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全国专升本大学英语名师押题卷七十一、单选题1、Poor educational performance is sometimesto emotionaldisturbance()A.connectedB.relatedC.associatedD.joined2、一Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?一I don t mind where we go()there s sun,sea and beachA.as ifB.as long asC.now thatD.in order that3 By the time you come back,I cleaning the house()A.will finishB.will have finishedC.have finishedD.will be finishing4、We didn,t finish the work in time.You us since youwere there()A.might helpB.should helpC.could have helpedD.must have helped5 It may be five to ten years _ we can test this medicineon human patients()A.sinceB.afterC.beforeD.when6、We are interested in the weather because it()us so directlyA.benefitsB.affectsC.guidesD.effects7、After the Arab states won independence,great emphasis waslaid on expanding education,with girls as well as boys()to go to schoolA.to be encouragedB.been encouragedC.being encouragedD.be encouraged8、She tries her best to_ the changes in fashion()A.keep up withB.put offC.come up withD.go by9 The two leaders()on the issues of the M iddle EastA.discussedB.caughtC.supportedD.differed10、(),the professor is still trying to learn a new languageA.However he is oldB.O ld as he isC.He is as oldD.As old is he11、The workmates congratulated her her promotion tothe position of the general manager()A.inB.withC.onD.for12、in the street,he could feel the happiness of Christmas()A.WalkedB.WalkingC.To walkD.Having walked13、Solar energy is a new kind of energy that we canuse to replace the traditional energy()A.rootB.originC.sourceD.pool14、Few houses in this district the terrible earthquake andmany people were killed()A.lastedB.survivedC.deservedD.passed15、The company has()heavy financial losses over the lasttwo yearsA.enduredB.bornC.struckD.met16、J ean doesn t want to work right away because she thinksthat if she()a job she probably wouldn t be able to see herfriends very oftenA.has to getB.were to getC.had gotD.could have got17、If the wounded soldier had been given first(),he wouldnot have diedA.helpB.aidC.careD.attention18、Hemingway spoke highly of()such as loyalty,courage anddetermination shown by human beings in his worksA.featuresB.appearancesC.virtuesD.characteristics19、We haven t been able to find out the of the rumor()A.sourceB.causeC.resourceD.reason20、So loudly()that all the people in the room got a frightA.he shoutedB.shout heC.did he shoutD.he did shout21、He says clearly beginners understand mostof his words()A.suchthatB.sothatC.such a,thatD.so a,that22、Its good to knowour pet will be well cared for by ourkind-hearted neighbour while we travel on business()A.whatB.whoseC.whichD.that23、lin university when I am 20 years old()A.am studyingB.will studyC.have studiedD.will be studying24、Something will have to be done about the air pollution,()A.won t itB.will itC.has itD.does it25、Look at the terrible situation I am in!If only 1()your adviceA.followB.had followedC.would followD.have followed26、M any things impossible in the past are quitecommon today()A.having been consideredB.to be consideredC.consideringD.considered27、I dont like the color of this j a c k e t.,it is toolarge for me()A.ExceptB.BesidesC.Except thatD.Beside28 David won;t come to my wedding party()i send him aninvitationA.whenB.unlessC.asD.after29、The balloonuntil it burst()A.extendedB.exposedC.exportedD.expanded30、O nce you arrive in a new place,you d better()the localcustomA.keepB.makeC.followD.return31、O pposite is St.Pauls Cathedral,you can hear somelovely music()A.whichB.thatC.whenD.where32、一()does M r.J ohnson go to London on business?At least once a monthA.How manyB.How longC.How oftenD.How33、After being rescued from the air crash,the people agreedthat they had much to()A.thankB.be thankedC.be thankfulD.be thankful for34、()should any money be given to a small childA.O n no accountB.O f no accountC.From all accountsD.By al 1 accounts35、us harm or good remains to be seen in the near future()A.If it will doB.Whether it will doC.That it will doD.What it will do二、阅读理解1、Safety warning and noticeBefore operating the camera,please make sure that you readand fully understand the content in this section.If you ignoreand violate all safety warning notices indicated in thissection,the camera warranty may be void.M eanwhile,not only the camera but also you and all otherpeople and things around you may be severely damaged,injured,or even placed in danger of death.For your safety(1)Keep the camera and its accessories out of the reach ofbabies,toddlers and children.In particular,small parts suchas memory cards and batteries could be easily dismantled andswallowed by them.(2)Use only the original accessories to avoid possible risksto health and property,and thus meet all related legalregulations.(3)Do not dismantle the camera under any circumstances.(4)When using the flash,do not go too close to human eyes(particularly for babies,toddlers,and children)or animaleyes.Otherwise,when the flash fires,the light may causedamage to human eyes or irritate animals.(5)Ba
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