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安徽省芜湖市芜湖县2023年考研英语一统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Charles Plumb, a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, was a jet fighter pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was 1 by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb was 2 and spent six years in prison in Vietnam. He survived and now 3 about lessons learned from that experience.One day, Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant when a man at another table came up and said, Youre Plumb! You 4 jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier (航空母舰) Kitty Hawk . You were 5 !How in the world did you know that? asked Plumb. I 6 your parachute, the man replied. Plumb gasped(倒吸一口气) in surprise and 7 .The man pumped his hand and said, I guess it worked!Plumb assured him, It 8 didif your chute hadnt worked, I wouldnt be here today.Plumb couldnt sleep that night,thinking about that man. He says, I wondered how many times I might have passed him 9 the Kitty Hawk. I wondered how many times I might have seen him and not even said Good morning, how are you, or anything 10 , you see, I was a fighter pilot and he was just a 11 .Plumb thought of the many days the sailor had spent on a long wooden table in the bowels(深处)of the ship 12 working on each chute, holding in his hands each time the 13 of someone he didnt know.Plumb asks his 14 , Whos packing your 15 ? Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it 16 the day. Plumb also says that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot downhe needed his 17 parachute, his mental parachute, his emotional parachute, and his spiritual parachute. He called on all these 18 before reaching safety. His experience reminds us all to 19 and be kind to people who pack our daily parachutes, and strengthen us to go through 20 times.1、AfollowedBdestroyedCspiedDseen2、AreleasedBwoundedCcapturedDkilled3、AlecturesBgivesCstudiesDhear4、ArepairedBmadeCflewDcleaned5、Ataken downBlooked downCset downDshot down6、AboughtBcheckedCfoundDpacked7、AgratefullyBsuspiciouslyChappilyDsadly8、AalmostBsurelyCnarrowlyDnearly9、AabroadBinConDat10、AsoBbecauseCunlessDthough11、AsailorBcaptainCpilotDtechnician12、AunwillinglyBimmediatelyCworriedlyDcarefully13、AdeathBfortuneCfateDchance14、AwifeBchildrenCsailorsDaudience15、AluggageBbagCparachuteDfuture16、AthroughBtoCup toDas17、ApsychologicalBphysicalCimaginaryDsafe18、AspiritsBemotionsCsupportsDpeople19、AawardBrecognizeCrewardDhelp20、AhappyBtoughCcomfortableDcosySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Ancient Fish Returns to Illinois WatersThe Illinois Department of Natural Resources is returning a fish called the alligator gar to the states rivers.Some people call the fish a “living fossil.” Experts believe the fish first appeared during the Early Cretaceous period more than 100 million years ago.Randy Sauer is an Illinois state fisheries biologist. He says the fish disappeared from the states rivers in the 1990s, although they have continued to do well in southern states. Sauer says biologists want to bring the fish back to northern rivers “because it is important to have top predators to balance the species below them,” he said.Sport fishermen like to try to catch the alligator gar. Alligator gar are the second-largest freshwater fish in North America. They can grow as large as 2.7 meters and weigh more than 136 kilograms. Sauer says their large size is one reason they disappeared in the 1990s. Experts say alligator gars are “opportunistic feeders.” This means they will eat almost anything - including small turtles or ducks. They also eat invasive species such as Asian and silver carp. Sauer hopes the re-introduction of the alligator gar will help the states efforts to control the carp. Because gar can live up to 60 years, the program will continue to increase for many years.Sauer notes that female alligator gars do “not sexually mature until 11 years, and the male not till 6 or 7 years.”That means the biologists will try to raise and release a lot of fish early in the program to re-introduce them.“Were probably going to stock more heavily than 10 or 20 years down the road when hopefully these fish will find each other and start doing the job on their own,” Sauer says.Small devices have been placed in 7,000 of the fish so they can be observed after they are released into the waterways of Illinois. As it rains and floods, biologists expect some of the fish will follow the river
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