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时间:60分钟分值:60分一、阅读理解(25分)AThere was a class of students who were very unruly(难管教的). None of the teachers wanted to teach them. So the headmaster called a teacher who had just quit her job(辞职) at a different school. He asked her if she would like to come in and teach at the school for one term. She agreed. The headmaster decided not to tell the teacher the truth about the class, afraid that she would refuse it. After the new teacher had been on the job for a month, the headmaster sat in the class to see how things were going. To his surprise, the students were wellbehaved. After the class, the headmaster praised the teacher for her work. She thanked him for giving her such a wellbehaved class to teach. But the headmaster said he really didnt deserve any thanks.She laughed and told him, “You see, I discovered your secret on my first day here. I looked in the desk drawer(抽屉) and found a list of the students IQ scores. I knew that I had a challenging group of kids heretheyre so smart that I would have to work really hard to make my class interesting for them.”She opened the drawer and the headmaster saw a list with the students names and the numbers 136, 145, 127, 128, and so on written next to the names.The headmaster laughed. Those werent their IQ scores, but their locker(储物柜) numbers!1To deal with the class, the headmaster _.Aasked some students to leave the schoolBgave an IQ test to all the studentsCcalled a teacher from another school2The underlined word “deserve” in Paragraph 2 means “_” in Chinese.A评估 B值得 C留念3How did the students behave in the new teachers class?AThey became even unrulier.BThey did better on their tests.CThey behaved very well.4From the passage we know the teacher must be_.Acreative Beasygoing Chardworking5How did the teacher deal with the unruly students?AShe worked hard to make her class interesting for them.BShe made a plan with the headmaster before the class.CShe told them a secret that she discovered about them.B(2021福建中考改编)In recent years, there have been many films about robots trying to take over the world. Studies show that up to 20 million factory jobs worldwide could be taken by robots in the next 10 years. Some people are worried about what might happen in the future. On 8th September, 2020, The Guardian published(发表) an article written by a robot called GPT3. It wrote that “robot” comes from the Greek word for “slave(奴隶)” and humans have nothing to fear from robots, which are only here to help humans. However, the fact that a robot could write such an article has made some people feel even more uneasy. Where is the robot technology heading? Can robots and humans work together?YEStheyre here to help humansRobots are created by humans for humans. Robots take on jobs that are too dangerous for people to do by themselves. Although robots might take some peoples jobs, they will create new types of work, and they will possibly create more jobs than they take away. Besides, robots programming could actually make them more trustworthy than humans, because they are not influenced by feelings.NOhumans should not trust robotsRobots are already taking over the world. Jobs that used to be done by human beings are now being taken by robots. Although robots are under our control now, that might not always be the case. An experiment in Switzerland found that some robots had learnt how to lie to each other. With the development of AI(人工智能), robots could start to act in their own interests. Wherever possible, humans should do things themselves.Whats your opinion on this matter?6What language does the word “robot” come from?AGreek. BEnglish. CGerman. 7When learning that GPT3 could write an article, some people feel _Aangry Bexcited Cnervous 8What advantage of robots is mentioned in the text?AActing in their own interests. BDeveloping filming technology.CDoing unsafe work for humans.9What can we learn from the text?AGPT3 will take over the world.BSome robots have learnt how to be lazy.CRobots are still under the control of humans now.10What would be the best title for the text?AWill robots become creative?BShould humans trust robots?CWill robots do harm to humans? C(2021四川泸州中考改编)Boyan Slat has been dreaming of cleaning up the worlds oceans for a long time.In 2010, he went on a diving(潜水) vacation in Greece and was shocked. “I saw more plastic bags than fish in the water,” he said.From then on, Slat began to pay more attention to ocean pollution. He decided to give up higher education and set up the Ocean Cleanup, a nongovernment organization. Its purpose is to clean up ocean rubbish. He has set up the worlds first ocean cleanup system(系统) with his team.Every year, over 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans, and it can take up to 500 years to break down. In 2018, t
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