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2021-2022年度北京市船舶水手考试真题精选附答案一单选题(共60题)1、下列那项不属于纤维缆在养护周期内的检查要点() A. 外表磨损情况 B. 外表是否有灰尘 C. 测量粗细 D. 断股情况 试题答案:B 2、Ropes should be kept (). A. in wet places B. close to the heat C. away from chemicals D. in dry places 试题答案:C 3、露天甲板() A. main deck B. weather deck C. lower deck D. bridge deck 试题答案:B 4、The ()(载驳船) carries loaded lighter on board. A. LASH B. Lo/Lo C. Ro/Ro D. LNG carrier 试题答案:A 5、Radar is of great help to ship in poor()(能见度). A. visibility B. VHF C. visible D. compass 试题答案:C 6、蒲福氏风级表中将风分为13级,当风级6级时对应的风名是:() A. 清风 B. 强风 C. 疾风 D. 大风 试题答案:B 7、boarding time() A. 登船卡 B. 登船时间 C. 下地时间 D. 巡视时间 试题答案:B 8、A ()can give power to hoist or lower cargo. A. cargo winch B. lift winch C. derrick D. crane 试题答案:A 9、The maintenance work for sailors includes cleaning , repairing, and ()(涂漆) work on board a ship. A. painting B. painter C. pain D. pair 试题答案:A 10、Answers back.() A. 回舵 B. 满舵 C. 舵反转 D. 压舵 试题答案:C 11、()(降下)the derrick, please. A. Lower B. Top C. Hoist D. Take down 试题答案:A 12、救火警报发出后,所有船员(航行值班情况者除外)应按照部署规定,在()分钟内赶赴现场。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 试题答案:B 13、The ()(应变部署表)is posted in public places in different parts of the ship. A. muster list B. cargo list C. price list D. repair list 试题答案:A 14、Apply two coats of ()(红丹漆) and topside paint to the forecastle deck. A. primer B. red lead paint C. undercoat D. top coat 试题答案:B 15、winch platform() A. 起货机平台 B. 夹板 C. 千斤顶 D. 油压千斤顶 试题答案:A 16、螺旋桨有四个桨叶。 () A. The helm has four blades. B. The propeller has forty blades. C. The windlass has four blades. D. The propeller has four blades. 试题答案:D 17、propeller() A. 螺旋桨 B. 叶桨 C. 舵 D. 叶轮 试题答案:A 18、载重线标志的主要作用是确定() A. 船舶吨位 B. 船舶吃水 C. 载重量 D. 船舶干舷 试题答案:D 19、下列那项不是围油栏的作用()。 A. 用于水域防止溢油扩散 B. 使溢油乳化分散形成小颗粒 C. 缩小溢油面积 D. 转移溢油和保护水域环境 试题答案:B 20、()are not included in the common tools. A. Screwdrivers B. Derricks C. Chipping hammers D. Saws 试题答案:B 21、船上堵漏器材配备的种类,数量规格是根据()确定的。 A. 船舶的大小 B. 船舶的类型 C. 航行区域 D. A+B+C 试题答案:D 22、物质燃烧是可燃物质与()进行反应的结果 A. 氧气 B. 氧化剂 C. 氧气或氧化剂 D. 二氧化碳 试题答案:C 23、pilot() A. 引航员 B. 船长 C. 代理 D. 舷梯 试题答案:A 24、碰垫() A. tug B. fender C. rope D. tool 试题答案:B 25、The hawser should be (). A. take great care of B. take great careful of C. taken great care of D. taking great care of 试题答案:C 26、We must()(后移)one metre. A. shift aft B. shift astern C. move aft D. move back 试题答案:B 27、-Slow ahead both engines!-Slow ahead both engines! ()! A. Both engines slow ahead B. Engine slow ahead port C. Engine slow ahead starboard D. Engine both ahead 试题答案:A 28、“In no time” means(). A. have no time B. in a minute C. a long time D. on time 试题答案:B 29、船员安全守则中规定,值班前()小时不准喝酒,酒后严禁操作。 A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 试题答案:B 30、所谓船舶处于“台风严重威胁中”,是指当台风中心接近本船于()以内,遭遇风力超过6级以上时。 A. 12小时 B. 24小时 C. 36小时 D. 48小时 试题答案:B 31、You should release the ()(重型螺栓)on top of the cover. A. lock in B. heavy bolt C. socket D. heavy cleat 试题答案:B 32、污水井() A. bilge well B. bilge water C. fresh water D. sea water 试题答案:A 33、()the gangway, please. A. Lower B. Higher C. Lowered D. High 试题答案:A 34、The ()(吊杆托架) supports the derrick. A. derrick boom rest B. derrick head C. derrick mast D. derrick guy 试题答案:A 35、Loose paint and scale are removed with a scraper.() A. 用敲锈锤铲去重锈。 B. 用敲锈锤铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。 C. 用刮刀铲去起泡的油漆和锈皮。 D. 用刮刀铲去重锈。 试题答案:C 36、The()(精致货) must be handled with care. A. bagged cargo B. delicate cargo C. cased cargo D. non-packed cargo 试题答案:B 37、The ship has to () out of harbour. A. be B. get C. let go anchor D. anchor 试题答案:D 38、The muster list may be supplemented by individual cards issued to each member of the crew.() A. 它可以由分发给一些船员的个人卡作出补充。 B. 它可以由分发给每一个船员的个人卡作出补充。 C. 它可以由分发给所有船员的个人卡共同组成。 D. 它是由分发给每一个船员的个人卡共同组成。 试题答案:B 39、锚马上就要出水了。() A. The anchor will be up in a moment. B. The anchor is clear of the bottom. C. The cable is clear . D. The cables are clear. 试题答案:A 40、hacksaw() A. 钢锯 B. 钢丝钳 C. 凿子 D. 钻 试题答案:A 41、远离缆绳。() A. Get ready for the ropes. B. Keep away from the ropes. C. Slack away the ropes. D. Heave in the rope. 试题答案:B 42、疏浚钻孔取样土时,对于简单地形构造的,其钻孔间距可掌握在:() A. 50100米 B. 100200米 C. 2050米 D. 200300米 试题答案:B 43、检查救生衣和个人物品。() A. Check your life-jackets and belongings. B. The cable is leading str
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