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考研英语一2023年咸宁市通山县全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)He never believed that true love existed. His parents divorcedwhen he was young and he didnt think that true love was able to survive in todays world.He was 1 wrong.His grandparents were always supportive to the kids and tried to help them when their parents 2 He knew they loved each other, he just wasnt sure it was true love. He had 3 heard them say, “I love you” or they hadnt shown any affection 4 hugging. They had been married for over fifty years and he thought that their true love was gone.But again he was wrong. His grandfather, Ralph, was struck ill in his junior year of college and he didnt know how serious it was until he fell and hurt his hip (臀). While in the hospital, the doctors 5 瘤) in his lungs. They told him that he had lung cancer and due to previous illnesses, they could not operate and he was too 6 for chemotherapy (化疗).It was around Thanksgiving and by Christmas his condition worsened. The cancer spread and in late January his sister away at college too, called him crying and said she was on her way home because the doctors told their family that their 7 had only a week to live, that by the weekend he would 8 be with them. Their family came in from around the country and stayed next to his side.It was not until then that he 9 that true love did exist and would survive beyond death. Every night as his grandfather grew more fragile, he would 10 sweet words to grandmother, Madge. The night before he died grandmother was walking out of his room and he said to her “I love you Madgie baby”.The next morning he received a phone call at work that grandfather had passed during the night. Throughout his short battle 11 cancer, he realized how much two people can love each other and he realized how much it means to be loved and give love. It is the greatest 12 on earth and it lasts beyond life because you never forget your one true love.1、AbelievedBprovedCaskedDrealized2、AdiedBmarriedCdivorcedDfought3、AeverBneverCevenDoften4、Aother thanBless thanCrather thanDbetter than5、Atook outBfound outCset outDput out6、AstrongBfatCshortDweak7、AgrandfatherBgrandmotherCfatherDmother8、Ano betterBno worseCno lessDno longer9、ArealizedBsaidCsawDmentioned10、AspeakBshoutCwhisperDtalk11、AbyBinConDwith12、AsmileBbattleCgiftDsurpriseSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 DNA analysis has revealed family relationships between more than 10 generations of Stone Age people at megalithic (巨石的) tombs in Ireland and Sweden.The evidence suggests that megaliths, prehistoric large stone structures, sometimes acted as graves for family groups in northwestern Europe thousands of years ago. The latest findings throw new light on the origins and social structure of the groups that built megaliths in this regiona history that has long been hidden in mystery.For their study, the international team of researchers analyzed the genomesthe complete set of genetic material in a cellof 24 Stone Age individuals from five megalithic burial sites in Ireland, Scotland and Gotland, a large Swedish island in the Baltic Sea.This analysis showed that many of the individuals buried at each megalith, who all lived between 3,800 BCand 2,600 BC, according to radiocarbon-dating of their remains, were closely related via family ties.The results also showed that the individuals buried at the megaliths were related to Neolithic farmers in northern and western Europe but genetically distinct from other hunter-gatherers. This was particularly noticeable at the Ansarve site on the island of Gotland. “The people buried in the Ansarve tomb are remarkably different on a genetic level compared to the individuals dug out from hunter-gather contexts, showing that the burial tradition in this megalithic tomb, which lasted for over 700 years, was performed by distinct groups with roots in the European Neolithic expansion,” Magdalena Fraser, co-first author from Uppsala University, said in the statement.1、Whats the significance of the new findings?AIt reveals the family ties between people in Ireland and Sweden.BIt implies that many people buried in the tombs were closely related.CIt indicates the long-hidden mystery concerning DNA analysis.DIt suggests that the megaliths became tombs thousands of years ago.2、How did the researchers reach their findings?ABy interviewing individuals.BBy travelling to different regions.CBy analyzing genes.DBy studying the burial sites.3、Which is true
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