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青海省海东地区乐都县2023年考研英语一点睛提分卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When I was a little girl, I found love in a box all because of a class assignment. On a Friday night I 1 at the dinner table, “My teacher said we have to bring a box, a special box, for our valentines on Monday”.Mother said, “Well see,” and she continued eating.What did “Well see” mean? I had to have that box, 2 my second grade Valentines Day would be a disaster. Maybe they didnt love me enough to help me with my 3 All Saturday I waited 4 and with Sunday arriving, my concern increased. However, I 5 that an enquiry about the box would 6 anger or loud voices, for in my house children only asked once. More than that 7 trouble.Late Sunday afternoon, my father called me into the kitchen. The table was covered with different kinds of colorful 8 A (n) 9 shoebox rested on top of it. 10 flooded through me when Daddy said, “Lets get started 11 your project.”In the next hour my father 12 the shoebox into an impressive valentine box. Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts 13 to what I considered all the right places. He sang while he worked. When he finished, he was so delighted that a 14 smile spread across his face. “What do you think of that?” he asked.I answered him with a hug.But inside, 15 danced all the way to my heart. It was the first time that my father had devoted so much 16 to me, for his world consisted only of work.The holiday party arrived, and my classmates put cards and presents into the valentine boxes. Laughter filled our classroom until dismissal time 17 On the way home, I held out my valentine box for the world to 18 The love that filled it meant more to me than all the valentines inside.The valentine box became a symbol of his love that 19 through decades of other Valentines Days. My father gave me other gifts through the years, but none 20 compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old, empty shoebox.1、AannouncedBappearedCservedDsat2、AandBbutCorDso3、AdesignBplanCideaDproject4、AsadlyBanxiouslyCdisappointedlyDpatiently5、AfoundBrealizedCknewDimagined6、AstartBcauseCmarkDproduce7、AinvitedBtookCsavedDhad8、AboxesBgiftsCpaperDfood9、AnewBbigCattractiveDempty10、ARelaxationBReliefCCheerDCalm11、AbyBatCinDon12、AfoldedBpackedCchangedDpressed13、AjoinedBattachedClinkedDconnected14、AslightBbriefCbroadDconfident15、AjoyBfunCinterestDamusement16、AmoneyBtimeCsupportDhope17、AreachedBsetCspentDcame18、AacceptBrespectCadmireDrecognize19、AcarriedBkeptCspreadDlasted20、AeverBevenCyetDstillSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Most of us spend a lot of time trying to figure out what makes us. We search the Internet for personality quizzes. We think endlessly over the things weve said or done. We pick teams-shy or outgoingand then make our decisions through the label weve chosen. Other people, though-that can be a little more of a puzzle. Its not likely that you can get much insight (深入了解) from taking a personality quiz on someone elses behalf. But new research suggests that all that self-reflection youve been doing may be helpful herea team of psychologists found a close link between greater self-awareness and social intelligence. The team leader Bockler said, “To get inside other peoples heads, then it may be best to start with your own.”Over the course of three months, Bockler and her colleagues collected data from 161 people between the ages of 20 and 50 as they experienced a “thoughtful training” designed to help them focus on their inner lives. The participants who improved most over course of the training were also the ones who showed the most growth in how easily they could infer another person, s mental state, a skill known as the theory of mind.Bockler believes these results are especially important given our current state of affairs. “Many of the global challenges that we face todaytaking in refugees (难民), overcoming between-group conflicts, or leading more sustainable (可持续的) livesrequire that we put ourselves in the shoes of others,” she said.Still, we tend to seek inner consideration as a goal in itself, while underestimating (低估) the ways it can also help us connect more closely to others. Self-awareness isnt limited to just usit spreads out into our relationships, too. Taking all those personality quizzes when youre bored on your computer may not be the most helpful in that regard (就这一点而言), but by trying to become mo
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