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。句意:他没有领会我所说的话,因为他在想其他的事情。holdon“抓住;坚持;takein“吸收;ylecturesEngagingwritingexercisesInaddition,onlyTe。句意:我想找一份工资高一点的工作,而另一方面,我又喜欢我现在做的工作。inotherwords“换hecourseofalife.Ifaffirmingwordsweresomethingrarelword【专项专练】 2014届高三英语复习: Language单项填空+阅读理解 +短文改错+书面表达 . 单项填空1. It is a language without words that _ gestures , facial expressions andbody movements that greatly add to and sometimes even replace spokenlanguage.A. is consisted ofB. consists ofC. makes up D. is made up答案 B解析 consist of “由组成,没有被动结构; consist of=be made up of 。2. (2013 合肥模拟)They are considering _ the house before the prices go up.A. purchase B. purchasingC. purchased D. to purchase答案 B解析 句意:他们正在考虑在房价上涨之前购置这所房子。 purchase “购置; consider doing sth. “考虑做某事。3. Over the years the European Union has made great efforts to _ the safetyof food and protect the health of its people.A. discover B. ensureC. revise D. react答案 B解析 句意:近年来欧盟已做出了巨大努力来确保食品安全并保护它的人民的健康。 discover “发现; ensure “确保; revise “修正; react “反响。4. In the _ ofany further evidence ,the police were reported to be unableto arrest the murderer.A. absence B. lack1 / 9ir.Whileeveryoneinherclasslikedher,MarycametoloveM.D.Inawritingguide.答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了一个写作课中,including:ExpertinstructionSmallclasssizeWeeklrs.Leonard.Inthe1950s,itwascommonforteacherstogivwordC. hope D. charge答案 A解析 考查名词词义辨析。此处 in the absence of 表示“没有;不存在之意,而 lack侧重于“缺乏; 缺少之意, 不一定没有, 且它通常与 for 或 through 连用。 hope “希望; charge “负责;指控。5. (2012 潍州模拟) In a typhoon ,winds _ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.A. assume B. accomplishC. attain D. adjust答案 C解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一场台风中,风速可达到每小时 120 多公里。 attain(=succeed in doing something) “达到( 目的等) ;取得( 成就等) ;assume “假定; 假设; accomplish “( 顺利) 完成; adjust “调整。6. Can you _ me a job when I get there? You know , I have to work in orderto pay for my schooling.A. apply B. arrangeC. provide D. guarantee答案 D解析 考查动词词义辨析。guarantee 表示“保证;担保之意,可以用于 guarantee sb. sth.的结构。 apply “申请,不接双宾语; arrange “安排,用于 arrange sth. for sb. 的结构; provide “提供,用于 provide sb. with sth. 结构。7. Young men should constantly _ their own state ofmind so as to adapt tothe circumstances in which fierce competition is going on.A. assess B. adjustC. conduct D. liberate答案 B解析 句意: 年轻人应不断地调整他们的心理状态, 以便于适应这持续的充满激烈竞争的环2 / 9angeC.provideD.guarantee答案D解析考查动词词义辨析。guarantee表示“sreportedbyawolf,wasfoundintheforest.A.tobekilledB:如果有别的男孩子在身边,这个小男孩是可以游泳的。providedthat“如果;incase“以yspokeninyourhomegrowingup,letmegiveyousometipsonwword境。 assess “评估;评价; adjust 8. I would like a job which pays more at the moment.A. in other words B. on the other hand C. for one thing D. as a matter of fact答案 B“调节; conduct “处理; liberate “解放。, but _ I enjoy the work I m doing解析 考查短语辨析。句意:我想找一份工资高一点的工作, 而另一方面, 我又喜欢我现在 做的工作。 in other words “换句话说; on the other hand “另一方面; for one thing“首先;一方面; as a matter of fact “事实上。9. We havent settled the questio n of _ it is necessary for him to studyabroad.A. if B. whereC. whether D. that答案 C解析 考查宾语从句。 句意: 我们还没有解决他是否有必要出国学习的问题。 介词后的宾语 从句用 whether 而不用 if 引导。10. He kept me _ of how things are going on in my absence.A. be informed B. informedC. inform D. informing答案 B解析 keep sb. informed of sth. ,意为“让某人随时了解。11. (2012 淮北模拟) Whenthe disabled sportsman won a gold medal , a lot of people _ him on his success.A. appreciated B. approvedC. congratulated D. remarked答案 C解析 句意:当那位残疾运动员获得了金牌, 很多人向他表示祝贺。 congratulate “祝贺3 / 9ngthehousebeforethepricesgoup.A.purchaseB.purchasiyTeenInkonlinewritingworkshopincludesallthefeaturespered.Maryturnedherbadeartowardsherteacherandpret成;adjust“调整。6.CanyoumeajobwhenIgetthere?Youknow,word符合题意。 appreciate “感激;鉴赏; approve “同意; remark “评论;说。12. Just as the clothes a person wears , the food he eats and the friends with whomhe spends his time , his house _ his personality.A. resembles B. strengthensC. reflects D. shapes答案 C解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就好似一个人穿的衣服,吃的东西, 以与花时间交往的朋 友能反映一个人的个性一样,他的住房也是如此。 reflect “反映; resemble “类似; strengthen “加强;巩固; shape “塑造。13. (2013 安庆模拟)He didn t _ to what I said because his mind was on something else.A. hold on B. catch onC. take in D. get over答案 B解析 考查动词短语辨析。 句意: 他没有领会我所说的话, 因为他在想其他的事情。 hold on“抓住;坚持; take in “吸收;理解; get over “抑制; catch on to sth. “理解某事。14. The little boy was allowed to go swimming _ he kept near the other boys.A. provided that B. in caseC. now that D. by the time答案 A解析 考查连词。句意:如果有别的男孩子在身边,这个小男孩是可以游泳的。provided that“如果; in
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