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2022-2023年度湖北省银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验押题练习试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、风水在古代其实包含有很深的科学成分,“依山而建,傍水而居”、“面南背北,坐北朝南”几千年流传下来,若非其有着极强的_价值,到今天也不至于被建筑商和民间如此_。A.实用 推崇B.应用 尊宠C.科学 重视D.美学 提倡【答案】 A2、合伙企业对企业债务承担的是()A.有限责任B.无限责任C.有限连带责任D.无限连带责任【答案】 D3、第58题答案是_A.stolenB.missedC.foundD.lost【答案】 A4、为了快速掌握银行业资产情况,对占全国银行业资产总额50%左右的五家大型银行进行调查。这种调查方式属于()。A.全面调查B.典型调查C.抽样酒查D.重点调查【答案】 D5、数字化整合营销可以概括为“一四二”模式。“一”代表一个中心,即()。A.市场增长率B.销售利润率C.客户占有率D.市场占有率【答案】 C6、In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention, the so-called Southeast Asian Tigers have rivaled the westernlions for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist( 有利 ) for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysiasPrimeMinisterMahathir.Hehasattemptedtoforgean international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity. A.fortuneB.fortunesC.fortunateD.fortunately【答案】 D7、75人参加一次数学竞赛,其中第一道题做错的有39人,第二题做错的有26人,第一题和 第二题都做对的有16人,那么这两道题都做错的有( )。A.26 人B.69 人C.6 人D.9 人【答案】 C8、东部地区开展创新活动企业的数量达61万家,占全国开展创新活动规模以上工业企业的()。A.9.6%B.31.6%C.28%D.70.9%【答案】 D9、根据下列内容,回答206-210题。A.From her relativesB.Form her motherC.Form books and picturesD.From radio programs【答案】 C10、Man can eventually land on Venus only whenA.the algae have done their workB.the atmosphere becomes coolerC.there is oxygenD.it rains there【答案】 D11、某次会议,昨天参加会议的男代表比女代表多700人,今天男代表减少10%,女代表增加 了 5%,今天共1995人出席会议,那么昨天参加会议的有( )人。A.2000B.1900C.2100D.2200【答案】 C12、完璧归赵:破釜沉舟:史记A.狐假虎威:刻舟求剑:战国策B.草木皆兵:自相矛盾:晋书C.口蜜腹剑:举一反三:论语D.知己知彼:以逸待劳:孙子【答案】 D13、What did Ms. Waring do before filling out the claim form? A.She visited a bookstoreB.She canceled her paymentC.She returned the itemD.She called the seller【答案】 D14、下列各句中,没有语病且句意明确的一句是()。A.经济全球化及信息科学技术兴起后,企业员工所从事的工作内容发生了很大的变化。B.黄金、纸币、虚拟货币,货币走过上千年,流通和衡量价值方面所发生的变化从没有像今天这样剧烈。C.在教授耐心的讲解下,才使得提问者疑惑顿消,脸上露出开心的笑容。D.在新的时代背景下,公司应该加强员工的培训,挖掘和提升员工的素质和潜力,最终实现公司整体业绩的增长。【答案】 A15、Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness, when exposed to several hours of snow light. A.give the men behind something to seeB.beautify the landscapeC.warm themselves in the coldD.prevent the men behind from losing their way【答案】 A16、 In order to compete for a shrinking pool of qualified programmers, companies that are ( )A.sometimesB.alwaysC.infrequentlyD.otherwise【答案】 D17、Planning so far ahead_no sense, because many things will have changed by nextyear.A.madeB.is makingC.makesD.has made【答案】 C18、 Why did the driver stop his car suddenly and jump out of it? _A.Because he supposed something must have gone wrong with his carB.Because he was moved by the pretty voice of Mrs.JanesC.Because he wondered what had happened to Mrs.JanesD.Because he was frightened by the terrible voice of Mrs.Janes【答案】 A19、当市场价格高于合约的执行价格时,看涨期权的买方会选择()。A.放弃合约B.执行期权C.延长期权D.终止期权【答案】 B20、What can be inferred about Jack White?A.He is between jobs at the momentB.He is not happy with where he is nowC.He hopes to enter the food industryD.He is eager to take on more responsibilities【答案】 D21、Why do the critics criticize advertisers?A.Because advertisers often bragB.Because critics think advertisement is a waste of moneyC.Because customers are encouraged to buy more than necessaryD.Because customers pay more【答案】 A22、第47题答案是_A.that heB.heC.whoD.whom【答案】 C23、“领导者具有某些固定特质且这些特质是与生俱来的”,该观点出自()。A.交易型和改变型领导理论B.特质理论C.魅力型领导理论D.路径一目标理论【答案】 B24、某市为合理用电,鼓励各用户安装“峰谷”电表,市原电价每度0.53元,改新表后,每晚 10点至次日早8点为“低谷”每度0. 28元,其余时间为高峰每度0. 56元。为改装新电表每个 用户须收取100元改装费。假定某用户每月用200度电,两个不同时段耗电量各为100度。那 么改装电表12个月后,该用户可节约( )元。A.161B.162C.163D.164【答案】 D25、随着经济的不断发展和城市扩大,列岛之国有限的土地资源已经越来越不能满足日本人传统的独门独院住宅的奢望。特别是在东京这样的现代化大城市里,
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