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考研英语一2023年岗巴县押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) An old grandpa as ordinary as Father Brown will never attract peoples attention and interest in everyday life. Who can imagine that under his 1 appearance lies great wisdom and talent for solving 2 ?Father Brown is a Catholic priest from England. He is 3 and fat, has a round and dull face, and eyes as empty as the North Sea. He always wears 4 clothes and carries a large umbrella. 5 this man understands people well. When he 6 a case, he uses his insight into human nature to put himself in the 7 shoes and then find the real criminal. I had 8 them all myself. I had planned out each of the crimes very 9 . And when I felt exactly like him myself, of course I knew who he was!” 10 Holmes, Father Brown focuses more on 11 and psychological truths rather than scientific details. Once he is thinking about 12 the murderer would hide the body, he thinks like this: if a 13 person wants to hide a leaf, where should they hide it? In the 14 ! If there isnt, he would 15 one. Thats how he solved a case in which a general sends 800 soldiers to fight in a war just to 16 the murder of one soldier.Although Father Brown has a sharp sense for crimes, he also has a 17 heart for criminals. Many times he doesnt send criminals to court, but gets them to 18 their faults and to begin a new life. As a 19 , Father Brown shows great love and 20 . Maybe he is not there to judge, but to save souls.1、AhandsomeBuglyCplainDoutstanding2、AcrimesBproblemsCpuzzlesDriddles3、AstrongBtallCshortDhealthy4、Awell-ironedBshapelessCtrendyDstylish5、ASoBAndCButDOr6、Agets throughBlooks intoCsearches forDlistens to7、AjudgesBGodsCvictimsDmurderers8、AhiddenBsavedChelpedDkilled9、AcarefullyBnervouslyChurriedlyDcasually10、AAsBUnlikeCLikeDDespite11、AspiritualBaccurateCexternalDfantasy12、AhowBwhyCwhenDwhere13、AcruelBloyalCsmartDcalm14、AdesertBforestCoceanDmountain15、AfindBimagineCmakeDdraw16、Acheck intoBcover upCsearch intoDfight for17、AsoftBwarmCbraveDnormal18、AadmitBrealizeCfindDcorrect19、AjudgeBpolicemanCmurdererDpriest20、AcourageBforgivenessCperseveranceDenthusiasmSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The Maltese Islands are rich in Neolithic (新石器时代的) sites. Ggantija in Gozo, Tarxien, and the Hagar Qim/Mnajdra Complex here on Maltas south coast are perhaps the most well-known. These piles of stones are some of the earliest known manmade structures in the world. They are showing their age a bit but what would you expect for buildings that are five and a half thousand years old. My house was built in the year 2000 and is already in bad condition round the edges. These temples are older than the pyramids!In my opinion the temples are best seen after the visitors have left. Come with me for a late afternoon walk down the hill past Hagar Qim towards the Mnajdra Complex. There are chain link fences around the temples now but we can ignore those and try to image why Maltas earliest people went to the trouble of building these structures on this windy and poor hillside.Of course the temples would have looked rather different when they were constructed. They may have been decorated with pigments and possibly even roofed with animal skins or other materials. Who knows? We do know that they were changed and added to over a 1,000 - year period or so.Getting to Mnajdra and Hagar Qim is easiest if you have a car. Or if you dont mind a hike, you could get a bus to Qrendi(3 km away) or Zurrieq (5 km away) and walk from there. Warning: although the distances are not too great, walking several kilometers in the Maltese sun can be very hard and possibly dangerous. Take water and sunscreen.1、What makes the writer wonder about the temples?ATheir history. BTheir appearance.CHow they were built. DWhen they were built.2、What are we aware of about the construction of the temples?AThey have been transformed. BThey look the same as before.CThey were carefully designed. DThey are not what they used to be.3、How can we admire the sites getting least sunburn?ABy hiking there. BBy riding a car.CBy taking water. DBy taking a bus.4、Where can we possibly find this article?AIn a political speech. BIn a historical fiction.CIna travel magazine. DIn a geography text book.Text 2From the modem London Eye to the historic Tower of London, below are Londons most visited tourist attractions.
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