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人教新目标版八年级上Unit6 SectionA 课后作业一、单项选择1There is a concert at the Town Theater this evening. _ you can go there with me.AMake sureBBe sure aboutCMake it sureDBe sure of2Tim played the guitar very well in the school talent show.I think so. He kept on _ it every day.Apractice to playBpracticing playingCto practice to playDto practice playing3My cousin is good at _, and he wants to be a _Acook; cookBcook; cookerCcooking; cookDcooking; cooker4_ are you going to learn English well?Im going to listen to the tape every day.AWhatBHowCWhoDWhen5 Mary is going to _ an art teacher when she _ up.Ado; growBdo; growsCbe; growDbe; grows二、完型填空A lot of students are having all kinds of sports on the sports field. A football game is going on right now 6 Class 3 and Class 4. We dont know which team will 7 . Look at those people over there! Some students of Class 1 are practicing the 8 jump. One of them is the best high jumper in the school. He practices hard every day. Many people think he will 9 the school record (记录) in the sports meet next spring. Not far away from them, some girls are preparing for a race. They 10 have a 600-meter race in ten minutes. Now on the corner of the field, you can see another group (群) of students. Their teacher is telling them 11 to throw discus (铁饼).In schools, 12 students love sports now. Sports help people to keep 13 . They also help people to live happily. And 14 doing sports on the sports field, many people will 15 good friends, too. Do you think so?6AinBbetweenCfromDof7AwinBwinningCfallDfalling8AlongBfarChighDtall9AbreakBturnCleaveDname10AwereBgoing toCwere going toDwill11AwhatBhowCwhichDthat12Amuch and muchBmost and mostCmany and manyDmore and more13AhealthBtiredChealthyDhappy14AinBbeforeCafterDover15AbecomeBchangeCgetDbring三、阅读单选Let us suppose (假设) it is now about AD2060. People go to the moon every day. It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it was for the people in 1960 to take a holiday in Europe. What are people eating now? People are still eating food. But many foods now come in pill (药丸) form. Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. People are now largely vegetarians (素食者) and we are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we dont have any diseases (疾病). No one has to be ill any more.16The writer thinks in 2060 people can go to the moon _.Aevery dayBevery hourCevery minuteDevery second17Now people are eating _.AgrassBflowersCfoodDbooks18Many foods in 2060 come in _ form.AwaterBpillCairDtrees19In 2060, _ have to work on the farm.Ano peopleBno farmersCmany peopleDvery few people20No one has to be ill any more because _.Athere is much medicineBthere are few peopleCthere are no diseasesDthere are no doctors四、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hey, Amy. 21B: Hes good at writing stories and he likes it.A: 22B: Yes. Thats his dream.A: 23B: Im going to be a tennis player.A: Really? 24B: Im going to join the tennis club and practice tennis every day.A: 25 I hope youll be a great tennis player.B: Thank you.AWell, what do you want to be when you grow up?BWhat is your brother good at?CWhen are you going to start?DIs he going to be a writer?E.Sounds like a good plan.F.How are you going to do that?G.Does he dream of being an engineer?五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子26他打算在大学学习医学。He is going to _ _ in the university.27我在南京出生,但在北京长大。I was born in Nanjing but _ _ in Beijing.28我想通过驾驶考试,但我对此没有把握。I want to pass the driving test,but Im not _ _ it.29你确定自己能独立完成它吗?Do you _ _ that you can finish it by yourself?30不用担心我。我可以自己照顾自己。Dont _ _ me. I can look after myself.参考答案1A2B3C4B5D6B7A8C9A10D11B12D13C14C15A16A17C18B19D20C21B22D23A24F25E26 study medicine 27 grew up 28 sure about 29 make sure 30 worry about
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