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2021-2022年度陕西省银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验精选试题及答案八一单选题(共60题)1、What is the purpose of the e-mail? ()A.To explain that an investigation takes five days to completeB.To acknowledge that the claim has been receivedC.To inform Ms. Waring that her claim will likely be approvedD.To request more information about the claim【答案】 B2、以依法可以转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自()起生效。A.签订之日B.登记之日C.登记之日后一日D.合同中约定之日【答案】 B3、根据以下内容,回答212-216题。A.China will always boast a very impressive price advantage around the globeB.Foxconn s rising wage is just a one-sided caseC.Souring wages has improved a widespread impact on foreign companiesD.Foxconn is a manufacturer of great significance to China【答案】 B4、2009年1月15 日,中国农业银行由()整体改制为股份有限公司,并更名为“中国农业银行股份有限公司”。A.国有独资商业银行B.国有控股商业银行C.大型民营商业银行D.国家专业商业银行【答案】 A5、In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention, the so-called Southeast Asian Tigers have rivaled the westernlions for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist( 有利 ) for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysiasPrimeMinisterMahathir.Hehasattemptedtoforgean international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity. A.expertsB.periodsC.theoriesD.issues【答案】 D6、建行推出“商会贷”服务,为微小企业提供了融资新模式。主要是为商会、行业协会会员单位的控股股东、实际控制人、主要负责人、主要出资人等发放的,用于其经营实体生产经营用途的个人助业贷款,贷款人可以采取抵押、质押、信用、保证方式(含个人担保、法人担保)及组合担保方式,贷款额度最高达到( )万元。A.500B.400C.300D.200【答案】 A7、According to the sales director, Ms. Elms is_to one of our subsidiaries to collaborate with its sales team.A.deliveringB.visitingC.transferringD.replacing【答案】 C8、更正错账时,划线更正法的适用范围是( )。A.记账凭证上会计科目或记账方向错误,导致账簿记录错误B.记账凭证正确.在记账时发生错误,导致账簿记录错误C.记账凭证上会计科目或记账方向正确,所记金额大于应记金额,导致账簿记录错误D.记账凭证上会计科目或记账方向正确,所记金额小于应记金额,导致账簿记录错误【答案】 B9、欧洲货币市场的交易客体是欧洲货币。下列资金借贷中,属于欧洲货币市场交易的是()。A.不用缴纳存款准备金的居民之间的资金借贷B.需要缴纳存款准备金的居民之间的资金借贷C.需要缴纳存款准备金的居民与非居民之间的资金借贷D.不用缴纳存款准备金的非居民之间的资金借贷【答案】 D10、净现值、净现值率和获利指数指标共同的缺点是()。A.没有考虑资金的时间价值B.无法利用全部净现金流量的信息C.不能反映投入与产出之间的关系D.不能直接反映投资项目的实际收益率【答案】 D11、In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention, the so-called Southeast Asian Tigers have rivaled the westernlions for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist( 有利 ) for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysiasPrimeMinisterMahathir.Hehasattemptedtoforgean international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity. A.the Asian Crisis is the result of ASEAN pandering to terrorist governmentsB.there is not a serious economic problem in Southeast Asia at allC.the devaluation of Malaysias currency is due to the American plotD.the economic problems in some Asian countries is partly the result of their overheating economy【答案】 D12、grP是Intemet中的( )。A.发送电子邮件的软件B.浏览网页的工具C.用来传送文件的一种协议D.一种聊天工具【答案】 C13、You must _the rubbish before you leave the office.A.dispose ofB.deal withC.cope withD.treat with【答案】 A14、国务院总理李克强1月6日主持召开国务院常务会议,决定根据督查情况完善激励和问责机制,以奖惩分明促勤政有为;部署新设一批(),用新模式为外贸发展提供新支撑。A.跨境电子商务综合服务区B.跨境电子商务综合试验区C.电子商务综合试验区D.电子商务综合服务区【答案】 B15、阅读理解A.provide more jobs for foreign workersB.slow down the rate of its developmentC.sell the oil it is producing abroadD.develop more quickly than at present【答案】 B16、Many people who read the document complained that it included too much information that was not _ to the main issue.A.relevantB.outwardC.equivalentD.opposite【答案】 A17、关于因变质而卖不出去的商品有没有价值这一问题,下列看法你认为正确的是( )A.有价值,因为这些商品同样凝结了人类的一般劳动B.没有价值,因为商品卖不出去,意味着生产商品的劳动没有得到社会承认C.有价值,只不过这些商品的价值没有得到实现D.没有价值,但仍然有一定的使用价值【答案】
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