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初中英语2023年中考专题训练短文填空-首字母提示篇(一)根据短文内容和首字母提示, 在文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词, 使短文完整、通顺。As we know, many places of interest are troubled by the rubbish thrown by visitors. Luckily, some photos of 1. v_ picking up the rubbish on the cliffs (悬崖) received a great deal of attention on the Internet. The situation may become better. On May 28, 2020, five Zhangjiajie outdoor volunteers got together and then 2. a_ at Tianmen Mountain, which is the 3. h_ mountain in Zhangjiajie. They tied 4. r_ onto the cliffs at the Ghost Valley and Natural Moat Spot. The Ghost Valley and Natural Moat Spot are very 5. d_ because of strong winds, cold air, clouds and mists (薄雾). 6. H_, it was said that two volunteers who were tied by the ropes spent the whole morning on the cliffs 7. c_ the rubbish thrown by visitors. The Blue Sky Rescue, formed by local volunteers, often picks up rubbish 8. d_ their training and calls on tourists to protect the environment. Arent they lovely? They 9. j_ want to make a good environment for our trip. Everyone can play a 10. r_ in protecting the environment. Lets work with them together to build a better world! 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10_ 【篇章导读】本文主要讲述了蓝天救援队的志愿者在张家界的悬崖峭壁上收集垃圾的故事,作者希望借此呼吁大家保护环境。【难句解读】(第二段最后一句) However, it was said that two volunteers who were tied by the ropes spent the whole morning on the cliffs collecting the rubbish thrown by visitors. 然而, 据说两名系着绳子的志愿者在悬崖峭壁上花了整个上午收集游客扔掉的垃圾。本句是一个主从复合句。it在本句中作形式主语, 真正的主语是that引导的主语从句, 其中who引导定语从句, 修饰先行词two volunteers。spend time doing sth. 意为“花费时间做某事”, 为固定搭配。过去分词短语thrown by visitors 作后置定语, 修饰the rubbish。【答案解析】1. volunteers 结合下文和首字母可知, 此处是指一些志愿者在悬崖峭壁上收集垃圾的照片在互联网上得到了很多关注。volunteer是可数名词, 且此处应用其复数形式。2. arrived 结合该空后的at Tianmen Mountain和首字母可知, 此处是指他们到达了天门山。arrive at为固定短语, 且本句描述的是过去发生的动作, 故填arrived。3. highest 结合该空前后的the和mountain in Zhangjiajie 可知, 此处是指天门山是张家界最高的山, 故用high的最高级highest。4. ropes 由下文中的 who were tied by the ropes可知, 此处是指他们把绳子系到悬崖上, 故填ropes。5. dangerous 结合该空后的strong winds、cold air、clouds and mists 和首字母可知, 这两个地方由于强风、冷空气、云和雾而非常危险, 故填dangerous, 意为“危险的”。6. However 上文中提到那里非常危险, 而此处是指据说两名系着绳子的志愿者在悬崖峭壁上待了整个上午。前后内容为转折关系, 故用however。注意首字母要大写。7. collecting 结合下文中的 often picks up rubbish和首字母可知, 此处是指两名系着绳子的志愿者在悬崖峭壁上花了整个上午收集游客扔掉的垃圾。“收集”用collect表示, 且spend time doing sth. 意为“花费时间做某事”, 故填collecting。8. during 联系上下文可知, 此处是指在他们训练期间. during意为“在期间”, 符合文意。9. just 结合句意和首字母可知, 此处是指他们只想为我们的旅行创造一个美好的环境。just意为“只是”, 符合文意。10. role由下一句“Lets work with them together to build a better world!”可知, 作者呼吁每个人都在保护环境方面发挥自己的作用。play a role in为固定搭配, 故填role。(二)根据短文内容和首字母提示, 在文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词, 使短文完整、通顺。A man goes into a pet shop, wanting to buy a bird. He sees a beautiful bird, the 1. 1_ hes ever seen, and asks how much it is. The shop owner replies, “That bird is1000.”“What?!” cries the man. “1 000 2. f_ a bird? What does it do?”“Well, Im glad you asked,” says the shop owner. “You see, that bird can sing like any of the female 3. r_ in our opera house.”The man thinks, “OK, but I cant afford the bird.” Then he sees a shorter 4. b_ still lovely bird, and asks how much it is. “Its 5. p_ is $2 000,” replies the shop owner, and the man asks what that bird can do. “Well, he can 6. p_ music on the piano from memory if you request.” The man thinks, “Wow, but I 7, r_ cant afford that bird.”He then sees an ancient, half-dead and ugly bird 8. s_ on the corner of a cage, and thinks that bird couldnt cost very much. He 9. a_ the shop owner how much it is. “Oh, that bird is $20 000,” the shop owner replies. Shocked, the man asks what that bird does. “Oh, we havent found out yet,” the shop owner replies, “but the other two birds call 10. i_ Maestro (大师).” 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10_ 【篇章导读】本文是一则幽默故事。一个人去商店买鸟, 他打听了三只鸟的价格。前两只鸟都因为身怀绝技而价格不菲, 而第三只鸟看起来平平无奇要价却最高。这是为什么呢?【答案解析】1. loveliest 结合该空前的a beautiful bird和首字母l可知, 此处是指这只鸟是他见过的最可爱的鸟。lovely意为“可爱的”, 再由该空前的the可知, 此处用最高级。第4空后的still lovely bird也给出了提示。2. for 结合该空前后的1000和a bird可知, 此处表示价格, 故填for, 意为“达, 计(表示价格或价值)”。3. roles 由该空后的in our opera house 可知, 此处是指这只鸟能够像他们剧院里的任何女性角色那样唱歌, 故role符合语境。结合该空前的any of 可知, 此处填复数形式roles。4. but 该空前后的shorter和lovely为转折关系, 故填but。5. price 上文中男人询问了第二只鸟的价格, 且该空后的2000是店主给出的价格, 故此处填price。6. play 由该空后的 music on the piano 可知, 这只鸟可以根据要求在钢琴上弹奏音乐。play意为“演奏, 弹奏”, 且该空前的can是情态动词, 故用原形。7. really 上文中提到男人心想自己买不起标价为1000美元的鸟, 所以标价为2000美元的鸟他更买不起了, 故此处是指男人心想他的确买不起那只鸟。really意为“的确, 确实地”, 用来强调语气。8. sitting/standing/sleeping 由该空前的ancient和half-dead可知, 这只鸟又老又没有活力, 所以它应该是正在笼子的角落里“坐着站着睡觉”。see sb. doing sth. 为固定搭配, 表示“看见某人正在做某事”, 故填V-ing形式。9. asks 由下文中店主的回答可知, 男人又询问了第三只鸟的价格。主语是
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