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考研英语一沁阳市2023年临考冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) The daughter of two “extremely intelligent and very, very hardworking” doctors, Katherine originally had plans to follow in her parents footsteps. She told a careers adviser that her first 1 was medicine, followed by politics. The third on her list of career choices was musical theatre. “Even though those first two 2 were very different, I always want to do something that was going to make a difference,” she said.By the time she 3 from high school, Katherine knew she wanted to be an actress. But she was 4 by every acting school, in that she was too young and didnt have enough life 5 . So she 6 teaching herself everything she could about the craft. At the end of that year, some managers from the US visited Australia. She was asked to 7 an audition tape. The next day the managers called her to say they wanted her to audition. Needless to say she 8 it. Katherine 9 a school student Hannah who committed suicide in 13 Reasons Why. And she 10 a Golden Globe nomination for the role. Hannahs life, Katherine admitted, was 11 easy. “Luckily for me, my high school experience was very 12 to Hannahs. I went to a gifted and talented school, and I got 13 from a group of friends,” she said.This year Katherine 14 in her film Love, Simon, which is another coming-of-age drama, this time 15 bullying. “What 16 me about Love, Simon was its not a high school movie; its a love story. There were so many narratives that felt 17 yet unique, just because of the way they were written and the way I felt they were portrayed,” she said.Being thrust into the public eye so suddenly and so early in her career has meant a 18 learning line for Katherine, who now finds herself walking the red carpet at Hollywood events and being approached by strangers in the street. Despite being involved in such a massive hit, shes not particularly 19 in the size of her following on social media. She said, “For me, it doesnt matter how many followers I have, but if my followers love the show and Im able to interact with them, that is the biggest 20 .”1、AinspirationBreputationCpreferenceDrevolution2、AoptionsBrisksCresponsibilitiesDconsequences3、AbenefitedBgraduatedCpromotedDimproved4、AacceptedBwelcomedCremarkedDrejected5、AexperienceBinsuranceCmembershipDexpectancy6、Aset outBwent againstCgot down toDput off7、ApurchaseBsellCsendDpossess8、AgotBmadeChelpedDfound9、AassistedBencouragedCdefeatedDplayed10、AdisapprovedBearnedCprovidedDimagined11、Anot a bitBnothing butCnot a littleDsomething but12、AsimilarBinferiorCsensitiveDdifferent13、AqualificationsBtreatmentCsupportsDopportunities14、AcompetedBappearedCpersistedDtook15、Aleaving outBbringing aboutCappealing forDdealing with16、ApunishedBstruckCprotectedDterrified17、AspecialBdistinctCfamiliarDobvious18、AsteepBstraightCdelicateDsmooth19、AinvestedBdelightedCcomfortableDflexible20、AresultBchallengeCcompromiseDpayoffSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Mirroring Chinas Past: Emperors and Their BronzesChinese bronzes (青铜) of the second and first millennia BC are some of the most distinctive achievements in the history of art. These vessels (容器) were made to carry sacrificial offerings, to use in burial or to honor noble families in public ceremonies. When they were found by emperors centuries later, these spiritually significant objects were seen as signs of heavenly messages about a ruler or a dynasty and became prized items in royal collections. This exhibitionthe first to explore these ancient objects throughout Chinese historypresents a rare opportunity to experience a large number of these works together in the United States.Unlike Greek and Roman bronze sculptures of human and animal forms, most objects from Bronze Age China (about 2000 - 221 BC) were vessels for ceremonial use. Beginning with the Song dynasty (960 - 1279), emperors unearthed these symbolic works and began collecting them, considering them to be evidence of their own authority as rulers. In addition to impressive collections, the royal fascination with bronzes led to the creation of numerous reproductions and the comprehensive cataloguing of palace holdings. These catalogues are works of art themselves, featuring beautiful drawings and detailed descriptions of each object.From the 12th century onward, scholars and artists also engaged in collecting and understanding ancient
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