupset13、Apointed Bwaved Cthrew Dflashed14、Anecessary Bconvenient Cmeaningful Durgent15、Acomments Bbargains Cchanges Dplans16、Araised Bextended Cheld Dreached17、Adanger Bhurry Coperation Dsorrow18、Ahand Bticket Cpressure Dtrouble19、Abrought Bsacrificed Ctook Dreceived20、Aword Bsmile Cact DgiftSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1This is my son Matthews last night at home before college.I know that this is good news.I feel proud that Matthew will go to a great school.I know that this is finest hour.But looking at the suitcases on his bed sends me out of the room to a hidden corner where I cant stop crying.Through the sorrow,I feel a rising embarrassment.”Pull yourself together!” I tell myself.There are parents sending their kids off to battle zones.How dare I feel so shocked and upset?One of the great gifts of my life has been having my boys, Matthew and Johnowen.Through them,I have explored the mysterious,complicated bond between fathers and sons. As My wife and I raised them,I have discovered the love and loss between my father and me.After my parents divorce,I spent weekends with my dad in Ohio.By the time Sunday came around,I was unable to enjoy the days activities because I was already afraid of the goodbye of the evening.Now,standing among Matthews accumulation of possessions,I realize its me who has become a boy again.All my sadness and longing to hold on to things are back,sweeping over me as they did when I was a child.His bed is tidy and spare.It already has the feel of aa guest bed.In my mind I replay wrapping him in his favorite blanket.That was our nightly routine until one evening he said,”Daddy,I dont think I need a blanket tonight.”I think of all the times we lay among the covers reading.I look at the bed and think of all the recent times I was annoyed at how late he was sleeping.Ill never have to worry about that again,I realize.For his part,Matthew has been a rock.He is treating his leaving as just another day at the office.And Im glad.After all,someones got to be strong.Im proud that he is charging into the first chapter of his adult life with such confidence.1、What does the writer mean by “Pull yourself together!”?AGet up. BCheer up.CPull up. DWake up.2、We can infer from the passage that_.Athe w
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