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人教新目标版八年级上Unit7 SectionA 一、单项选择1Have you cleaned your room?Not yet. But I _ it in half an hour.AcleanedBhave cleanedCwill clean2There _ an art festival this Sunday.AhaveBis going to haveCis going to be3He _ back from Shanghai in two weeks.AcomesBcomeCwill come4 Morning, Mike! Did you sleep well last night? Yes. I went to bed at 9:30 because there _ a math test this afternoon.AwasBwill beCis going to have5Kids study at school now. In 100 years, they _ on the Internet at home.AstudyBwill studyCare studying二、完型填空Life in the year 3044 is very different 6 the life in the 21st century. We still do many of the things you did, but we do them 7 . For example, we have robots to help us and keep us company (做伴). A robot is a machine that looks just 8 a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost 9 we human beings do. My robot is a lot like me and we have 10 fun together. She helps me with my homework 11 we often go swimming. She can take care of me if anything 12 , so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also send me messages, just like old fashioned email, and I can get information from her memory. Its great 13 a robotI am never lonely and I always have someone to talk 14 . I would like to tell you more about life in the year 3044, but I have to send my robot to clean up my room. Maybe 15 I will be able to travel back to the 21st century and visit you6AasBfromCwithDlike7Adifferent Bdifference Cdifferently Dthe same8AlikeBforCatDafter9Asomething Bthing Ceverything Dnothing10AmanyBfewCa lot ofDquite a few11AbutBnorCyetDand12Ahappening Bhappens Chappened Dhappen13AhaveBhasCto haveDhaving14AtoBaboutCfromD/15Aone dayBin one dayCthat dayDyesterday三、阅读单选Penguin Robot Toy Penbo BluePrice: $59Penbo Blue is a real robot for girls.Penbo Blue loves to talk and sing.You can play 5 kinds of games with Penbo Blue.There are four different colors, purple, green, pink and blue.For children aged 4 years old and up.Robot DogPrice: $1, 657It can take pictures.You can move it to the left, right, front and back by the remote control(遥控器). It does not like you to touch its sides.It will fall asleep if you dont pay attention to(注意)it for five minutes.16If you want to buy two Penguin Robot Toys, you should pay _ for them.A$59B$118C$148D$17717Robot Dog will be _ when you touch its sides.AsurprisedBhappyCangryDtired18If you dont pay attention to the Robot Dog, it will _.Arun awayBmove aroundCtake picturesDfall asleep19Which of the following is TRUE?ARobot Dog is much more expensive than Penbo Blue.BMrs. Green bought a yellow Penbo Blue for her kid.CYou can play with Robot Dog without the remote control.DYou can give Penbo Blue to a threeyearold girl as a gift.四、补全对话7选5从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A: Hi! Mary. 20B: I think21People dont need to do chores. A: Will kids go to school? B: No, they wont. 22A: Wonderful! I hate to go to school. I have to get up too early. 23B: No, they wont. Everything will be free. A: Will people have more free time to relax? B: 24ATheyll study at home on computers.BWill people use money?CWhat do you think our life will be like in the future?DOf course, they will.Epeople will have robots in their houses.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。25每个人都应该参与拯救地球的活动。Everyone should _ _ _ in saving the earth.26我们应该帮助处于极度危险中的人。We should help the people _ _ _27你认为人们能活到200岁吗?Do you think people _ _ _ _ 200 years old?28在未来机器人将会和人类一样做相同的工作。The robots will do _ _ jobs _ people in the future.29孩子们将在家里电脑上学习。Kids _ _ at home_ _参考答案1C2C3C4B5B6B7C8A9C10C11D12B13C14A15A16B17C18D19A20C21E22A23B24D25play a part 26in great danger 27will live to be 28the same as 29will study on computers
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