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Period 1 Section A 1a1c.教学准备1教师:录音机和录音磁带,多媒体课件、麦克风、自己的家庭照片。2学生:一张自己的全家福。.教学目标1学会认知家庭成员,了解家庭关系。2学会介绍人。3通过认知家庭成员及其关系,学会使用指示代词these,those。.教学重点(1)词汇:sister,mother,father,parent,brother,grandmother,grandfather,grandparent,family,those,who,these(2)句型:This is my sister.Thats my grandfather.These are my brothers.Those are my parents.教学难点让学生运用所学的语言项目“This/That is.These/Those are.”等内容与其他人交流家庭成员的情况。.教学步骤Step 1:Greetings and talking建议:教师和学生交流一些日常的问题,一是能复习所学的语言点,二是能与学生更好地进行交流。For example:T:Whats your name?Whats your telephone number?Ss:My name is.My telephone number is.Step 2:Leadin/Present the new words建议1:教师呈现一幅自己的全家福的照片,然后介绍自己的家庭成员,从而引出本课的新单词。For example:T:Hello,everyone!Look!Whats this?Ss:Its a picture.T:Right.Who is the man in the picture?Ss:Its you.T:Yes,its me.You know me.Please look at this.Do you know them?Ss:No,we dont.T:They are my family members.Today I want to introduce my family members to you.Would you like to meet them?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Please look at this man?Is he old?Ss:Yes.T:He is my grandfather.Please read after me,GRANDFATHER,GRANDFATHER,grandfather.Ss:GRANDFATHER,grandfather.T:This is my grandfather.(Teach the word “grandmother” in the same way.)T:He is my “grandfather”She is my “grandmother”These are my grandparents.Read after me,grandparents.Ss:Grandparents.T:I have two brothers,two sisters.I have many friends.(Teach the words “brother” and “sister”)T:Read these new words together after me.Ss:.建议2:利用多媒体呈现情景剧家有儿女中人物的照片,从而导入本课的语言知识。For example:T:Whos he?Ss:Liu Xing.T:(Show other pictures and introduce them:)Liu Xings mother,father,brother,sister,grandmother and grandfather.(Show the new words on the blackboard.)Step 3:Practice the new words1教师领读,学生齐读新单词。每个单词读两遍,可以用升降调的方式去读,避免朗读的枯燥。2教师指单词,学生抢读。抢到的同学站起来大声地把单词读出来。3教师把单词写在卡片上,然后让学生抽,抽到哪个单词,就大声地把那个单词读出来。4利用多媒体课件快速地闪现一个单词,让看到的学生站起来大声地把单词读出来。Step 4:Task 1a,1b1呈现1a中的图片,让学生猜一猜:Who are they?学生将单词与图中的人物配对。2听录音,在1a中圈出所听到的单词。(用听力训练再次强化学生对新单词的记忆。)Step 5:Present the new sentences建议1:利用全家福的照片,呈现出:This is my mother/father.然后教师站在远处指着另一人说:That is my sister/brother.类似的,教师呈现出These are my./Those are my.(让学生知道this/these是近距离的,that/those 是远距离的。在具体的情境中体验这几个单词的不同)建议2:利用多媒体呈现情景剧家有儿女中人物的照片,从而引出句型:This is.These are.That is.Those are.(利用图片让学生在具体的情景中对比这几个句型,让学生明白单数句和复数句。)For example:Step 6:Practice the new sentences建议1:让学生齐读教师给的例句This is my sister./That is my brother./These are his brothers./Those are my friends.或用chant的形式练习。For example:Lets chant:Father,father,this is my father.Mother,mother,that is my mother.Grandfather,grandfather.Grandmother,grandmother.Parents,parents,these are my parents.Brother,sister,those are my friends.建议2:让学生用所学的语言知识介绍刘星的家庭。For example:T:This is a picture of Liu Xings family.Lets talk about Liu Xings family in pairs.You must use “This is” and “These are” to do it.(The students practice.The teacher walks around the room to help them.)T:Now check your practice.S1:Who is this?S2:This is his.S1:Who are these?S2:These are his.(Ask a few pairs to practice.)建议3:学生拿着自己的全家福照片,二人一组互相用所学的语言知识进行介绍。For example:T:Look at the family tree.(Stick a family tree on the blackboard.)T:Lets talk about the family tree.You can do it in groups of four or three.You can do it in pairs or you can do it by yourself.Then report it to the class.(The students work.The teacher moves around the classroom to help them.)T:Check your task.S:Hello.My name is.Look at this.This is my family tree.This is my.and this is my.They are old.These are my.This is my.This is my.My mother is.This is my.His name is.I love my family.Step 7:Task出示一个有关家庭成员的表格,让学生用所学的语言知识用报道的形式介绍自己的家庭成员。把小组合作学习带入课堂。For example:T:Please take out the family photos you bring to school.Work in groups of four.Fill in the form.Then report it to the class.FamilyFamily members(The students work.The teacher moves around the classroom to help them.)Step 8:Summary本课我们主要学习了mother,father,parent,brother,grandmother,grandfather,grandparent,sister等与家庭成员有关的单词。重点学习了This is my sister.Thats my family.These are my brothers.Those are my parents.等句型。在下节课的学习中,我们会继续用这几个句型进行语言交际。Step 9:Homework1写一篇作文介绍自己的家庭。2小组成员之间沟通有关家庭成员的信息,增进友谊。Unit 2 This is my sister.Section A 1a1cWordsSentences motherfatherparentsbrothersistergrandfathergrandmothergrandparentsfamilythesethosewhoThis is my sister.Thats my grandfather.These are my brothers.Those are my parents.知识讲解1This is my sister.这是我的姐姐/妹妹。Thats my family.那是我的家庭。1)当我们把一个人介绍给另一个人时,常用句型This is.意为“这是”。如果介绍距离我们较远的人时,则用That is.或Thats.意为“那是”,一般不用He is.或She is.。一般来说,从交际习惯上来看,先把年轻人介绍给年长者;在宾主之间,先介绍宾客;男女之间,先把男士介绍给女士。如:Hi,Lisa.This is my classmate,Linda.喂,丽沙。这是我的同学,琳达。Mom,this is my friend,Tom.妈妈,这是我的朋友,汤姆。Tom,this is my
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