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2023年度陕西省船舶水手考试真题精选附答案一单选题(共60题)1、After operation, drop the control levers into stowing hole, and ()the electric motor. A. start B. stop C. move D. open 试题答案:B 2、security patrol() A. 巡视全船 B. 参观船 C. 保安巡逻 D. 消防巡逻 试题答案:C 3、通常火灾的分类方法中,分为以下四类() A. 甲类、乙类、A类、B类 B. 甲类、乙类、丙类、丁类 C. 一类、二类、三类、四类 D. 甲类、乙类、B类、C类 试题答案:B 4、首推半速向右() A. Bow stern full to port! B. Bow stern half to port! C. Bow thrust half to starboard ! D. Bow thrust full to port! 试题答案:C 5、()(舷墙排水孔) permits the escape of water. A. A wash port B. A bulwark port C. A+B D. Bulkhead 试题答案:C 6、The ()(尾舷) is the part of the stern. A. port quarter B. quarter C. starboard quarter D. freeboard 试题答案:B 7、我们正在装危险货。() A. We are loading flammable cargo. B. We are loading dangerous cargo. C. We are discharging flammable cargo. D. We are discharging dangerous cargo. 试题答案:B 8、The sailors are ()the leakage in fire-fighting and life-saving operations. A. blocking up B. looking up C. looking out D. taking up 试题答案:A 9、Cargo for ()No.4 is to be loaded first. A. room B. cabin C. hold D. winch 试题答案:C 10、Embark on the ()(登艇甲板). A. embarkation deck B. disembarkation ladder C. fender D. boat plug 试题答案:A 11、Id like to have a talk ()your captain. A. at B. with C. on D. to 试题答案:B 12、每周绷带的缠绕应遮盖前围绷带宽度的()为宜 A. 1/3,1/4 B. 1/2,2/3 C. 1/4,1/5 D. 1/2,1/3 试题答案:B 13、舵() A. rudder B. rubber C. rubbish D. ring 试题答案:A 14、冷藏船() A. cargo ship B. refrigerated ship C. Ro/Ro ship D. oil tanker 试题答案:B 15、Cargo handling gear is the most important deck fitting.() A. 装卸货是重要的工作。 B. 卸货设备是最重要的甲板属具。 C. 货物分先后装上船。 D. 装卸货设备是最重要的甲板属具。 试题答案:D 16、The ()(吊杆托架) supports the derrick. A. derrick boom rest B. derrick head C. derrick mast D. derrick guy 试题答案:A 17、Secure danger area and (), please. A. reporting B. report C. reports D. reported 试题答案:B 18、The work of Cleaning holds is finished.() A. 清舱工作结束。 B. 清舱工作开始。 C. 装货工作开始。 D. 卸货工作结束。 试题答案:A 19、They should ()care of anchors to ensure that they are in normal condition. A. took B. take C. taking D. taken 试题答案:B 20、safety net() A. 安全措施 B. 安全网 C. 安全帽 D. 安全防护 试题答案:B 21、The container is loaded and discharged by gantry cranes.() A. 集装箱由龙门吊装卸。 B. 集装箱由重吊装卸。 C. 集装箱由船吊装卸。 D. 集装箱有岸吊装卸。 试题答案:A 22、二副() A. second officer B. two officers C. marine officer D. captain 试题答案:A 23、The first coat to a bare metal surface is the ()(底漆). A. undercoat B. primer C. topcoat D. thinner 试题答案:B 24、Apply two coats of red lead primer and topside paint ()the forecastle deck. A. for B. with C. to D. at 试题答案:C 25、That is a ()(救助船). A. dredger B. LASH C. salvage vessel D. barge 试题答案:C 26、oil can() A. 油壶 B. 油浓度表 C. 油罐 D. 油泵 试题答案:A 27、overside light() A. 探照灯 B. 闪光灯 C. 舷侧照明灯 D. 环照灯 试题答案:C 28、灯船() A. ferry B. life-raft C. lightship D. lamp ship 试题答案:C 29、A ()is very much like an ordinary telephone. A. VHF set B. radar C. GPS D. sextant 试题答案:A 30、Duty sailors will consider the conditions of (装卸货)(). A. cargo handled B. cargo handles C. cargo handle D. cargo handling 试题答案:D 31、safety load() A. 安全负载 B. 安全货物 C. 安全装货 D. 安全性 试题答案:A 32、The pressure of the hose is too low.() A. 压载水压力太低。 B. 水龙压力太低。 C. 水龙压力太高。 D. 压载水压力太高。 试题答案:B 33、After joining the ship, the crew members should be ()with their emergency duties. A. know B. familiarize C. familiar D. familiarity 试题答案:C 34、-Ring off engine!-Ring off engine! () A. Finished with engine! B. Engine rung off! C. Engine stand by! D. Got it. 试题答案:B 35、燃烧时,如果空气含氧量降至()以下,物质燃烧就会熄灭。 A. 8% B. 9% C. 10% D. 11% 试题答案:D 36、()hasnt tween decks. A. A bulk carrier B. A container ship C. A general cargo ship D. A +B 试题答案:D 37、The pilot is taking my ship() the harbour now. A. into B. at C. on D. for 试题答案:A 38、G旗的意思是“我需要引航员”。() A. The meaning of Flag G is “I have a pilot on board”. B. The meaning of Flag G is “I require a pilot”. C. The meaning of Flag G is “I require assistance.” D. The meaning of Flag G is “I require PSC on board”. 试题答案:B 39、()(除了) the fire drill, there are also boat drill and emergency drill on board. A. Except B. Although C. In addition to D. But 试题答案:C 40、cargo list () A. 配载图 B. 仓单 C. 收据 D. 货物清单 试题答案:D 41、“Stand by the gangway” means “()”. A. Stand at the gangway B. Wait at the gangway C.
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