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校本课程教案Happy school livesPeriod I Watch and discussTeacher:Time:Place:Teaching Aims:1.Encourage students to use the appropriate words to talk about the schoollife and review the words about school life.2.Learn different words which mean the same thing between British Englishand American English.3.Learn the differences between American school lives and Chinese schoollives.4.Help students to understand team spirit and know what to do to keep theteam spirit in a team or group.Teaching contents:1.Watch a video about Lilys first day in an American high school,then havea discussion.2.Watch a short flash about a running competition between Chinese andAmerican teams,then find out the reason why the Chinese team loses.3.A talent show of all the students.Important points:1.Help the students use the proper words to talk about their daily school lives.2.Grasp the spelling of British words and American words such as lift andelevator,post and mail,film and movie,football and soccer,and so on.3.Learn the differences between American school lives and Chinese schoollives.Difficult points:1.Learn the differences between American school lives and Chinese schoollives.2.Help students to understand team spirit and know what to do to keep theteam spirit in a team or group.Teaching methods:Communicative methodsTeaching Aids:Multi-computer systemTeaching procedureStep Content Teacher StudentStep 1Warm-upDo you like our school?Yes.(5minsTeacher has aWhat do you like?Friends and teachers./)free talk withHow many subjects doPlayground.students.you learn?Can you tell me somenames of them?Good.Is there anotherword for Math?Great.Maths is Math.Maths is British English.While Math is AmericanEnglish(write on Bb)Five./Six./Seven.Chinese,Math,English,PE,Geography,etc.(Encourage the Ss to saymore about it.)Yes.Maths.Step 2Pre-taskT:I know many boys likeSoccer.(Write on Bb)(5minsShow theplaying football.Do you)flags of theUK and theknow what it says inAmerican English?USA.AndDo you know the sameAutumn means fall.help studentsuse of other words?Rubber means eraser.to learn morePlease give me someSecondary school meansdifferentwords whichmean thesame thing inboth Englandand America.examples.high school.Step 3(15mins)Watch anddiscuss:Play a videoabout Lilysfirst day in anAmericanhigh school,then letstudents havea discussion.Which countries are thetwo girls from?Watch the video againand discuss in groups offour to find out thedifferences betweenthem.You can read thescript on Page 10.Lily is from China andJenifer is American.(Watch,read anddiscuss.)Group 1:they often useslangs,such as“Breakyour legs!:Group 2:They talk withtheir parents just liketalking with fimds.Group 3:They are easierto make friends.Group 4:They dontwear school uniforms.Group 5:They are morehumorous.Step 4Watch and(play the flash)Now,(laugh)There are two(15find:well watch a funny shortteams having amins)Watch a shortflash.Watch and tell mecompetition of running.flash about a what is happening?One is Chinese,and therunningWhich team wins the other is Apetitionbetweencompetition?Why?The American team.Because some AmericanChinese andYes,that is called Team player leave a mark inAmericanSpirit.the traps.teams,thenWhat can we do to keep(Students discuss infind out the team spirit in a team or groups of four again andreason whythe Chineseteam loses.group?find out their ownanswers.)Step 5Show timeAsk each group to send a Show their talents by(5minsstudent representative to singing an English song,)show us his/her talent.Their behaviors musthave something to dowith English.dancing or telling anEnglish joke and so on.Homework1.Each of the students in the Riverside Drama Club must prepare a talentshow in English.In the next lesson,we will have a small party to enjoydifferent shows.2.Finish Part 2 of Task 2 in their groups after class,well discuss thesequestions in the following class.Blackboard design Break your le g s祝你好运costumes戏 服 m atch搭 配 yaw n打哈欠 in c a s e以防万一(6)shortsighted近视的 on ones way t o在某人去 的路上 Whats up?=What happens?怎么了?handle 处理 have something planned to handle有计划好的事情要处理After-class-reflection参加社团活动的既有七年级学生也有八年级学生,所以教材在编定时有了不同的难度。备课时,笔者根据学生的具体情况进行分层次备课。教学中在开展活动时,笔者亦注意不同层次学生的活动难度不同。但是初一的学生任然具有畏惧心理不敢开口说英语,怕说错。笔者认为这是课前准备不充分造成的,这里所指的不充分既是指学生也是指任课教师。因此笔者在家庭作业里对学生提出了课前预习探讨的要求,在以后的备课中,笔者会充分注意到提问和活动安排的难易层次,会加强针对性的指导。
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