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备考2023广东省船舶水手考试自测提分题库加精品答案一单选题(共60题)1、Because of the (), we have to keep a sharp lookout. A. poor visibility B. good visibility C. good weather D. dry weather 试题答案:A 2、The rusty plates should be scrapped and brushed to ()(出白金属). A. clean B. smooth surface C. bare metal D. clear 试题答案:C 3、The()(吊杆)at hatch No.3 is in trouble. A. winch B. crane C. derrick D. gantry 试题答案:C 4、When the weather becomes bad, the hatch covers will be (). A. closed B. opened C. handled D. stopped 试题答案:A 5、我们需要大量的绑扎钢丝。() A. We need plenty of clamps. B. We need plenty of lashing wires. C. We need plenty of cargo wires. D. We need plenty of lashing bars. 试题答案:B 6、我国第二部为了保护海洋环境资源,防止污染损害,保护生态平衡,保障人体健康,促进海洋事业发展的法律是()。 A. 中华人民共和国劳动法 B. 中华人民共和国合同法 C. 中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法 D. 中华人民共和国刑法 试题答案:C 7、deck red paint() A. 甲板红漆 B. 船壳白漆 C. 船壳灰漆 D. 奶黄漆 试题答案:A 8、船用涂料中的树脂可分为()。 A. 天然树脂 B. 人造树脂 C. 合成树脂 D. 以上都对 试题答案:D 9、最适合于码头岸壁的疏浚,以及过江管道、电缆的深沟等特殊工程施工的挖泥船是:() A. 抓斗挖泥船 B. 铲斗挖泥船 C. 链斗挖泥船 D. 绞吸式挖泥 试题答案:C 10、Get everything ready for ()! A. moor B. moorings C. mooring D. to moor 试题答案:C 11、The purpose of lookout is to prove the ()(安全) of a ship. A. stern B. safety C. saw D. spanner 试题答案:B 12、Fire and boat drills are carried out (). A. periodically B. quarterly C. monthly D. yearly 试题答案:A 13、定期检修缆车的时间一般为() A. 一周 B. 二周 C. 一个月 D. 二个月 试题答案:C 14、The ()(千斤滑车) can run the gooseneck. A. heavy derrick B. pulley block C. topping lift block D. guy tackle 试题答案:C 15、I was told youd like to take some stores and()(伙食)in this port. A. provisions B. food C. water D. drinking 试题答案:A 16、OS() A. 二水 B. 一水 C. 大副 D. 船长 试题答案:A 17、hacksaw() A. 钢锯 B. 钢丝钳 C. 凿子 D. 钻 试题答案:A 18、When the derrick is topped, the guy must be ()(放松). A. slacked off B. sent away C. sent out D. taken in 试题答案:A 19、链斗挖泥船施工时采用扇形横挖法是:() A. 艏横移,艉基本不动 B. 艉横移,艏基本不动 C. 艏向一边横移,艉向另一边横移 D. A和B均是 试题答案:A 20、Pay more attention to () . A. the ride and fall of the tide B. ride with fall of the tide C. riding and falling of the tide D. riding with falling of the tide 试题答案:A 21、夜间发现前方一船操纵号灯三闪,则表示来船()。 A. 正在停车 B. 正在向后推进 C. 正在向左转向 D. 正在向右转向 试题答案:B 22、甲板部由大副负责。() A. The captain is the head of a ship. B. The master is the head of a ship. C. The deck department is under the command of the chief officer. D. The pilot is the head of a ship. 试题答案:C 23、船籍港一般刻写在() A. 船首的两侧 B. 船尾部 C. 驾驶台两侧 D. 任意部位 试题答案:B 24、下列()不是规则中要求的号型。 A. 球体 B. 圆柱体 C. 菱型体 D. 十字体 试题答案:D 25、()(舷墙排水孔) permits the escape of water. A. A wash port B. A bulwark port C. A+B D. Bulkhead 试题答案:C 26、Four ()are needed to work this heavy derrick. A. winches B. gears C. windlass D. cranes 试题答案:A 27、towing line() A. 回头缆 B. 拖缆 C. 横缆 D. 尾缆 试题答案:B 28、The ship needs loading and discharging.() A. 船舶需要装货 B. 船舶需要卸货 C. 船舶需要装卸货 D. 船舶需要靠港 试题答案:C 29、Id like to have a talk ()your captain. A. at B. with C. on D. to 试题答案:B 30、了望() A. lookout B. outlook C. lookup D. uplook 试题答案:A 31、That is the ()(气味) cargo. A. odorous B. powder C. chemical D. noxious 试题答案:A 32、Make fast on ()quarter. A. starboard B. left C. right D. fore 试题答案:A 33、Full ahead() A. 全速前进 B. 半速前进 C. 微速前进 试题答案:A 34、All starboard() A. 左满舵 B. 右满舵 C. 完舵 D. 压舵 试题答案:B 35、水手用扫帚清扫甲板。() A. Sailors use brown to clean the deck. B. Sailors use broom to clean the deck. C. Sailors use brush to clean the deck. D. Sailors use mop to clean the deck. 试题答案:B 36、接待来船拜访人员。() A. Receiving the person who comes on board to do their business. B. Receiving the persons who comes on board to visit. C. Receiving the persons who comes on board to do the job. D. Receiving the persons who comes on board to look around the ship. 试题答案:B 37、oil can() A. 油壶 B. 油浓度表 C. 油罐 D. 油泵 试题答案:A 38、大台() A. galley B. saloon C. cabin D. gallery 试题答案:B 39、I shall keep the security patrol.() A. 我将进行应急检查。 B. 我将进行保安巡逻。 C. 我将进行全面的检查。 D. 我将进行详细的检查。 试题答案:B 40、Cleaning is a frequent ()on board a ship. A. duty B. responsibility C. job D. work 试题答案:C 41、That is the ()(易碎的) cargo. A. flammable B. dangerous C. fragile D. poisonous 试题答案:C 42、广州港水尺标高为:() A. 105.000米 B. 104.414米 C. 103.686米 D. ABC都不是 试题答案:C 43、The meaning of Flag H is “I have a pilot on board”.() A. H旗的意思是“我船上有引航员”。 B. H旗的意思是“我
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