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2023年度江西省船舶水手考试通关题库(附答案)一单选题(共60题)1、The conventional cargo handling equipment is the union purchase.() A. 传统的装卸货设备是双杆联吊。 B. 传统的装卸货设备是重吊杆。 C. 传统的装卸货设备是克令吊。 D. 传统的装卸货设备是吊杆。 试题答案:A 2、请修理一下受损吊杆。() A. Please have the damaged derrick readjusted. B. Please have the damaged derrick repaired. C. Please have the damaged derrick painted. D. Please have the damaged derrick brushed. 试题答案:B 3、Cargo may be divided into two basic types:(). A. bulk cargo and container cargo B. bulk cargo and general cargo C. bulk cargo and liquid cargo D. dry cargo and liquid cargo 试题答案:D 4、了望() A. lookout B. outlook C. lookup D. uplook 试题答案:A 5、Each ()consists of two or more panels. A. cover B. hatch C. derrick D. winch 试题答案:A 6、socket wrench() A. 管子钳 B. 套筒扳手 C. 开口销 D. 贯穿螺栓 试题答案:B 7、Oil is carried in (). A. tanks B. tankers C. chemical carriers D. holds 试题答案:B 8、Dont operate two or more hatch ()at the same time. A. caps B. levers C. covers D. coamings 试题答案:C 9、()连接可靠,解脱迅速常和松紧器配套使用,用于固定支撑和各种舱面设备 A. 旋转钩 B. 滑钩 C. 弹簧钩 D. 抱钩 试题答案:B 10、船底塞拧紧后,应采取:() A. 用水泥封妥 B. 电焊封牢 C. 涂两度沥青漆 D. 不必处理 试题答案:A 11、下列那项不是围油栏的作用()。 A. 用于水域防止溢油扩散 B. 使溢油乳化分散形成小颗粒 C. 缩小溢油面积 D. 转移溢油和保护水域环境 试题答案:B 12、Apart from fire drill, there are also boat drill and emergency drill on board.() A. 除了救生演习之外,船上还有消防演习和应急演习。 B. 除了应急演习之外,船上还有救生演习和消防演习。 C. 除了消防演习之外,船上还有救生演习和应急演习。 D. 除了救生演习之外,船上还有应急演习和消防演习。 试题答案:C 13、Please ().Ill go and ask him to come. A. wait a moment B. go C. stand D. Sit down. 试题答案:A 14、Sometimes chemicals are carried in drums in (). A. chemical carriers B. bulk carriers C. general cargo ships D. LNG carriers 试题答案:C 15、A ship is made fast to the quayside by mooring lines. () A. 船舶用锚停泊在锚地。 B. 船舶用系泊缆绳挽牢在码头边。 C. 船舶用缆绳系在浮筒上。 D. 船舶用缆绳挽牢浮筒上。 试题答案:B 16、要使船舶具备一个良好的稳性须满足:() A. GM0 B. GM0 C. GM=0 D. 与GM无关 试题答案:A 17、I was told youd like to take some stores and()(伙食)in this port. A. provisions B. food C. water D. drinking 试题答案:A 18、Come along with me.() A. 请这边走。 B. 请跟我来。 C. 请先走。 D. 等一会儿。 试题答案:B 19、船舶在发生油污及违章排油污后,如必须使用化学消油剂时,应:() A. 立即使用 B. 海事局有关部门 C. 向单位安监部门申请 D. BC均可 试题答案:B 20、through bolt () A. 螺帽 B. 螺栓 C. 开口销 D. 贯穿螺栓 试题答案:D 21、The ()(鹅颈头)is bent. A. gooseneck B. block C. lockpin D. grab 试题答案:A 22、仰卧压背法时,两手掌应放在患者的() A. 肩部 B. 背部 C. 腰部 D. 肩胛下角 试题答案:D 23、()-speed operation and rough handling of covers are dangerous. A. Low B. High C. Slow D. Quick 试题答案:B 24、腹股沟有较大的出血,最好的止血法是() A. 加压包扎 B. 止血带 C. 指压止血 D. 止血钳 试题答案:A 25、()port anchor, one shackle in water. A. Heave in B. Cast off C. Let go D. Heave away 试题答案:C 26、Please adjust the derrick ()(向下). A. upwards B. downwards C. forwards D. backwards 试题答案:B 27、security patrol() A. 巡视全船 B. 参观船 C. 保安巡逻 D. 消防巡逻 试题答案:C 28、Lower the ladder two steps() ,please ! A. too B. more C. little D. few 试题答案:B 29、Cleaning is a frequent ()on board a ship. A. duty B. responsibility C. job D. work 试题答案:C 30、形成海流的主要因素是:() A. 风 B. 海水密度差 C. 补偿流 D. ABC都是 试题答案:C 31、起锚,留一节在水里。() A. Heave up the cable and leave one shackle in water. B. Weigh anchor and leave one shackle in water. C. Lower the cable and leave one shackle in water. D. Drop anchor and leave one shackle in water. 试题答案:B 32、锚马上就要出水了。() A. The anchor will be up in a moment. B. The anchor is clear of the bottom. C. The cable is clear . D. The cables are clear. 试题答案:A 33、船舶必备的灭火系统是() A. 水灭火系统 B. 泡沫灭火系统 C. 蒸汽灭火系统 D. 二氧化碳灭火系统 试题答案:A 34、在集合地点集合。() A. Meet in front of the muster station. B. Get hold of the ladder. C. Drop me a heaving line to lift my bag. D. A ship is made fast to the equipment by mooring lines. 试题答案:A 35、记住,安全第一。() A. Remember: safety first. B. Mind. Safe the first. C. Think of it. Safety is one. D. Think of it. Safety first. 试题答案:A 36、当船舶的首尾平均吃水大于船中平均吃水时,称为:() A. 首倾 B. 尾倾 C. 中拱 D. 中垂 试题答案:C 37、右舵10。 () A. Port ten. B. Port slow. C. Port five. D. Starboard ten. 试题答案:D 38、I am your agent.() A. 我是船舶物料供应商。 B. 我是你的代理。 C. 我是港口国检查官员。 D. 我是卫生检疫员。 试题答案:B 39、能见度() A. seeing B. visual C. visibility D. visible 试题答案:C 40、我们在1号浮筒附近抛锚。() A. We are getting alongside NO.1 buoy. B. We are berthing at NO.1 buoy. C. We are at anchor near NO.1 buoy. D. We are getting alongside at NO.1 buoy. 试题答案:C 41、从船首最前端到船尾最后端的水平距离称为() A. 垂线间长 B. 船长
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