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课时训练 .单词拼写1.My brother works in the Education D.答案:Department2.Journalists are not always a in what they write.答案:accurate3.Smoking is one of the (主要的) causes of lung cancer.答案:chief4.The dictionary is now in its fifth (版本).答案:edition5.Yesterday my foreign friend helped me (润色) two articles.答案:polish6.I wondered if I could have an (约会) with the doctor the following day.答案:appointment7.I a of your trying to earn some money,but please dont neglect your studies.答案:approve8.Reforming the education system will be a difficult (过程).答案:process9.He is a s high school student.答案:senior10.I came with the (打算) of staying,but now Ive decided to leave.答案:intention.选词填空seniorpolishappointmentchiefdepartmentaccurateprocessapproveeditionahead1.If you the article,we will print it in the newspaper.答案:polish2.The book is too difficult for most high school students.答案:senior3.It would be difficult to make an forecast.答案:accurate4.It was impossible to hurry through the of getting a drivers license.答案:process5.Her father will never of her marriage to Tom.答案:approve6.The elephants are the attraction of the circus.答案:chief7.The reporters deadline was 8 p.m.for the morning .答案:edition8.Are there any washing machines in the store?答案:department9.Owing to a prior ,I wont be able to have dinner with you.答案:appointment10.Youll have to keep working hard to stay of the others.答案:ahead.完成句子1.Even though her parents (不同意她嫁给那个年轻人),she is still trying her best to persuade them.(approve)答案:dont approve of her marrying that young man2.He looks younger than his friend;in fact,he (他比他的朋友大三岁).(senior)答案:is three years senior to his friend3.The speaker (花费几天的时间润色)her lecture to make it perfect.(spend;polish)答案:spent several days polishing4.I (和他们有个约会) them in the evening.(appointment)答案:will have an appointment with5.The house is (正在建造).(process)答案:in the process of being built.阅读理解AUsually,tornadoes(龙卷风) are more common in the spring and summer months.Knowing what to do before and during a tornado can save your life and the life of your loved ones.When you hear that you are in a tornado watch,it means that tornadoes or other kinds of dangerous weather are on the way.You need to be ready to go to a safe shelter if tornadoes do happen or if there is a warning.Listen to local radio or TV stations for the update so that you have information to make decisions about your safety.Tornado warnings mean that a tornado has been seen,or that radar has shown there would be a tornado.When a tornado warning is issued for your town or county,take shelter immediately.Tornado sirens(警报器)warn people who are outdoors.Do not expect to hear sirens if you are indoors.Listen to weather reports,TV and radio if you are indoors.Remember to have fresh batteries for your radios and flashlights.Plan ahead for tornado watches and warnings.Talk to your family,friends and neighbors so that you know safe places to go to get out of danger.Here are some important tips:Take shelter in a basement,away from any windows.If you are in a house or building with no basement,go to the lowest floor,a small center room such as a bathroom or closet,under the stairs,or in an inside hallway with no windows.If you are in a mobile home or trailer,plan ahead and get out!It is not safe to be in a mobile home or trailer during a tornado.You need to make plans with family,friends or neighbors to go to a safer,stronger home or another building to take shelter.It is very risky to be in a car or truck during a tornado.Be aware if there are tornado watches in the area and avoid driving into dangerous situations.Instead take shelter in a basement or strong building.Have an emergency kit ready and keep it in your safe area.A few ideas for things to have in an emergency kit would be water,a flashlight,food(like crackers,peanut butter,granola bars),a radio that uses batteries,any medications you need,and a first aid kit.If you need any further information about preparing for the tornado season or making an emergency kit,call the Four Corners Health Department at(402)362-2621 or click here to view the website .1.What can we conclude from the passage?A.We should make plans ahead for tornadoes.B.Tornadoes happen frequently only in summer.C.We must contact local radio or TV stations.D.Tornado is the most dangerous disaster.提示:推理判断题。根据全文尤其是第三段中的“Plan ahead for tornado watches and warnings.”可知,作者建议我们提前为龙卷风作准备。故选A项。答案:A2.If you are told that youre in a tornado watch,.A.it means that you should water your watchB.it means tornadoes are possible in the areaC.it means that you have found a safe shelterD.it means tornadoes will leave whe
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