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2023届上海浦东新区高三三模英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、用单词的适当形式完成短文Directions:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherentand grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with theproper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.9:00 A.M.,Saturday,November 14The moment Fatima Bennett had dreamed of was finally here.Therefore,she couldnt be_ 1 (happy).The 4C Challenge(also known as the Clark County Coding Competition)was the eventof the year 2 target participants were STEM-minded eighth graders like Fatima and hertwo best friends,Julia Sheen and Felipe Alvarez.Their classmates were busy posting pictures on social media of their glorious summervacations while the three best friends,who called 3 Team Java Time,had spentcountless hours storyboarding,coding,and adjusting their program.Their app,Romeo andJuliet Remixed,turned the famous play into a multiplayer adventure that retold thestory,4(integrate)Shakespeare language with the rhymes of songs.The completed app was due by September 1,and the teens had worked hard to get itdone.5 at any point they lost momentum(动力),they were pushed by weekly textsfrom Neil Green,who had taken over the competition coordination(协 调)this year.On the day when their app 6(submit)to the competitions submission website,Fatima said,“A prize would be great,but we all know the very best reward.,The teensshouted,K-JHS!”Fatima,Julia,and Felipe were excited to show off their digital skills in front of the otherteams of eighth graders,but they were most interested in the reward 7(give)to the topthree teams:guaranteed admission to Katherine Johnson High School,the countys STEMmagnet school.Felipe,Fatima,and Julia,friends since kindergarten,8 barely containtheir excitement.Their dream of going to KJHS together was 9 their reach!That was 10 Fatima didnt mind getting out of bed at 8 A.M.on this coldNovember Saturday to spend the day at Clarksville University,the site of the annualcompetition.二、选用适当的单词或短语补全短文Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word canonly be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.alertB.connectedC.correspond D.dismissE.embarrassedF.invaluableG.judgementH.piloted L.respectful.urge K.wellbeingAre you listening?But are you really listening?You,d think wed be very good atlistening,but do we deeply listen?Sometimes we quickly 11 another opinion if itdoesnt fit neatly with our own.The British Council has launched a project Crossing Dividesaimed to train young people to listen and understand other people with very differentperspectives.Practicing deep listening means tuning into empathy(同理心),resistingthe 12 to judge people who are distinct from oneself.It develops important skills thatwill make anyone a better listener:empathy,silence and becoming aware of our 13The project was 14 in Lebanon,where it helped local people find commonground with each other,in a society divided by bitter years of conflict.People taking part inthe project said they felt that they were being heard,helping them to feel recognized andunderstood,which opened communication between communities.All the participants greatlyimproved their listening skills,which proved 15 in their working and personal lives.They have also had a chance to be listened to and heard,which research shows canimprove 16 This is because we all feel accepted,valued and more 17 toothers when we sense that we are being truly listened to,and the person listening to usdoesnt have to agree with us for those benefits to be enjoyed.The project is also an opportunity for participants to feel the benefit of stepping outsidetheir own“echo chamber(回声室)Echo chambers are created by our natural tendency toseek out people and opinions,in person and online,that we agree with,so we mainly see andhear information and opinions that 18 to our own.Not surprisingly this leads us tothink our views are definitively correct,so we become 19 or even angry when weencounter perspectives that our worldview suggests arc wrong,because they dont agree withour own echo chamber.So,training young people with deep listening skills can encourage many more people totake part in challenging and 20 conversations.Scott McDonald,the organizationsCEO said:The deep listening training gets to the heart of what we do by providingopportunities for people to step out of their echo chambers,to cross divides,and build trustand understanding.”三、完形填空Part of me has always wanted to be the kind of person who breaks the ice with a stranger.When I witness that kind gregariousness(合群)in others,I feel 21;I assume theirlack of reserve means they lead more exciting lives.How many tales of adventure beganbecause someone had the 22 to say hello?Talking to someone I dontknow 23 low-level fear,and I avoid it entirely.Im not alone.In a 2022 study,Gillian Sandstrom,a psychologist,noted that people areremarkably 24 about talking to strangers,despite research linking f
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