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2013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块七 Unit 2 Fit for life(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)一、词义配对A1.revolution A. having a good effect 2.possess B. surprise someone very much3.beneficial C. agreement to go ahead with a plan or an idea4.effective D. the possibility of sth happening or being developed or used5.astonish E. have or own something6.approval F. a great change that affects many people 7.accelerate G. bite food into small pieces with your teeth 8.vital H. make something happen faster than usual 9.application I. necessary or essential in order for sth to succeed or exist 10.abnormal J. of sth. that works well 11.potential K. different from what is usual or expected12.chew L. the practical use of sth. or a formal request for sth B1.clinic A. where patients find out information2.ward B. to show ones approval of sb./sth. by clapping ones hands3.reception C. where treatment is given to people who do not need to stay inhospital4.arrangement D. a room where a doctor talks to and examines patients5.reasonable E. where patients who need urgent treatment go 6.outcome F. an agreement or a plan that you make with someone else7.emergency room G. the result or effect of an action or event8.operating theatre H. where operations are carried out 9.consulting room I. where patients stay or sleep10.applaud J. fair, practical and sensibleC1.swell A. show or make a connection between two or more things2.heartbeat B. a formal set of ideas that is intended to explain why sth happens or exists3.sharp C. made of many different parts that are connected; difficult to understandplex D. unable to stop taking harmful drugs, or using or doing sth as a habit5.pulse E. become bigger or rounder6.wrist F. not interesting or exciting7.addicted G. a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood8.theory H. the movement or sound of the heart as it pumps blood 9. sword I. pay money to receive regular copies of a newspaper, magazine10.relate J. the joint between the hand and the arm11.subscribe K. sudden and rapid, especially of a change in sth12.dull L. the number of times the blood beats in a minute二、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1. Both of these medicines have saved millions of peoples lives and have proved b_ to mankind since they were invented.2. He is said to p a fortune of more than two-and-a-half-thousand million dollars.3. He was lucky that the bullet hadnt entered a v organ.4.The Chinese r is a continuation (继续)of the great October R .5.Education and training is the key that will unlock our nations p .6. Many people have had to make an a_ for a housing loan as a result of the increased housing price.7. All the members of the committee gave their a_ to the plan.8.Smokers are likely to become a to nicotine9. “Ouch!” cried the boy, feeling a s_ pain when a pin stuck into his finger.10. The problem is so c_ that we need more time to figure out the solution.11. The liver is a vital o_ in the body and has a wide range of functions.12. They have some difficulty in explaining the p_ of global warming.13. A good magazine is like a good friend, and thats why he s_ to Readers Digest every year.14. There is no doubt that ones health is r_ to his lifestyle.15. The government has already taken e measures against piracy. 16. It is a_ for a man to walk in his sleep17. We were a_ at the news of her sudden death.18. He is u to do the job for lack of experience.19. The driver stepped on the gas and a_ the car.20. This argument sounds r , but actually its incorrect.三、译出下列词组(英译汉)英语汉语英语汉语in large quantitiesin place oftry outbe addicted tolet outtake measureslook around burst out laughingturn up be beneficial to fill in in form / in the form of split up carry out a handful of manage to do sth focus on come up with make out work as a medicine四、从上述表格中选择恰当的词组填空1.The drug has not been on humans yet.2.Several of the members have suggestions of their own。3.It was evident from the first that
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