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2021-2022年度云南省海船船员考试模拟试题(含答案)一单选题(共60题)1、The GMDSS defines four sea area based on the(). A. location and capacity of the facilities located on board ships B. Position and type of a sincere sintion C. Capacity and location of shore based communication facilities D. Position and capacity of mobile communication stations 试题答案:A 2、根据船员日常防火防爆守则,下列说法错误的是:() A. 禁止私自使用明火或移动电炉 B. 航行中禁止锁门睡觉 C. 废弃的面纱头、破布应存放在指定的金属容器内,不得乱丢乱放 D. 离开房间应随手关闭电灯和风扇等电器,靠近舷窗的台灯可以不关闭。 试题答案:D 3、锚机在大于82.5m的水深中试验绞锚,其平均速度应不小于:() A. 绞双锚5m/min B. 绞单锚8m/min C. 绞单锚9m/min D. 绞双锚7m/min 试题答案:C 4、A combination or all-purpose nozzle produces(). A. low-velocity fog only B. a solid stream only C. a solid stream and foam D. a solid stream and fog 试题答案:D 5、活塞环的径向磨损会使环的()。 A. 天地间隙增大 B. 背隙增大 C. 搭口间隙增大 D. 平面间隙增大 试题答案:C 6、The payment proportionate to the part of the voyage accomplished or to the part of the cargo delivered is referred as(). A. advance freight B. back freight C. dead freight D. pro rata freight 试题答案:D 7、If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire,you would know that the(). A. crew was trying to get warm B. vessel required immediate assistance C. vessel was attempting to attract the attention of a pilot boat D. vessel was being illuminated for identification by aircraft 试题答案:B 8、根据经验数值法,若船舶的拱垂值小于L/1200,则船舶的拱垂变形处于()。 bpA. 正常范围 B. 极限范围 C. 危险范围 D. 有利范围 试题答案:A 9、油轮进行下列哪些作业时,应当填写油类记录簿第二部分:()I、货油的装卸;II、原油洗舱;III、加装燃油;IV、清洗压载舱的压载和排放 A. IIV B. IIII C. IIIV D. I、II、IV 试题答案:D 10、夜间在水上看见一船除显示舷灯、尾灯外,还显示一盏红色闪光旋转灯,该船是()。 A. 正在捕鱼的渔船 B. 航标艇 C. 失去控制的船舶 D. 执行公务的监督艇 试题答案:D 11、雷达发射机发射前,需有()分钟的预热时间。 A. 1-2 B. 2-3 C. 3-5 D. 由操作者决定 试题答案:C 12、船舶如遇海上天气、海况恶劣,风、气压、海浪等项目要求加密观测,时间间隔为()。 A. 0.5h B. 2h C. 3h D. 1h 试题答案:D 13、无线电传设备ARQ呼叫连接后,发起呼叫电台的标识为()。 A. calling&receive B. calling&send C. called&receive D. called 试题答案:B 14、The person who carries goods by a vessel to a specified destination at a specified price is called a(). A. consignee B. shipper C. carrier D. consignor 试题答案:C 15、在外海或岛屿之间的航道走向是围绕大片陆地的()。 A. 涨潮流方向 B. 落潮流方向 C. 顺时针方向 D. 逆时针方向 试题答案:C 16、The deviation ordered by the Admiralty for strategic reasons in wartime()to a general average act,because the masters obeying the order had no opportunity of exercising their own judgment or discretion. A. not amounting B. not to amount C. does not amount D. has not amount 试题答案:C 17、在航次租船合同下,承租人的默示保证一般为(). A. 正确地使用船舶 B. 给船长的任何指示必须合理 C. 不装运危险货物 D. 不得指示船长在多港卸货 试题答案:C 18、20ft和40ft集装箱在每一BAY位的舱内和舱面上积载时应尽量保持各自对船舶纵中剖面的力矩接近于零的原因是()。 A. 保证船舶装货后具有适宜的吃水差 B. 保证船舶装卸过程中的船体纵向强度 C. 保证船舶装卸过程中的船体扭转强度 D. 避免装卸中为减少船舶横倾角而需多次调整装卸桥自动吊具尺度和装卸桥沿岸移动及其对位时间 试题答案:D 19、发动机由起动到达全功率的时间(),则动力装置的()越好。 A. 长/机动性 B. 短/起动性 C. 短/机动性 D. 长/起动性 试题答案:C 20、极地大陆气团() A. 在源地时气层不稳定 B. 在向低纬移动过程中中气层剧烈变化 C. C.B都对 D. D.B都错 试题答案:D 21、下列哪项不属于失控船,() A. 主机发生故障 B. 舵叶严重损坏 C. 锚泊船走锚 D. 自动舵故障 试题答案:D 22、When a survival craft drill is held,the person in charge must insure that(). A. all survival craft are lowered to the water,launched,and operated for thirty minutes B. all davits used for launching liferafts are operated C. each emergency position indicating radio beacon is tested for thirty minutes D. the helicopter pad landing lights are operating in a quick-flashing mode 试题答案:B 23、冰中下锚时,应选择:() A. 薄冰或碎冰的深水区,锚出链长度应不超过2倍水深 B. 薄冰或碎冰的深水区,锚出链长度应不超过4倍水深 C. 薄冰或碎冰的浅水区,锚出链长度应不超过2倍水深 D. 薄冰或碎冰的浅水区,锚出链长度应不超过4倍水深 试题答案:C 24、ARQ通信中发送电子邮件指令为()。 A. FAX+ B. EMIAL+ C. TLXxy+ D. DIRTLXxy+ 试题答案:B 25、You are making tow.A loaded,open-hopper barge with independent tanks has placards,with alternating red and white quadrants,located at each side and end.You inspect the barge and find slight traces of water in the wing voids due to condensation.What(). A. Refuse to accept the barge until all wing voids are dry B. Accept the barge and when weather conditions permit run with the wing voids open to ventilate the spaces C. Accept the barge and periodically check the wing voids D. Return the barge to the fleet and depart without the barge 试题答案:C 26、货物装船时,需要长途运输和要求良好通风的袋装货物的堆码方式为()。 A. 压缝堆码 B. 垂直堆码 C. 扎位堆装 D. 纵横压缝堆码 试题答案:B 27、根据MSC192(79)决议,雷达传感器由()组成。 A. GPS、AIC、罗经、计程仪 B. GPS、AIS、罗经、计程仪、ENC海图系统 C. GPS、AIS、罗经、计程仪、ENC海图系统、VDR D. 雷达收发机和雷达天线 试题答案:A 28、船舶在航行中发生了不合理的绕航,此时承运人应承担的法律责任是(依VisbyRules)(). A. 不能享受公约规定的责任限制权利 B. 不受VisbyRules的约束,承运人无任何法律责任 C. 不受VisbyRules约束,按英美法是将其作为公共承运人约束 D. 不能享受“航海疏忽”条款的免责 试题答案:C 29、形成大气“单圈环流”的基本因素是()。 A. 海陆分布 B. 地形差异 C. 地球自转 D. 太阳辐射随纬
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