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英语四级黄金词组及常用15个句型黄金词组1.随着经济的快速发展/人民生活水平的显著提高With the rapid development of economy/the remarkable improvement of peoples living standard.2.面临新的机遇和挑战be faced with new opportunities and challenges3.人们普遍认为It is commonly believed/ recognized that4.社会/科技发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social/technological development5.引起了广泛的公众关注arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention6. 产生深远影响:have/has a profound influence on; have/has dramatic/undesirable effect on7.持有完全不同的观点hold a totally different argument8.对必不可少be indispensable to 9.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in10.正如谚语所说As a famous western proverb/saying goes that四级作文常用谚语1.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。2.God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。3.Easier said than done. 说来容易做来难。4.Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成5. Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。6. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。7. More hasty, less speed. 欲速则不达。8. Its never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。9.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行始于足下。10. Look before you leap. 三思而后行。11. Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。12. It is hard to please all. 众口难调。13. Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不念。14. First things first. 凡事有轻重缓急。15. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。16. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境出人才。17. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。18. Like and like make good friends. 趣味相投。19.As the tree, so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。重在变化避免重复1、词汇:同一文章中相同意思的词要争取不断用近义词替换,以显示文章用词的灵活性。2借助经典谚语名句为增强使用效果,建议诸位:1、在平时的写作练习中多注意总结积累,每个话题都要背上几句。2、尽量用在文章的开头结尾,以及每段的开头,这样才能引人注目。经典句型1、 is the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/ heard/ had/ read, etc)e.g. Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。2、Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + Ve.g. Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有比接受教育更重要的事。3、cannot emphasize the importance of too much.(再强调.的重要性也不为过。)e.g. We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过4、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道.)e.g. It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的5、There is no doubt that + 句子 (毫无疑问,.)e.g. There is no doubt that using the solar energy is clean.毫无疑问,使用太阳能很清洁。6、That is thee xact reason why(那就是.的真正原因)e.g. Summer is very hot ,and that is there ason why I dont like it.夏天很热。那就是我不喜欢它的真正原因。7、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子(如此.以致于.)e.g. So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it.时间如此珍贵,经不起浪费。8、Adj + as be, 主语 + V (虽然.)e.g. Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。11、It is obvious/ apparent/ conceivable that+句子(明显的)e.g. It is conceivable that knowledge plays an importantrole in our life.显而易见,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。12、 be based on(以.为基础)e.g. The progress of the society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的13、be closely related to .(与.息息相关)e.g. Taking exercise is closely related to health.做运动与健康息息相关。14、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N./V-ing, (因为.)e.g. Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realizedmy dream.因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。15、have/has a great influence on (对.有很大的影响)e.g. Smoking has a great influence on our health.抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响、句子:不一定要用长难从句,只要避免相邻句子句式太多的一致即可。
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