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青海省果洛藏族自治州达日县2023年考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) One day I was walking to the mailbox with my dad,when I saw something drop from a tree.I couldnt 1 what it was,so I kept my eyes on the spot as we came near.It was a baby bird,which had fallen from its nest.It had long, awkward wings and feet,and 2 that fought to stay open.It was 3 ,so I sat next to it watching while my dad got the mail.I 4 its nest and mother, 5 what would happen to it.My dad said we had to 6 it;there was nothing we could do.He said if the bird mother smelled any traces(踪迹)of 7 ,she wouldnt go near the 8 again.As we began to walk away,a woman 9 .Did it fall out of a nest?she asked.Yeah.I answered.It 10 a lot.Not much we can do,she said.Try not to think about it when you go to sleep tonight.I walked 11 the mailbox the next day.The baby bird lay 12 in the grass.I realize that Try not to think about it is the 13 of many people towards things which 14 to provide them with perfect excuses 15 not bothering.The woman wasnt being 16 ;she was actually quite nice.But when everyone says theres 17 I can dojust try not to think about it,where will we finally 18 ?When billions of people 19 try not to think about it when they go to bed at night,there might be millions of fallen birds lying dead and 20 in the grass the next morning.1、AsayBtalkCspeakDtell2、AeyesBarmsCfeathersDclaws3、AboredBstupidClovelyDclever4、Aturned backBstared atCpointed toDlooked for5、AsuggestingBdecidingCwonderingDfinding6、AhelpBleaveCcatchDkill7、AchildrenBhumansCanimalsDinsects8、AtreeBgrassCbabyDperson9、AreturnedBinterruptedCapproachedDleft10、AhappensBcriesCsuffersDchanges11、AfromBbeyondCpastDinto12、AasleepBdeadCstillDalive13、AattitudeBfeelingCconsiderationDunderstanding14、AfailBproveCrefuseDseem15、AfromBofCaboutDfor16、AcruelBkindCsillyDfriendly17、AsomethingBnothingCeverythingDanything18、Astart outBcome fromCsettle downDend up19、ApossiblyBsimplyCparticularlyDluckily20、AforgottenBburiedCeatenDrememberedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1When going through major life changes, like changing careers, I would change the people with whom I spent the most time. Weve all gone through periods when the people in our lives have changedgraduation, moving to a new city, getting a new job, joining a new club, etc. I dont think I need to convince you just how much influence other people can have over your identity. If youve ever experienced a major switch in your people environment, then you know that you change as well.Most people dont make these choices consciously though. You might consciously decide to spend more time with a certain friend, or you may ask someone out on a date to begin a new relationship. But few people choose their existing friendships deliberately.Theres no “getting rid of people”. People are always dropping into and out of each others lives. Associations grow into friendships, and friendships fade into associations. You dont get rid of anyone. The truth is that in order to make room for new people and new experiences, you may need to loosen up some of your existing connections.What about loyalty? Shouldnt you always be loyal to your friends? Once you have a close friend, even if their influence on you is slightly harmful, shouldnt you stick by them?Loyalty to a friend sometimes means having to let go. It means being loyal to their highest and best as well. If someone is destroying his health by smoking, for example, you arent showing loyalty by smoking right along with him. True loyally sometimes requires that you break damaging connections, get yourself back on solid ground, and then decide what you can really do to help your friend.It can take a lot of courage to tell someone, “Im sorry, but I cant have you in my life anymore. But even though this might seem like a selfish act at times, its often the best thing for the other person too. If a relationship is holding you back in some way, understand that it is also hurting the other person. For example, if you work for a violent boss, your acceptance of that situation is considered to be silent approval, encouraging your boss to continue to behave violently.1、When experiencing major life changes, people may _.Ajoin a new social community Binfluence their friends aroundCchoose their friendships purposely Dhave their people environment changed2、What can be concluded f
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