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2021-2022年度青海省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识精选试题及答案六一单选题(共60题)1、资料:October 20,2013A.To invite the staff to an upcoming eventB.To welcome the newest staff to the companyC.To notify the employees of a yearly meetingD.To provide information about the companys product【答案】 A2、根据管理方格理论,“乡村俱乐部”领导风格的特点是()。A.管理者既不关心任务,也不关心人B.管理者既关心任务,也关心人C.管理者极端关注人D.管理者极端关注任务【答案】 C3、资料:The soybean prices ended higher this Monday as traders expect supplies to remain tight.A.Because the general production of soybean stayed steadyB.Because the supplies were expected to keep tightC.Because Chinas demand for soybean increasedD.Because the trade of soybean was quite active【答案】 B4、How about_in the river with us?A.swim;dont doB.swim;to doC.swimming;not doD.swimming;not to do【答案】 D5、国务院总理温家宝2012年3月5日向十一届全国人大五次会议作政府工作报告时提 出,2012年中央财政已按全国财政性教育经费支出占国内生产总值的( )编制预算,地方财 玫也要相应安排,确保实现这一目标。这意味着该目标自1993年提出以来我国有望首次实现这一承诺。A.3%B.4%C.2.8%D.3. 5%【答案】 B6、2020年3月10日国家主席习近平专门赴湖北省武汉市考察疫情防控工作。他强调,经过艰苦努力,湖北和武汉疫情防控形势发生积极向好变化,取得阶段性重要成果,但疫情防控任务依然艰巨繁重。越是在这个时候,越是要保持头脑清醒,越是要慎终如始,越是要再接再厉、善作善成,继续把()作为当前头等大事和最重要的工作。A.疫情防控B.疫情监管C.疫情防治D.疫情管理【答案】 A7、利率变动对宏观经济有重要影响,从消费者角度看,利率下降时,会()。A.抑制消费,增加储蓄B.刺激消费,减少储蓄C.刺激消费,刺激储蓄D.抑制消费,抑制储蓄【答案】 B8、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the worlds leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday.A.The Russias 2017 economic growth forecast has been revised higherB.The leading economies have achieved sustainable long-term growthC.The OECD is not optimistic about Chinas economic growthD.Indias economic growth forecast have been upgraded【答案】 A9、My major and working experience _this position.A.provide me the qualification forB.support me qualified withC.make me qualified forD.qualified myself with【答案】 C10、下列句子中语句排列最连贯的一项是()。A.(4)(5)(3)(1)(2)B.(5)(4)(2)(1)(3)C.(5)(3)(4)(1)(2)D.(4)(1)(2)(3)(5)【答案】 B11、对同一借款客户的贷款佘额与商业银行资本余额的比例不得超过( )。A.5%B.8%C.10%D.15%【答案】 C12、2020年2月23日,习近平在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上表重要讲话,会议指出,疫情直接影响居民收入,再叠加物价上涨因素,部分群众基本生活面临的困难可能增多。要落实()责任制和()负责制,保障主副食品供应。A.“米袋子”省长“菜篮子”市长B.“米袋子”市长“菜篮子”县长C.“菜篮子”省长“米袋子”市长D.“菜篮子”市长“米袋子”县长【答案】 A13、Being questioned on the court,the man denied()the diamond.A.having takenB.takingC.to have takenD.to take【答案】 A14、把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一项是()。A.(4)(1)(5)(3)(2)B.(4)(3)(5)(1)(2)C.(5)(1)(2)(4)(3)D.(5)(3)(4)(1)(2)【答案】 A15、The empirical evidence suggests that_extra working hours can have positive effects on labor market outcomes, while others reporting zero or negative effects.A.absorbingB.adoptingC.abolishingD.abandoning【答案】 D16、销毁文件的范围包括( )。A.立卷归档的文件B.绝密文件C.无留存价值的文件D.紧急性质的文件【答案】 C17、在发挥金融中介作用的过程中,下列符合投资银行运作方式的有( )。A.资金供需双方是金融工具的借贷而不是买卖B.资金供需双方是资金借贷而不是金融工具的买卖C.在媒介过程中只发生资金供需双方之间的一次金融合约关系D.在资金媒介过程中发生资金供需双方的两次金融合约关系【答案】 C18、我国首家金融衍生品交易所是( )。A.上海期货交易所B.中国金融期货交易所C.大连商品交易所D.深圳证券交易所【答案】 B19、资料:It is September of 1998, Im sitting in a windowless office room inside the Office of the Independent Counsel underneath humming fluorescent lights. Im listening to the sound of my voice on surreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend had made the year before. For the past eight months, the mysterious content of these tapes has hung like the Sword of Damocles over my head. A few days later, the Star Report is released to Congress, and all of those tapes and transcripts, those stolen words, form a part of it. That people can read the transcripts is horrific enough, but a few weeks later, the audio tapes are aired on TV, and significant portions made available online. The pubic humiliation was excruciating. (1)A.noting is true with the phenomenon that young people died of cyberbullyingB.the claim that young people cannot imagine living to the next day is not the factC.research shows that suicidal ideations are caused more by the online bullyingD.many young people take their own lives not online but in reality【答案】 A20、He spent ages _ for a pay increase,only to resign from his job soon after hed received it.A.observingB.occurringC.negotiatingD.securing【答案】 C21、资料:The federal government on Wednesday recommended an endangered-species listing for the loggerhead turtles in U.S. Waters, a decision that could lead to tighter restrictions on fishing and other maritime trades.Environmental groups who d been pushing an endangered listing said the proposal was a “turning poi
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