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高一英语 暑假作业25组题人:史晓娟 审核人:孟亚玲 训练日期: 月 日 Known as the Animal Lady in this area which I lived in, I was always asked to lend a hand in animal 1 . One afternoon three little neighbor girls ran up 2 my door, saying a baby squirrel was on the sidewalk. I quickly 3 the kids and they led me to a tiny squirrel still with milk teeth. I 4 and held the little creature up gently in my arms to check it for 5 . It seemed fine. I figured the mother must have been killed, leaving it an orphan(孤儿). Now, the baby was pretty hungry for 6 and then left its nest to search the neighborhood for help. I was about to carry it into my 7 when I found several other babies 8 to run down the tree from where their nest was. With the first squirrel hid into my 9 , I stood at the base of the tree and was 10 when three more babies ran right down into my hands. Those dear little creatures were so happy to feel safe and 11 , and they all held each other close in my shirt. I took them home and 12 them bread and milk to eat. The poor starving things went 13 as they swallowed the meal. I phoned a lady in the next town who 14 a small squirrel shelter. She had a big back yard with large 15 surrounded by a tall wooden fence. She assured me she was well 16 to care for the babies and provide a natural home for them when they were grown.I love that those little girls cared enough about the squirrels to seek out the 17 of the Animal Lady! And I really 18 getting to help the baby creatures. And then the 19 of caring continued 20 the lady with the squirrel shelter took them in. How wonderful to be part of a chain of kindness.1. A. hunt B. love C. cure D. rescue 2. A. to B. through C. for D. from 3. A. followed B. glanced C. comforted D. persuaded4. A. came down B. bent down C. put down D. broke down5. A. fur B. legs C. teeth D. injuries6. A. milk B. vegetable C. nuts D. leaves 7. A. room B. car C. house D. cage8. A. pretending B. waiting C. swinging D. starting 9. A. shoe B. pocket C. shirt D. drawer10. A. puzzled B. interested C. astonished D. satisfied 11. A. nervous B. cold C. warm D. tired12. A. handed B. showed C. gave D. lent13. A. hungry B. wildC. sad D. afraid14. A. owned B. needed C. sought D. shut 15. A. ladders B. flowers C. bamboos D. trees 16. A. organized B. equipped C. built D. known 17. A. shelter B. information C. advice D. help 18. A. minded B. regretted C. enjoyed D. appreciated19. A. chain B. feeling C. sense D. connection20. A. when B. if C. before D. until Smoking is the single worst thing you can do for your health. Fortunately, its never too late to get the benefits of quitting. If youve tried to quit before and failed, its time to make up your mind and try again.Smoking is responsible for one of every five deaths. That includes 29% of all cancer deaths, 87% of all lung cancer deaths, and nearly 20% of all deaths from cardiovascular disease. But long before smoking kills you, it ages you. You can see for yourself that smoking accelerates the drying and wrinkling of the skin. But there are less obvious effects as well. Indeed, smoking takes years away from your life. Nearly half of all chronic smokers die an average of 20 to 25 years before their time.Besides an early death from cancer or heart disease, smoking can cause lung disorders. People who smoke over a pack a day have almost three times the risk of contracting pneumonia(肺炎) than that of nonsmokers. By lowering levels of estrogen(雌激素)in men and women, smoking speeds bone less. If a woman smokes a pack of cigarettes every day, she will enter menopause(更年期)with 5 to 10% less bone mass than a nonsmoker.The good news is that no matter what your age is or how long youve smoked, youll live longer if you quit today. The Coronary Artery Surgery Study examined nearly 2,000 long-term smokers over age 54. Those who quit had significantly lower death rates six years later than those who didnt. Even the oldest ex-smokers had a higher survival rate.Not only will live longer if you quit, youll feel better, breathe easier, and find that you have more energy. Youll have fewer respiratory infections,headaches, and stomachaches. Whats more, youll save money. Your clothes and breath wont smell unpleasant any longer. And your habit wont annoyor threaten the health of the people who live and work with you.1. What is the passage mainly about? A. The ways of quitting sm
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