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2021-2022年度山东省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识精选试题及答案五一单选题(共60题)1、I believe you have _ some important points in the report.A.left offB.left behindC.left outD.left alone【答案】 C2、填入括号中最恰当的词语是()。A.再接再厉龙争虎斗B.自力更生明争暗斗C.自力更生龙争虎斗D.再接再厉明争暗斗【答案】 C3、Passage 8A.The rules are good for lenders while bad for borrowersB.The rules will help baby boomer seniors to save moneyC.The rules will help consumers better understand reverse mortgageD.The rules will be stricter for consumers【答案】 C4、2019年8月12日,中国银行与()签署战略合作协议。双方将在推进金融业关键信息基础设施国产化、服务“一带一路”建设和助力脱贫攻坚战等方面进行战略合作。根据合作协议,双方将发挥各自优势,秉持互利共赢的原则,建立多领域战略合作,实现共同发展。A.人民网B.新华通讯社C.南方周末D.新浪财经【答案】 B5、下列语句中没有语病的一项是()。A.参加这次关于基因治疗技术论坛的各界人士在论坛期间就基因技术发展方向、应用前景、普及等众多议题为期两天发表意见并进行了深入、广泛的交流。B.一位领导表示,今年政府将会拨出专款用来改善棚户区居民的生活条件,尽量让所有人都能住上宽敞明亮的房子。C.这种病毒虽然传播速度慢,但极易致死,如果不研发出相关疫苗,疫情会逐渐扩散,给整个社会带来不可估量的损失。D.在政府的号召之下,K市数千名青年志愿者深入基层学雷锋活动,帮助老人们做家务,让他们不再那么孤单,无助。【答案】 B6、资料:Early ExperiencesA.The nearest customersB.The virtual customersC.People that pretend to be customersD.The VIPs【答案】 C7、从网络购买的以下商品,消费者有权自收到商品7日内退货的是()。A.订做的西服B.电视机C.在线下载的杀毒软件D.新鲜水果【答案】 B8、_the unpredictability, the technological failure is another big threat to the aviation industry.A.ExceptB.LikeC.Along withD.Other than【答案】 D9、 2012年10月8日,顺达公司从二级市场上以1050万元(含已宣告但尚未发放的现金股利50万元)进行公司的股权投资,另发生交易费用10万元,顺达公司将其划分为交易性金融资产。2012年12月31日,交易性金融资产的公允价值为1300万元,假定不考虑其他因素,则2012年12月31日顺达公司应就该笔交易性金融资产确定的公允价值变动损益为()万元。A.300B.250C.240D.290【答案】 A10、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned.A.the rapid increase in the number of abandoned childrenB.the high percentage of single-parent familyC.the gradual decrease of father-child contactD.the negative impact of family split on children【答案】 C11、 关于会计核算的基本前提,下列说法中不正确的是()。A.会计基本假设包括会计主体、持续经营、会计分期和货币计量B.如果企业发生破产清算.经相关部门批准后,可以继续适用持续经营假设C.在我国.以公历年度作为企业的会计年度。即公历1月1日至12月31日D.会计的货币计量假设,包含了两层含义:一是以货币作为会计的统一计量单位:二是作为会计计量单位的货币.其币值是稳定不变的【答案】 B12、资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company.A.Hair style and clothes; corporate identityB.Colors and symbols; culture and identityC.Hair style and clothes; imageD.Colors and symbols; taste and mission【答案】 B13、Upon completing his examination _ the patient, the docter offered his judgment of her condition.A.ofB.offC.aboutD.around【答案】 A14、人工智能的出现对哲学意识论的意义是()。A.否定了意识对物质的能动性B.根本改变了人类意识活动中的主体性C.降低了人在意识活动中的主体性D.表明意识活动与其他物质运动形式的同一性【答案】 D15、It is said that this job is open to all,_previous experience.A.regardless ofB.prior toC.because ofD.in case of【答案】 A16、社会生产方式包括的两个方面是()。A.经济基础和上层建筑B.生产力和生产关系C.人的因素和物的因素D.劳动者和生产资料【答案】 B17、资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing security measures for their devices, according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA.A.Implement security measures for smart devices and protect the securityB.Boost user education on the pitfalls of mobile security and assess whether the initiatives are workingC.Boost user education on the apps and test the security of themD.None of above【答案】 B18、把生产资本分为固定资本与流动资本,其依据是( )。A.在生产过程中不同的价值转移方式B.在生产过程中不同的物质存在形态C.不同部分在剩余价值生产中的不同作用D.不同部分的不同运动速度【答案】 A19、 审计证据的相关性和可靠性即为审计证据的( )。A.适当性B.充分性C.正确性D.可信性【答案】 A20、下列关于期权的说法中,()是不正确的。A.期权的买方只有义务而没有权利B.期权的卖方没有选择权C.期权的交易对象是选择权D.期权的买方可以放弃行使期权【答案】 A21、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.UnbiasedB.Slightly criticalC.Fully supportiveD.Paradoxical【答案】 B22、I have been looking_your kind reply.A.out forB.down onC.in onD.forward to【答案】 D23、下列说法不正确的是( )。A.舞低杨柳楼心月柳永B.两情若是久长时秦观C.此情无计可消除李清照D.可惜流年、忧愁风雨辛弃疾【答案】 A24、货币市场具一般具有期限短、流动性强、对利率敏感等特点,有( )之誉。A.货币B.票据C.基础货币D.准货币【答案】 D25、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured & offer decent returns. There is no
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