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初二英语自我检测情景对话练习题90道学校名称:班级:学号:姓名:1.句子排序,完整对话。()7.A:How should we prevent(预 防)it effectively(有效地)?()8.B:Hi,M ay I ask you some questions,Dr Wang?()9.C:We should form a nice living habit.We must eat balanced diet and domore exercise.()10 D:Oh,sure,but we mustn,t be afraid of catching a cold.I t s a verycommon disease.()11.E:Y es,please.()12.F:I often have a bad cold.I s it going to be very serious for me?2.情景会话。16.一Do you think he,11 come back home this evening?-Dont you miss him?A.M aybe.B.So.C.Where?D.When?17._ N othing but a little sick.Take care of yourself,dear.A.Whats that?B.Whats your name?C.I s it wrong?D.Whats the matter?18.M iss L in,Tim broke his leg.So he can,t come to school today.A.Y ou are too careless.B.I m sorry to hear that.C.Help yourself to some fish.D.Y ou should go to school.19.A pair of glasses would be a good present for Dad.Then l et s go an d bu y a p air fo r him.A.Me,eit her.B.I l ike y o u r idea.C.Hap p y bir t hday,Fat her.I).Y o u r gl as s es ar e s o m o der n.20.Can y o u go t o t he co n cer t w it h m e?r d l o v e t o.A.Bu t I*m t o o bu s y t o go.So r r y.B.I m afr aid n o t.C.So r r y abo u t it.D.Y o u can go al o n e.3.根据对话情景,选择正确答案。()1._ I d l o v e t o.Bu t I hav e n o t im e.”A.Can y o u s kat e?B.W o u l d y o u l ike t o s kat e w it h m e?C.Do y o u l ike s kat in g?D.W il l y o u go s kat in g w it h m e?()2.“_ It s t en fiv e.”A.W hat day is it t o day?B.W hat s t he w eat her?C.W hat s t he t im e?D.W hat s t hr ee t im es fiv e?()3.Ho w m u ch ar e t he car r o t s?,J“_ A.They r e del icio u s.B.They r e t o o cheap.C.A kil o t w o y u an.D.Tw o y u an a kil o.()4.“Hi,Sam!Can y o u co m e o u t an d p l ay fo o t bal l w it h u s?”A.So r r y,I hav e t o.B.I m afr aid I do n,t.C.No p r o bl em.D.I do n,t agr ee w it h y o u.()5.May I hav e an egg s an dw ich,p l eas e?”“_A.OK!Her e it is.B.Than ks.I m fu l l.C.Of co u r s e,y o u m u s t.D.Cer t ain l y.Giv e y o u.4.情景反应 从(B)栏 中 找 出(A)栏句子的正确答语。(A)1.W ho w as t he m es s age fr o m?()2.Ar e y o u fr ee t o m o r r o w?()3.W hy w il l Kat e hav e a p ar t y t o m o r r o w?()4.Did y o u go t o t he cin em a l as t n ight?()5.Which do you like better,beef or pork?()6.Could I have a full bottle of orange,please?()7.Were there any messages this morning?()8.What s the weather like()9.Which do you like best,()10.How do you like fish?A.N o,there weren,t.C.Oh,its delicious.E.I t was from Brook.G.N o,I didn,t.Because I had ain Beijing now?tomatoes,pears or cabbages?(B)B.Certainly.Here you are.D.I like tomatoes best.F.Because tomorrow is her birthday,ot of things to do.H.I like pork better than beef.I.Y es,I think so.5.根据情景,选择正确的上句或者下句。()1.一-M uch better,thank you.A.How are you feeling today?B.What happened to you?C.What can I do for you?()2.一 一Sorry.I filled the form by mistake yesterday evening.一 一A.Shame on you.Y ou*re too careless.B.Don,t make the same mistake again!C.I t doesn,t matter.()3.一M ust we lift the heavy boxes now?-A.Y es,you may not.B.N o,you mustn,t.C.N o,you don,t have to.()4.-She spends more than half an hour there.A.How often does she spend in the reading-room every week?B.How long does she spend in the reading-room every week?C.How much does she spend in the reading-room every week?()5.-Why not go with us?A.I m afraid not.M y right hand is painful.B.Sue.V d be glad to.C.I don,t think so.I 11 go with you next time.()6.Y es,he swims well.A.I s he good at swimming?B.Are you good at swimming?C.Does he swim very well?6.句子排序,完整对话。()7.A:Ho w s ho u l d w e p r ev en t it effect iv el y?()8.B:Hi,May I as k y o u s o m e q u es t io n s,Dr W an g?()9.C:W e s ho u l d fo r m a n ice l iv in g habit.W e m u s t eat bal an ced diet an d dom o r e ex er cis e.()10.D:Oh,s u r e,bu t w e m u s t n,t be afr aid o f cat chin g a co l d.It s a v er yco m m o n dis eas e.()11.E:Y es,p l eas e.()12.F:I o ft en hav e a bad co l d.Is it go in g t o be v er y s er io u s fo r m e?7.根据对话情景写出单词,词首字母已给出。Lu cy:Did y o u m a New Y ear s r es o l u t io n t his y ear,Kim?Kim:Y es,Lu cy,I did.Lu cy:W ar e y o u go in g t o do?Kim:W el l,I m go in g t o jo in t he s o ccer t eam.Man n u el:I I ar e y o u go in g t o do t hat?Kim:I m go in g t o p r act ice r eal l y h,an d If m go in g t o a s u m m er cam p,I m go in g t o p l ay s o ccer ev er y day t her e.Man n u el:Ho w a y o u,Lu cy?Did y o u m ake a r es o l u t io n?Lu cy:Oh,s u r e.I m go in g t o l ear n t o p an in s t r u m en t.Kim:Co o l.Ho w ar e y o u go in g t o do t hat?Lu cy:I m go in g t o t ake p ian o 1Kim:Ho w abo u t y o u,Man n u el?Man n u el:My New Y ear s r es o l u t io n is t o get go o d g.Kim:Ho w ar e y o u go in g t o do t hat?Man n u el:I m go in g t o s t u dy har d an d do m y h ev er y day.Lu cy:That s go o d.8.根据情景,完成对话。Tina:Hello,this is Tina 3 6.M ike:Hi,Tina.This is M ike.There will be a basketball 3 7 in our schooltomorrow afternoon.3 8 you like to come?Tina:Great.I d like to.Who are you going to play 3 9?M ike:A 40 from N o.5 High Scho
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