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考研英语一江西省吉安市青原区2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)On a cold November afternoon,my mother and 1 were walking home from a 1 We were dressed 2 1 was feeling a little 3 as 1 was carrying our shopping,and decided to throw away somethingSo I started to walk towards a 4 when I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of usHe 5 over to another nearby dustbin and started looking through itI suddenly felt very guilty because 1 was about to throw away a new drink just because it was 6 1 walked up to him and handed the 7 and some snacks over to himThe man looked up 8 and took what I gave himA huge smile 9 across his face and this 10 me to feel indescribable satisfactionI felt I couldnt be happier 11 myselfBut then he said:“Wow,this is my sons lucky day!”With that,he thanked me happily and started off on his bike,I 12 heard him whistling a song as he rode awayI got a warm 13 insideI now understand 14 is meant by the saying “giving is getting”Although it only 15 ,I gained and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the monthEveryone in the world needs 16 ,everyone can 17 help and everyone will be helped by 18 kindnessThe image of that mans happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every 19 I have the chance to do something niceThis is the 20 of charity1、AstoreBschoolChospitalDfactory2、ApoorlyBcoldlyCwarmlyDexpensively3、AgladBinterestedCboredDtired4、AstreetBdustbinCtoiletDcorner5、AwalkedBlookedCthoughtDtook6、AcheapBheavyCtastelessDfull7、AmoneyBtoysCdrinkDclothes8、Ain silenceBin surpriseCin interestDin a hurry9、AspreadBcameCwentDran10、AforcedBhelpedCmadeDcaused11、AwithBtoCatDfor12、AstillBneverCevenDever13、AopinionBmindCideaDfeeling14、AwhichBwhatCthatDit15、AcostBtookCspentDasked16、A1oveBmoneyChelpDdrink17、AgiveBsendCofferDhave18、AshowingBexpressingC1endingDsaying19、AmomentBdayCminuteDtime20、AaimBmeaningCstrengthDpowerSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Chinese scientists recently have produced two monkeys with the same gene,Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua,using the same technique that gave us Dolly the sheep. These monkeys are not actually the first primates(灵长目动物)to be cloned. Another one named Tetra was produced in the late 1990s by embryo splitting(分裂),the division of an early-stage embryo into two or four separate cells to make clones. By contrast,Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua were each made by replacing an egg cell nucleus(细胞核)with DNA from a different body cell. This Dolly method,known as somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT),can create more clones and allows researchers greater control over the edits they make to the DNASuccess came from adopting several new techniques. These included a new type of microscope to better view the cells during handling or using several materials that encourage cell reprogramming,which hadnt been tried before on primates. Still,the research process proved difficult, and many attempts by the team failed. Just two healthy baby monkeys were born from more than 60 tested mothers. This led to many researchers pouring water on the idea that the teams results bring scientists closer to cloning humans. They thought this work is not a stepping stone to establishing methods for obtaining live born human clones. Instead, this clearly remains a very foolish thing to attempt, it would be far too inefficient, far too unsafe, and it is also pointless.But the scientists involved emphasized that this is not their goal. There is now no barrier to cloning primate species, thus cloning humans is closer to reality. However, their research purpose is entirely to produce non-human primate models for human diseases; they absolutely have no intention, and society will not permit this work to be extended to humans. Despite limitations, they treat this breakthrough as a novel model system for scientists studying human biology and diseases.1、What do we know about the technology called SCNT?AIt created the first two primates.BIt may contribute to editing the DNACIt can divide an early-stage embryo into several cells.DIt produced two cloned monkeys with different genes.2、What does the author mean by“pouring water on the idea”in Paragraph 2?AKeeping a hot topic of it.BHaving a low opinion of it.CAttaching no importance to it.DAdding supportive evidence to it.3、What is the scientists purpose of cloning these monkeys?ATo help with the study of human diseases.BTo serve as a stepping stone t
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