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2024年高三上学期英语夯实基础+突破能力集训 (3) (通用版)2024年高三上学期英语夯实基础+突破能力集训 (3)Part One基础高频词汇短语切换记忆背诵30+汉译英30Part Two突破重点句型情景衔接+结构分辨20句Part Three娴熟链接高考娴熟技巧四题型(阅读+七选五+语填+写作)Part One 基础高频词汇短语切换记忆30词(背诵)1、have a soft spot for 对情有独钟2、plain sailing 一帆风顺3、on a daily basis 每天4、bite back 忍住(话);抑制(情感)5、calendar days 工作日6、bonus room 备用房7、gaming technology 游戏科技8、a green hand 新手9、first timers 新手,菜鸟10、plain old “普普通通的”,即没什么特别之处11.jump out of ones skin 大吃一惊,欣喜若狂 12.carryforward 弘扬,推进13.take shape. 体现,成形14.close and stuffy 闷热的15.at such short notice: 随时,没有准备时间,时间短16.round-the-clock service 全天候服务mon ground (观点、利益和目标的)共同基础,共同点18.nose into 探听19.as sound as a bell. 身体很好20.over the moon 欣喜若狂21.big dog 保镖22.bell the cat. 承担那项重担23.inshape 健康,在形状上24.carve out 创造 抽出 开拓25. beyond argument 毋庸置疑26.beyond measure. 极其,无比27.on board with 支持,赞同28.Milky Way 银河(系)29.robPeter to pay Paul. 拆东墙补西墙30.I have a runny nose 流鼻涕的Part One 基础 高频词汇短语切换记忆30词 (汉译英)1、 对情有独钟2、 一帆风顺3、 每天4、 忍住(话);抑制(情感)5、 工作日6、 备用房7、 游戏科技8、 新手9、 新手,菜鸟10、 “普普通通的”,即没什么特别之处11. 大吃一惊,欣喜若狂 12. 弘扬,推进13. 体现,成形14. 闷热的15. 随时,没有准备时间,时间短16 全天候服务17. (观点、利益和目标的)共同基础,共同点18. 探听19. 身体很好20. 欣喜若狂21. 保镖22. 承担那项重担23. 健康,在形状上24. 创造 抽出 开拓25. 毋庸置疑26. 极其,无比27 支持,赞同28 银河(系)29 拆东墙补西墙Part Two突破重点句型情景衔接+结构分辨20句30 流鼻涕的1. catch on It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly._2. It is certain that It is certain that the typhoon will hit this area._3. the chances are (that)If you go into a school,the chances are you will see students in red tracksuits with the familiar logo._4.free of chargeThe hotel has a swimming pool,which is open all day and free of charge._5. charge sb.with(doing) sth. The young man was charged with theft._6.by chanceThis story tells us that we should not wait for unexpected gains by chance and luck._6. check out This is your room key and you should check out atl2:00._8. have no choice but to do sth.At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourist for help._9. cannot choose but do He cannot choose but attend the party._10. under no circumstances Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money._11. claim to do sth. Zoos claim to educate people and save endangered species_12. clean up We cleaned up the yard and painted the house._13.clear the air Our conversation was filled with arguments; and efforts to clear the airseemed to deepen our misunderstanding._14.be clever with George is clever with his pen._15.close downIf I had stayed in this business just for the money,I would have closed down years a
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