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2021-2022年度江西省船舶水手考试考前冲刺模拟试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、It is more economical to use (), because of their greater strength and longer useful lives.正确答案A A. nylon ropes B. manila ropes C. sisal ropes D. wooden ropes 试题答案:A 2、船舶强度大、功率大、稳性和浮性较好,但船体较小的船舶称为() A. 海洋开发船 B. 拖船 C. 航标船 D. 破冰船 试题答案:B 3、Keep clear of the ()! A. boy B. bitt C. buoy D. bollard 试题答案:C 4、chisel() A. 钢丝钳 B. 凿子 C. 管钳 D. 钳子 试题答案:B 5、() just looks like a guard standing on the deck. A. Mast B. Master C. Must D. Main deck 试题答案:A 6、下列哪一项不是皮肤的功能() A. 保护作用 B. 支持作用 C. 调节体温 D. 感受外界刺激 试题答案:B 7、引水员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。() A. The pilot room is next to the chart room. B. The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse . C. The pilot room is next to the captains cabin. 试题答案:B 8、使用自动舵航行,当发现自动舵出现异常情况时,应() A. 立即用手操舵 B. 立即关闭自动舵并检查 C. 立即改用手操舵并报告驾驶员 D. 立即改用应急舵 试题答案:C 9、Our heavy derrick has been ()(不用)for a long time. A. out of order B. out of date C. out of danger D. out of use 试题答案:D 10、扔给他救生圈,并帮他上船。() A. Release a life-jacket and help him come on board. B. Releasing lifebuoy and help him come on board. C. Throw him a lifebuoy and help him come on board. D. Release a life-raft and help him come on board. 试题答案:C 11、()不仅在物体表面燃烧,且深入内部,主要用水来施救。 A. 甲类火 B. 乙类火 C. 丙类火 D. 丁类火 试题答案:A 12、Pay more attention to () . A. the ride and fall of the tide B. ride with fall of the tide C. riding and falling of the tide D. riding with falling of the tide 试题答案:A 13、Im on fire and have dangerous cargo on board. The most urgent assistance (最紧急的援助)in this case would be() . A. lifeboat B. medicine C. firefighting D. lifesaving 试题答案:C 14、The()(滚动式舱盖) runs along the guide rail. A. rolling type hatch cover B. side-rolling hatch cover C. folding type hatch cover D. automatic hatch cover 试题答案:A 15、载重线圆圈的中心应位于() A. 船中以前四分之一船长处 B. 船中以后四分之一船长处 C. 船中前后 D. 船中处 试题答案:D 16、They will ()out a more detailed inspection. A. carried B. carrying C. to carry D. carry 试题答案:D 17、要使船舶具备一个良好的稳性须满足:() A. GM0 B. GM0 C. GM=0 D. 与GM无关 试题答案:A 18、大台() A. galley B. saloon C. cabin D. gallery 试题答案:B 19、() should be removed and disposed of first. A. Dirty B. Garbage C. Paint D. Water 试题答案:B 20、That is a ()(救助船). A. dredger B. LASH C. salvage vessel D. barge 试题答案:C 21、We should often ()the bow and stern of a ship. A. inspects B. inspecting C. inspect D. inspected 试题答案:C 22、Embark on the ()(登艇甲板). A. embarkation deck B. disembarkation ladder C. fender D. boat plug 试题答案:A 23、腹股沟有较大的出血,最好的止血法是() A. 加压包扎 B. 止血带 C. 指压止血 D. 止血钳 试题答案:A 24、从海底挖出疏浚土的处理方式有:() A. 抛到深水区域 B. 吹到泥塘内造地 C. AB均可 D. AB均不是 试题答案:C 25、shore crane () A. 龙门吊 B. 浮吊 C. 岸吊 D. 起重机 试题答案:C 26、不要随意地移动稳索。() A. Dont shift the guy as you like. B. Dont shift the stay as you like. C. Dont move the derrick as you like. D. Dont move the crane as you like. 试题答案:A 27、-()(把定)! -Yes ,sir! A. Midship B. Steady C. Head on D. Hard-a-port 试题答案:B 28、Four ()are needed to work this heavy derrick. A. winches B. gears C. windlass D. cranes 试题答案:A 29、The()(侧滚式舱盖) runs along the guide rail. A. rolling type hatch cover B. side-rolling hatch cover C. folding type hatch cover D. automatic hatch cover 试题答案:B 30、远离缆绳。() A. Get ready for the ropes. B. Keep away from the ropes. C. Slack away the ropes. D. Heave in the rope. 试题答案:B 31、They should ()care of anchors to ensure that they are in normal condition. A. took B. take C. taking D. taken 试题答案:B 32、It is the job of ()to drop off the pilot. A. the duty sailor B. the 2nd officer C. the captain D. the duty officer 试题答案:A 33、Please fill in this visitors (). A. registry book B. exercise book C. seamans book D. record book 试题答案:A 34、()run in all parts of the world. A. Barges B. Tramps C. Ferries D. Liners 试题答案:B 35、Oil pumped ashore by ships()(油泵). A. pine B. hose C. oil pump D. crane 试题答案:C 36、消防水枪装在水龙带接扣上,起射水作用,用于扑救()物质水灾。 A. 高层建筑 B. 远距离 C. 棉布、木材 D. 一般 试题答案:D 37、Well finish ()cargo before long. A. loading B. load C. loaded D. loads 试题答案:A 38、月引力和日引力的矢量和称为引潮力,而月引力比日引力大:() A. 2.0倍 B. 2.17倍 C. 2.5倍 D. 3倍 试题答案:B 39、The ()is out of order. We must have someone to repair it at once. A. stevedore B. foreman C. derrick D. docker 试题答案:C 40、()(干舷漆) and boottopping paint are used on the different areas of the ships hull.
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