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2023年度河北省张家口市涿鹿县小学教师公开招聘自我检测试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、以自尊心、荣誉感、自信心、胜任感等心理因素表现出来的学习动机属于( )A.认知内驱力B.自我提高内驱力C.附属内驱力D.社会发展内驱力【答案】 B2、根据下面资料,回答A.they were underpaid at their previous jobsB.they were turned down by other companiesC.they were confident of the author and his businessD.they were satisfied with the salaries in his company【答案】 C3、张老师在历史课教学中,展示了当地历史、地理等一幅幅美丽画卷,培养了学生热爱祖国大好河山的爱国主义情怀,张老师采取的德育途径是( )。A.其他各科教学B.社会实践活动C.班主任工作D.劳动【答案】 A4、强调不同学科门类之间的相对独立性,以及一门学科逻辑体系的完整性的课程类型是()A.活动课程B.分科课程C.经验课程D.综合课程【答案】 B5、具有展开性、计划性、准备性特点的言语形式是( )A.对话言语B.独白言语C.书面言语D.内部言语【答案】 B6、“教育主体确定、教育对象相对稳定、有相对稳定的活动场所和设施等教育实体出现,教育初步定型”,这些特征的出现标志着学校教育制度进入_。A.前制度化教育阶段B.制度化教育阶段C.非制度化教育阶段D.学校教育萌芽阶段【答案】 A7、This is the age of the quick action. We have instant satisfaction, fast food, speed reading, mobile phones; even the stress management books have titles like Stress Management in 60 Seconds. A.examinationB.forceC.blameD.pressure【答案】 C8、 She didn t know _ to express her ideas in English clearly in public.A.whichB.whyC.howD.what【答案】 C9、短时记忆的信息进入长时记忆的关键是( )A.复述策略B.精加工策略C.组织策略D.元认知策略【答案】 A10、以学习成绩为中心,在教师指导下使用结构化有序材料进行的课堂教学是()。A.发现教学B.指导教学C.程序教学D.合作教学【答案】 B11、个体身心发展的互补性要求教育者要做到( )A.相互街接B.循序渐进C.长善救失D.教学相长【答案】 C12、语文课上,王老师讲到静夜思这首诗时,告诉同学们李白写此诗时十分思念家乡,突然有同学提问:“为什么李白不坐高铁回家呢?”全班同学一片哗然,如果你是王老师,下列做法合理的是()。A.引导学生对当时的社会情况进行讨论B.警告学生上课别胡说八道C.认为学生故意捣乱,不予理睬D.告诉这位同学:“你能不能动动脑子,李白生活的那个年代哪有高铁”【答案】 A13、言语理解的初级水平是对( )的理解和识别。A.语音B.词汇C.句子D.课文【答案】 B14、预防青少年抑郁,可采取的措施是( )。A.顺其自然B.建立良好的社会支持系统C.多从非理性的角度思考问题D.适当服用安慰剂【答案】 B15、需要较高唤醒水平的运动项目是()A.射击B.举重C.射箭D.飞镖【答案】 B16、Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called business methods. A received one for its one-clickonline payment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for lifting a box.A.Its ruling complies with the court decisionsB.It involves a very big business transactionC.It has been dismissed by the Federal CircuitD.It may change the legal practices in the U.S【答案】 D17、有预先目的,必要时需要意志努力,主动对特定事物所发生的注意是()。A.随意注意B.无意注意C.不随意注意D.有意后注意【答案】 A18、Do you have any idea what you would like to be and do after graduation? A lot of people don! begin thinking about careers until they reach junior or senior year, which, in my opinion, is too late. A.the people there are good to othersB.some people advise him/er to do soC.the institute is free of chargeD.the institute is helpful to his/her future【答案】 C19、在空间中,下列命题正确的是()A.平行直线的平行投影重合B.平行于同一直线的两个平面平行C.垂直于同一平面的两个平面平行D.垂直于同一平面的两条直线平行【答案】 D20、根据下面资料,回答A.making both others and yourself feel at easeB.excluding those you dont like from joining youC.keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear youD.comforting those who feel lonely【答案】 A21、学生在学球原地运球时,易犯错误有()A.B.C.D.【答案】 D22、当认知结构中已经形成某些概括程度较低的观念,在这些原有观念的基础上学习一个概括和包容程度更高的概念或命题时,便产生()A.并列结合学习B.上位学习C.下位学习D.类属学习【答案】 B23、组织策略属于()。A.精加工策略B.认知策略C.元认知策略D.调节策略【答案】 B24、亚里士多德被称为百科全书式的教育家,其教育思想反映在()。A.理想国B.政治学C.论演说家的教育D.民本主义与教育【答案】 B25、教师是知识传播者、学习发动者、组织者和评定者,这属于教师的( )。A.教学者角色B.管理者角色C.社会活动家角色D.朋友角色【答案】 A26、把26,33,34,35,63,85,91,143分成若干组,要求每一组中任意两个数的最大公约数是1,那么至少要分成()组。A.3B.4C.5D.6【答案】 A27、采茶扑蝶属于哪个地区的花灯音乐()。A.四川B.云南C.江苏D.福建【答案】 A28、心理过程包括( )A.认知过程、情绪情感过程、行为过程B.知觉过程、情绪情感过程、行为过程C.感觉过程、知觉过程、意志过程D.认知过程、情绪情感过程、意志过程【答案】 D29、中华人民共和国教师资格条例规定,被撤销教师资格的,自撤销之日起在一定期限内不得重新申请认定教师资格。这个期限是_。A.1年B.3年C.5年D.7年【答案】 C30、Now and again I have had horrible dreams, but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with, I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic, wandering into another kind of existence. As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday. This still puzzles me. I am mystified by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people or at least more Western Europeans do not seem to accept dreaming as part of th
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