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2023年度江西省赣州市章贡区小学教师公开招聘考前冲刺模拟试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、根据下面资料,回答题 A.The weather on screen was too goodB.The fireworks were too clearC.The scaffolding on the Capitol dome disappearedD.The fireworks lasted for such a long time【答案】 D2、下列词语中没有错别字的一组是( )。A.遏制 枯燥 桅竿 涸辙之鲋B.磐石 惬意 笑靥 浮光掠影C.和蔼 驽钝 搅绊 铤而走险D.诀别 枯缟 倾圮 繁文缛节【答案】 B3、现代教学的技术是教学的( )。A.主要手段B.辅助手段C.中心手段D.内在手段【答案】 B4、体育方面的球类、体操、田径属于()。A.识记技能B.心智技能C.操作技能D.认知技能【答案】 C5、在有限经验的基础上形成的刻板印象往往具有消极的性质,会使人对某些群 体的成员产生( )。A.态度B.偏见C.歧视D.距离【答案】 B6、根据学习动机的动力来源,可以把学习动机分为( )。A.直接动机和间接动机B.近景的直接性动机和远景的间接性动机C.内部动机和外部动机D.高尚的动机和低级的动机【答案】 C7、县级人民政府部门应当均衡配置本行政区域内学校师资力量,组织校长、教师的( ),加强对薄弱学校的建设。A.学习和培训B.沟通和合作C.培训和流动D.交流和互访【答案】 C8、分析问题找出主要矛盾的过程属于问题解决的( )阶段。A.发现问题B.理解问题C.提出假设D.验证假设【答案】 B9、下列选项中,不属于体育新课程标准提倡的学习方式的是()。A.探究式B.合作式C.自主式D.灌输式【答案】 D10、教师提高研究技能的三种途径包括()。A.自主、合作、探究B.阅读、合作、行动研究C.学习、讨论、创新D.兴趣、发现、研讨【答案】 A11、如果高水平学生在测验项目上能得高分,而低水平学生只能得低分,那么就说明该测验的( )指标高。A.效度B.信度C.难度D.区分度【答案】 D12、下列属于“综合探索”学习领域的是()。A.逐步形成审美趣味和美术欣赏能力B.逐步形成设计意识和实践能力C.运用多媒体,表达情感和思想,体验造型乐趣D.引导学生主动探索,研究,创造以及综合解决问题【答案】 D13、在柯尔伯格的有关儿童道德判断发展阶段的研究中,契约、个人权利和民主承认的法律的道德阶段属于( )。A.前习俗水平B.公正水平C.习俗水平D.后习俗水平【答案】 D14、It was the afternoon of December 24, but I had to work. The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and a gifta dozen long-stemmed red _21_. As I was cleaning my office,a lady urgently needed to talk to me. I noticed a young,_22_ woman with a baby in her arms nervously,she explained that her husband, a prisoner,was my next patient. She told me she wasnt _23_to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. She wished to let the boys father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible _24_ I called him for his appointment. Since my timetable wasnt full,I agreed. _25_ , it was Christmas Eve. A short time later, her husband arrived. The womans tired face _26_ like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept peeling(偷看) out to watch them laugh, cry, and share their child.A.changeB.responseC.spiritD.look【答案】 D15、下列关于修辞手法的分析,正确的一项是()。A.“日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。能不忆江南?”运用比喻、设问手法,描写了江南春天的美好景象,表达了对江南的喜爱之情。B.“五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸”用夸张、借代、拟人的手法,困难在红军眼里也显得渺小。C.“相看两不厌,只有敬亭山”运用夸张手法,写诗人与敬亭山的相知相怜,突出了诗人精神上的孤独。D.“只见白浪翻滚,形成一堵两丈多高的水墙”运用比喻手法,把水波比作白浪,突出浪潮浪头之高,气势之盛。【答案】 D16、可以促进钙吸收的是()。A.维生素EB.维生素AC.维生素CD.维生素D【答案】 D17、Many high school students consider a college education useless. Therefore, they choose not to go to college. If youre one of them, think again. Here are some reasons why you should go to college and receive a good education there.A.have a chance to study abroadB.keep gaining knowledgeC.become a more interesting personD.realize the importance of knowledge【答案】 B18、 学校的中心工作是()A.教学B.行政C.安全D.后勤【答案】 A19、语文课程应致力于形成和发展学生的()。A.写作能力B.综合素质C.语文素养D.言语表达【答案】 C20、Turning on the TV, a wonderful scene comes to your eyes a group of men, tall, strong and handsome, and women, young, beautiful and attractive, too. Together they eat in the finest restaurants, traveling everywhere around the world by luxurious planes and pleasure ships. They are models.A.A models traveling expenses are usually paid by his employerB.To be a model, good looks are the most important qualificationC.Most models have a fairly easy way of life with high payD.A model can hardly be successful without a good agent【答案】 D21、性格中的稳定性和持久性属于( )A.态度特征B.情绪特征C.意志特征D.理智特征【答案】 B22、 Americans eat _ as they actually need everyday.A.twice as much proteinB.twice protein as much twiceC.twice protein as muchD.protein as twice much【答案】 A23、学生参与体育学习与身体锻炼的内部心理动因属于()。A.运动原理B.运动行为C.运动动机D.运动结果【答案】 C24、阅读下面的文字,完成后面题。 A.人如果长时间大剂量服用三聚氰胺就可能导致产生肾结石,继而诱发癌症。B.三聚氰胺导致宠物死亡的作用机理,截至目前,科学家还不能做出明确解释。C.三聚氰胺含有大量的氮元素,如果合理利用,作为化肥使用,可以提高粮食作物的品质。D.三聚氰胺能在化验中冒充蛋白质,所以可被黑心商人选作食品或饲料添加剂,以使劣质产品蒙混过关。【答案】 C25、2011年6月,全国人大常委会通过关于修改个人所得税法的决定,将个人所得税免征额提高至_。A.2500元B.3000元C.3500元D.4000元【答案】 B26、Do you have any idea what you would like to be and do after graduation? A lot of people don! begin thinking about careers until they reach junior or senior year, which, in my opinion, is too late. A.the people there are good to othersB.some people advise him/er to do soC.the institute is free of ch
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