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2024年高三上学期英语夯实基础+突破能力集训 (2) (通用版)2024年高三上学期英语夯实基础+突破能力集训 (2)Part One基础高频词汇短语切换记忆背诵30+汉译英30Part Two突破重点句型情景衔接+结构分辨20句Part Three娴熟链接高考娴熟技巧四题型(阅读+语填+写作)Part One 基础高频词汇短语切换记忆30词(背诵)1.be absorbed in/concentrate (oneself) on全神贯注于,专心致志于2.make up ones mind 下定决心3.observe the school regulations 遵守学校规章制度4.be equipped with 装备有5.show interest in 在方面感兴趣6.take part in/participate in 参加7.take in 理解;吸收8.go in for 参加,从事,对感兴趣9.build up ones body 增强体质10.enrich ones knowledge 丰富某人的知识11. widen horizon 开阔视野12.ask for leave 请假13.cheat in the exam 考试作弊14.account for 解释15.spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事16.adapt to 适应17. be occupied with so much schoolwork 忙于功课18.turn to the teacher for help 向老师求助19.make progress in 在方面取得进步20.get high marks 得高分21.pay off 取得成功22.live up to ones expectations 不辜负某人的期望23. place emphasis on 以为重心24. lay a solid foundation for the future 为将来打下坚实的基础25. benefit future development 对将来的发展有益26. expand ones knowledge 扩大知识面27. draw pleasure from ones studies 从学习中获得乐趣28. place the study ahead of anything else 将学习放在首位29. accuse sb of sth 控告30. all at once 突然同时Part One 基础 高频词汇短语切换记忆30词 (汉译英)1._全神贯注于,专心致志于2._下定决心3._遵守学校规章制度4._装备有5._ 在方面感兴趣6._参加7._理解;吸收8._参加,从事,对感兴趣9._ 增强体质10._ 丰富某人的知识11. _ 开阔视野12._ 请假13._考试作弊14._ 解释15._ 不遗余力做某事16._ 适应17. _忙于功课18._ 向老师求助19._ 在方面取得进步20._得高分21._ 取得成功22._ 不辜负某人的期望23. _ 以为重心24. _ 为将来打下坚实的基础25. _ 对将来的发展有益26. _ 扩大知识面27. _ 从学习中获得乐趣28. _将学习放在首位29. _ 控告30. _ 突然同时Part Two突破重点句型情景衔接+结构分辨20句1. put the blame on sb.We should be to blame for our behavior and dont put the blame on others._2. be bitter about He was bitter about losing the job._3.be blessed withI was blessed with a happy childhood,one that most people would want to have._3. be blind to Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their children._4. make sbs blood boil The way he treats his parents really makes my blood boil._6. in the same boatShe and I are in the same boat. We both failed the exam._7. keep body and soul togetherShe hardly earns enough to keep body and soul together._8. He decided to break away from home after graduation._9. The sun broke through at around lunchtime._10. build up Taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind._11. out of breath Eric came running into the room,out of breath._
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