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2021-2022年度天津市船舶水手考试自我检测试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、载重线标志的主要作用是确定() A. 船舶吨位 B. 船舶吃水 C. 载重量 D. 船舶干舷 试题答案:D 2、The duty () should do the cleaning work every morning. A. officer B. motorman C. sailor D. engineer 试题答案:C 3、Im a ship chandler. Id like to see the () (管事). A. cook B. purser C. chief steward D. visitor 试题答案:B 4、甲板货() A. deck cargo B. bagged cargo C. packed cargo D. unpacked cargo 试题答案:A 5、Paints are stowed in the ()(油漆间). A. paint locker B. Painted board C. painting punt D. primer 试题答案:A 6、下列()不是规则中要求的号型。 A. 球体 B. 圆柱体 C. 菱型体 D. 十字体 试题答案:D 7、The ()(油驳) is a barge carrying oil. A. oil barge B. oil ship C. pilot boat D. barge 试题答案:A 8、下列那种材料用于包扎伤口() A. 三角巾 B. 麻绳 C. 绷带 D. 毛巾 试题答案:B 9、检查救生衣和个人物品。() A. Check your life-jackets and belongings. B. The cable is leading straight ahead. C. I have given it a thorough clean. D. Steer the wheel carefully and pay attention to keeping a sharp lookout. 试题答案:A 10、白棕绳沾有海水和泥沙后应:() A. 烘干入库存放 B. 用海水将泥沙冲洗干净,晒干 C. 用淡水洗净后晒干收存 D. 直接存放 试题答案:C 11、安全水域标的标身颜色为:() A. 红黑横纹 B. 黑白横纹 C. 红白直纹 D. 黑白直纹 试题答案:C 12、That is the ()(易碎的) cargo. A. flammable B. dangerous C. fragile D. poisonous 试题答案:C 13、Nothing to port() A. 勿偏左 B. 勿偏右 C. 无舵效 D. 右满舵 试题答案:A 14、二副() A. second officer B. two officers C. marine officer D. captain 试题答案:A 15、打开锚灯 () A. Switch on the deck light! B. Switch on the anchor light! C. Switch on the cargo light! D. Switch on the hold light! 试题答案:B 16、The ()(载驳船) carries loaded lighter on board. A. LASH B. Lo/Lo C. Ro/Ro D. LNG carrier 试题答案:A 17、engine room() A. 甲板 B. 机舱 C. 驾驶台 D. 操作室 试题答案:B 18、A ()leads aft from the forecastle to the shore. A. head line B. fore breast line C. fore spring D. stern line 试题答案:C 19、成人在平静时的呼吸频率约为每分钟()次 A. 16,18 B. 20,22 C. 23,25 D. 26,28 试题答案:A 20、electric hand saw() A. 梅花扳手 B. 锤子 C. 电动手锯 D. 套筒扳手 试题答案:C 21、消防水枪装在水龙带接扣上,起射水作用,用于扑救()物质水灾。 A. 高层建筑 B. 远距离 C. 棉布、木材 D. 一般 试题答案:D 22、Well finish ()the hull this morning. A. paint B. painted C. painting D. to paint 试题答案:C 23、Dont operate two or more hatch ()at the same time. A. caps B. levers C. covers D. coamings 试题答案:C 24、首推全速向右() A. Bow stern full to port! B. Bow stern half to port! C. Bow thrust full to starboard ! D. Bow thrust full to port! 试题答案:C 25、()can give a hard-wearing surface and the required color. A. Primers B. Undercoats C. Topcoats D. Cement wash 试题答案:C 26、Bow ()(推进器) full to starboard. A. thrust B. stern C. engine D. speed 试题答案:A 27、远离缆绳。() A. Get ready for the ropes. B. Keep away from the ropes. C. Slack away the ropes. D. Heave in the rope. 试题答案:B 28、冷藏船() A. cargo ship B. refrigerated ship C. Ro/Ro ship D. oil tanker 试题答案:B 29、红药水用于皮肤伤口或皮肤沾膜的消毒,它不能与()同用 A. 紫药水 B. 酒精 C. 双氧水 D. 碘酒 试题答案:D 30、The fire is spreading. Do not attempt to extinguish it.() A. 火势得到了控制,不要试图扑灭它。 B. 火势得到了控制,请试图扑灭它。 C. 火势正在蔓延,不要试图扑灭它。 D. 火势正在蔓延,请尝试扑灭它。 试题答案:C 31、Apply two coats of red lead primer and topside paint ()the forecastle deck. A. for B. with C. to D. at 试题答案:C 32、每月一次() A. once a month B. once a week C. once a day D. once a year 试题答案:A 33、大副() A. chief officer B. first mate C. A+B D. pilot 试题答案:C 34、Manila ropes can be used ()mooring and handling cargoes. A. for B. to C. by D. with 试题答案:A 35、值班水手在操舵时() A. 不应被认为是了望人员 B. 可以同时执行了望任务 C. 没有任何协助了望的任务 D. 以上都不对 试题答案:A 36、Please fix some more ()(货灯). A. port lights B. starboard lights C. mast lights D. cargo lights 试题答案:D 37、That is the ()(气味) cargo. A. odorous B. powder C. chemical D. noxious 试题答案:A 38、安全负荷量() A. the load B. safe working load C. safe working D. safe loading work 试题答案:B 39、Liquid bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by pumps.() A. 液体散货是由泵装卸的 B. 干散货是由吊杆装卸的 C. 液体散货是由吊杆装卸的 D. 干散货是由泵装卸的 试题答案:A 40、The ()part of the ship on port is called the port bow. A. aft B. forward C. head D. bow 试题答案:B 41、All the crew must know the locations as well as the ()of the life-saving and fire-fighting appliances. A. operate B. operating C. operations D. operated 试题答案:C 42、值班水手操舵时,对船长/驾驶员或引航员所下的舵令,必须立即() A. 回令并执行 B. 复诵并执行 C. 询问 D. 不回复 试题答案:B 43、Bolts, nuts, split pins, hinges, wheels and stoppers should be frequently (). A. checked B. closed C. removed
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