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考研英语一平潭县2023年全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The best graduation speech Ive ever heard was only five minutes long. It got a standing ovation (热烈鼓掌)-something I never saw before at a 1 ceremony. Most surprising of all, the speaker was an eighth grader. It was my daughter Abridlle.Sure, Id given her 2 -“Make them laugh, make them think, and make them cry”-and she let me read and 3 on her text, but she stressed that this was to be her 4 , not mine. And it was. It was unique, not just in 5 but in a charming delivery.She told funny stories, making fun of herself, her classmates, and 6 her teachers. Then she 7 the teachers and led the audience to give a big cheer for them, only to conclude, “Okey, teachers are 8 , but lets not get carried away. Getting an 9 is a side benefit. The real purpose of middle school is to make friends and have fun-am I right?”Then she changed the mood, 10 her classmates to think about the three years of 11 adolescent emotion-conversations, fights, 12 deepest thoughts, and crying on each others 13 .Summing up, she said, “ 14 we think back to these years, we will think about what 15 to us and around us. But what was 16 the most important was what happened 17 us.”“When all is said and done,” she 18 , “the crucial years we spent in middle school were really about 19 .and you know what? Thats what high school is going to be like. And, in fact, the 20 of our lives.”1、Amarriage Bgraduation Cclosing Dopening2、Amoney Blove Cadvice Drespect3、Awork Btake Ccomment Ddepend4、Apractice Bperformance Clecture Dspeech5、Acontent Bform Cstyle Dfact6、Aabsolutely Bexactly Cspecially Despecially7、Ascolded Bblamed Cmentioned Dpraised8、Astrict Bimportant Cserious Davailable9、Aaward Bhonor Ceducation Dacademy10、Areminding Bwanting Cpersuading Dconvincing11、Atender Bintense Cpersonal Dnatural12、Asharing Bgiving away Ctelling Dspeaking of13、Asides Bbacks Cshoulders Ddesks14、AIf BWhen CSince DWhile15、Acontributed Breferred Cled Dhappened16、Areally Brarely Chardly Dmerely17、Ato Bin Caround Dwith18、Asaid Bcried Cshouted Dadded19、Agrowing up Bbringing up Cbreaking up Dtaking up20、Afocus Bvalue Crest DpartSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1My arms shook. The bow was almost as tall as I was, and it was equipped with an arrow, ready to be shot. Never had a more ill-suited person handled a weapon. But my editor had sent me on a mission: to find my inner Katniss Ever deen at one of Beijings indoor archery clubs.The brilliant archer Everdeen is the lead character in The Hunger Games movies, the final of which was just released in cinemas. Her arrows can hit almost anything: sword-swinging enemies, fierce animals, even aircraft some- how. Me? I cant throw a paper ball into a trashcan with any precision. And I was warned that archery would require a great deal of upper body strength, though I hadnt seen the inside of a gym in years.News outlets like the New York Times and NPR have reported an increase of interest in archery, thanks to movies like The Hunger Games, Brave and The Avengers. Archery clubs have showed up in many major cities. In Jian Club, an archery-themed bar, we paid 120 yuan for an hours worth of target practice and prepared our bows and arrows.We were told to stand sideways, with one shoulder facing the bulls eye. Your weaker arm would hold the bow, while the other would pull the bowstring back until the arrow was right next to your face. Then it was meters away.Well, sort of. Instead of sending the arrows whistling through the air, my first few simply dropped onto the ground.The failure was a good reminder that archery is a demanding, Olympic-level sport. It worked muscles in my back and arms that I just didnt have yet. An hour came and went, and I found myself leaving with a couple pierced (刺穿的)bulls eyes and sore shoulders. Was I ready to shoot down aircraft with a swift arrow? Not quite. But I was definitely ready for a return trip.1、Why did the author visit an archery club?ABecause of working as a photographer.BBecause of being a fan of The Hunger Games.CBecause of being given a task by the editor.DBecause of wanting to try a new exercise form.2、What best describes the authors trip to the archery club?ABoring.
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