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考研英语一2023年武城县高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I was a shy kid. Nothing seemed harder than talking to people. I didnt even like to answer the phone for fear that Id have to talk to somebody I didnt know. 1 , at school I had to spend all day in the company of others. My 2 was studying. It was something I could do 3 and by myself. I spent a lot of time studying and was 4 with good grades.Eventually I went to college. I came to realize that some people were rather fun to 5 with. Yet my childhood 6 carried over and I found myself tongue-tied and 7 whenever I found myself in a conversation.One day while on campus, I 8 an advertisement for a position on the local classical music 9 station. I had grown up listening to classical music, and I loved it.In order to get the job, applicants needed to be interviewed. I had absolutely no background in radio, and the idea of listeners 10 me. I didnt really want the job. I just wanted to prove that I could talk to a(n) 11 .Two weeks 12 , I was even more terrified to discover and I had actually landed the job.It was a 13 job, but I grew to enjoy it. I announced music to thousands of 14 in the city, sometimes answering their calls and 15 to their requests. I began to feel comfortable talking to these people, these strangers who I couldnt even 16 .Although I now spend much time talking with people, Im still basically a 17 person. My former shyness is a gift, as I can 18 people who feel discomfort when they talk to strangers. I still enjoy moments of being 19 . But Im also glad I decided to make a 20 in my life that has opened many doors and opportunities that I never knew existed.1、AHowever BTherefore COtherwise DBesides2、Aadvice Bpractice Ctask Descape3、Aobviously Bsimply Cquietly Dpoorly4、Afilled Brewarded Cdecorated Dfaced5、Ahelp out Bcatch up Cput up Dhang out6、Ahappiness Bshyness Ckindness Dgoodness7、Aexcited Bastonished Cembarrassed Dinterested8、Anoticed Bposted Crealized Dbelieved9、Afire Bgas CTV Dradio10、Aterrified Bpleased Csatisfied Damazed11、Achild Bsinger Cinterviewer Dapplicant12、Aago Blater Cbefore Dsince13、Awell-paid Bpuzzling Ccomfortable Dchallenging14、Alisteners Bfollowers Cviewers Ddancers15、Areferring Bresponding Coffering Dcomparing16、Afeel Bmove Chear Dsee17、Abusy Bwarm Cquiet Dsmart18、Alook into Brelate to Ccombine with Dworry with19、Aalone Balive Cactive Dawake20、Aplan Bmistake Cchange DdreamSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Back in 2009, China was wrongly accused by the West of controlling the Copenhagen talks on climate change. By then China had truly carried out strict policies to reduce the energy consumption of economic activities and at the international level, the top Chinese leaders participated in round-clock efforts to cooperate with the major players to build a united front for efforts to solve global warming. But China was finally misjudged.This misjudgment caused Chinas scholars to rethink Chinas climate change communicative ways. Among them was Zheng Baowei, journalism professor of Renmin University of China, who realized China had to better shape its communication on its environmental protection.Delightfully, the efforts have paid off. Zheng set up a top-level international group advising his research team. He is in charge of doctoral candidates on climate change communication. Climate awareness surveys have been conducted, and a package of communication tools has been designed. Many seminars have been arranged.Recently, he arranged a seminar on climate change and health communication on the changing situation both in China and the world. First of all, this stressed that Chinas policy has developed from reducing its energy consumption and pollution prevention to the important goals of achieving a Beautiful China and Healthy China, while coming up with plans to realize an ecological civilization since late 2012. With such goals, China played a leading role in securing the Paris climate change deal in 2015 together with the United States and European Union. In Paris, China promised to let out its carbon to the maximum in 2030.It is a demanding job communicating climate change and other topics of lasting development well. Despite that, some foreign scholars have realized Chinas smart ways in
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