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考研英语一2023年山西省运城市河津市高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Parents, they are here to clothe us, feed us and, embarrass us Sixteen is a 1 ripe age for embarrassment and poor Rain Price of Utah was no 2 It was the beginning of his high school year and his first time to 3 the bus So it was really embarrassing when his dad Dale 4 him off After school , he 5 his mom Rochelle to stop Dale from doing it again Guess who overheard?To Rains 6 ,not only did the father decide to go on waving his son goodbye, 7 he decided to send him off dressed in costume But this wasnt a onetime 8 :Dale dressed up in different clothes every 9 day for 170 straight school days,When he did it the first day, I was in shock You don t want to see your dad dressing up in a wedding dress, waving at you on the 10 Rain told the Metro,to which his dad 11 ,I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life Dale made his 12 goodbye on and on, from the Little Mermaid to the Wonder WomanDale became 13 as the Wave At The Bus Dad,coming out in the most strange and funny costumes and never repeating the same 14 He said he only spent around $ 50 the whole year and relied on friends and neighbors to 15 him costume and other materials So the family could 16 the incidents with the rest of the world Rochelle created a blog to 17 all the costumesRain is now all grown up at 19 He still 18 Dale as a blushing bride, In the end, it was just 19 I was laughing on the bus the whole way I am 20 of him1、AhopefullyBslightlyCparticularlyDquietly2、AuseBwayCexcuseDexception3、ArideBseeCfollowDchoose4、AkissedBwavedChuggedDchased5、AorderedBbeggedCadvisedDpersuaded6、AjoyBsorrowCreliefDdisappointment7、AandBbutCsoDwhile8、AeventBincidentCaccidentDaffair9、AotherBbusyCsingleDhappy10、AbusBbikeCsubwayDtrain11、AstuckBobjectedCrespondedDadapted12、AspecialBbeautifulCconsiderateDvaluable13、AregardedBtreatedCscoldedDknown14、AtimeBlookCplaceDlocation15、AhandBshowClendDaward16、AlearnBdiscussCshareDovercome17、AdocumentBhouseCbookDname18、AdoubtedBconfusedCblamedDremembered19、AfunBpopularityCreputationDcomplaint20、AcriticalBconfidentCashamedDproudSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1When people find out that I am a journalist, they often ask me: What do you think about the future of newspapers?I tell them that I think the future of communications is moving online. People expect me to be fearful for the future of print. After all, in some peoples minds I wouldnt be able to build a career in journalism if it all moves online. However, strangely enough, Im actually comforted by the fact that online journalism is becoming usual. I am a blogger who has always been able to find a home for my writing online.Since I began writing blogs, I have become aware of how many people you can reach with online writing. Compare this to the newspapers circulation base, and you will have a strong reason for online journalism.In her successful blog post titled The Job I have spent the last year learning is not the one I will have, author Jenny Surane states, Print is an expensive product to love. And general managers, publishers and editors must now figure out a profitable way to get their news into readers heads.” She goes on to state that people dont feel like picking up a newspaper now and would rather scroll(滚屏) through their Twitter feed, and get news from many different sources.If print is dying, then a new form of communicating information is being born. The need for information has not died. If anything, it has increased. What has died, rather, is the way in which information is presented.Now more than ever, in this age of information, there is a desire for stories on the same topic from different points of view. The printing industry can keep pate with the need of providing a variety of sources, if it chooses to.Is the future of print grim? Maybe, But is the future of journalism of communicating information to people, grim as well? Definitely not.1、According to Paragraph 2, the author feels .Aconfident about the future of his careerBworried about the future of printCtired of being a newspaper journalistDembarrassed about online writing2、What information is conveyed in Jennys blog post?,ATwitter is not very popularBIt is hard to manage online journalismCPrim still has its advantagesDPeople have more choices to get information3、What does t
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