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考研英语一2023年临泉县巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)About 30 years ago, Marie Roth taught a painting class. When some of her 1 expressed an interest in purchasing her works, she turned painting into a profession.Shes 70 now, an age when many folks are starting to be 2 on the sofa in front of the TV. But 3 are if theres a (n) 4 barn (谷仓) coming down somewhere in northeastern Illinois, Marie will be there. Wearing leather gloves, Marie will pick through the piles of wood and 5 pieces that, as she describes, “whisper” to her. Shell remove the 6 boards to her home, where shell 7 them and allow them to dry out before 8 the pieces together and gluing them into place. But its only when Marie 9 painting them in the eye-catching, beautiful colors loved by every American that it becomes clear what shes 10 . From the broken-down barns, she constructs fine wooden reproductions of the American 11 .“The wood is continually 12 by animals, or sometimes nailed and hammered by humans,” she said. “Recently, I had a piece of wood from the floor of a barn that was 13 by hooves (蹄子). I used it to paint flags from the Civil War erathe marks made me 14 all those brave soldiers.”Marie comes by her love of barn wood 15 because her father is a carpenter. She painted her first flag on a shipping pallet (托盘) more than 30 years ago. The old pallet, she 16 , “ 17 looked like a flag.”The self-taught artist paints American flags 18 she is really good at drawing straight lines. Creating art is 19 she has to do. She sometimes 20 that she hopes one day she dies with a paintbrush in her hand.1、Astudents Bemployees Ccustomers Dmanagers2、Abravely Bmodestly Cgratefully Dcomfortably3、Atasks Bprocesses Cchances Dpurposes4、Asmall Bold Cordinary Ddangerous5、Alook for Bwait for Cwork on Dget through6、Aborrowed Bselected Climited Dcarved7、Awash Brepair Ccut Dstore8、Afitting Bfounding Creplacing Dholding9、Acontinues Bstarts Cavoids Drisks10、Acollecting Bshowing Cwriting Dcreating11、Aflag Bpicture Cscene Dtoy12、Achewed Bkicked Csmashed Dmade13、Adisturbed Bspotted Cprinted Dmarked14、Athink of Bcare for Cattend to Dbring back15、Afrequently Bnaturally Cquickly Dsecretly16、Aimagined Bnodded Cpretended Dremembered17、Ajust Byet Ceven Dstill18、Abecause Bor Cthough Dso19、Aanything Bnothing Csomething Deverything20、Aadmits Bdeclares Ccries DjokesSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1“You can choose your friends, but you cant choose your family.” That line comes from American writer Harper Lees book To Kill a Mockingbird. Now compare her words to another famous expression: “Blood is thicker than water”.However, if forced to choose which is more important, American researchers now say friendship is more important than family. Their new study suggests that friends may be more important than family members, especially as we age.The study comes from researchers at Michigan State University. They found the importance of friendship on health and happiness grows as people get older.William Chopik is an assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State and was one of the lead researchers in this study. He says, “Friendship becomes even more important as we age. Keeping a few really good friends around can make a world of difference for our health and well-being.” Chopik notes that we need to think of friendship as an investment in our future happiness.The Michigan State researchers considered information from two separate surveys. In the first group, both family and friendships influenced overall health and happiness. However, in the second, researchers said that friendships “became a stronger predictor of health and happiness” as people get older. Also in the second group, unhealthy friendships led to increased chronic conditions. But with supportive friends, Chopik noted, participants reported being happier.One reason is that people can keep the friendships that make them feel good and move on from the ones that dont. Family, on the other hand, will always be with you. They can be helpful and enjoyable, but can also cause troubles.This may be good news for people who dont have strong ties with family members. Not all of us are born into the families we need. But we all have the ability to choose friends that we need.1、59
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