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Unit 5 Section A班级: 姓名: 成绩: 一、单选题1The chair is brokenPlease _ who broke itAlook for BfindCfind out Dlook at2Dont play jokes _ Jane. She is very shy.Sorry, I thought it was just a joke.AonBtoCatDin3Would you mind _ now? Its already midnight.Sorry, I wont.Anot singingBnot to singCdont sing4Great _ for football lovers-more than 50,000 soccer schools will be built in our country by the end of 2025.AnewsBmessageCsituationDinformation5We can learn a lot_ TV.I think so.AofBaboutCfromDfor6Just do it, Cindy. _ you are the right person for the job.AAlsoBAlmostCMaybeDLater7I _ get to school by bike.AsometimeBsome timeCsometimesDsome times8_ exciting news it is!AHowBWhat anCWhat aDWhat9This is Jays new CDWhat do you think_ it?AatBofConDwith10Bill wants to _ a movie and Bob wants to _ TV.Asee; seeBwatches; watchCsee; watchDwatch; see二、用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次expect not plan not mind listen work11I missed the train yesterday because I _ my time better.12His mother _ to the radio every morning.13-Why are you worried?-I _ a call from my daughter. She has been to New York for three days.14- What does your father think of soap operas?-He says he _ them. In fact, he doesnt watch TV at all.15I hope _ in a school when I grow up(长大).四、按要求写出下列单词16忍受;站立(v. )_ (过去式)_17有教育意义的(adj. )_18打算;计划(v. )_ (现在分词)_19有希望的(adj. )_ (反义词)_20讨论(v. )_ (n. )_21喜剧;喜剧片(n. )_五、句型转换22I dont mind cooking. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ _cooking?23He plans to watch the new movie tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)_does he_ to _tomorrow?24I like Xie Na best because she is funny. (对画线部分提 问)_ _you like Xie Na best?25Mike likes sitcoms very much.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Mike _sitcoms?26Lets take a walk after dinner.(改为同义句)_ _ taking a walk after dinner?三、补全对话7选5AWhat kind of shows do you like?BI think it is interesting.CWhat do you think of soap operas?Dmy parents dont allow(允许)me to watch too much.E. What do you think of game shows?F. I think they are boring.G. They are really interesting.A: Do you like watching TV?B: Yes, I do. But 27A: 28B: Well, I like sports shows and sitcoms. My favorite is Friends. I dont like talk shows. 29 Do you like them?A: I dont mind them, but I really like history shows. Do you watch National Treasure Archive?B: Yes, but my favorite show is Chinese Poetry Conference.A: Yes, its good. 30 B: Soap operas? I cant stand them! Do you watch them?A: Yes, I love them. 31B: My sister loves Soap operas, too. She often watches it, but I dont. I go to my room and close the door.参考答案1-5.CAAAC6-10.CCDBC11didnt plan12listens13am expecting14doesnt mind15to work16stand stood 17educational18plan planning 19hopeful hopeless 20discuss discussion 21comedy/comedies22What do think of 23What plan do 24Why do 25How does like 26What/How about 27D28A29F30C31G
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