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李林中学高三年级英语导学案班级_ 姓名_学生使用时间_第_周课题主备审核使用教师编号编写时间Book 8 Module 1 Period 2 Vocabulary1. 课前导学: 1. I sat down to write my essay, but found I was completely without i_.2. I found it hard to keep my b_ on the icy path.3. As a famous writer, she showed i_ into human character in her novel.4. He is a merchant, so he often takes part in all kinds of c_ activities.5. Although it is a remote village, medical assistance is available in case of an e _.6. The organization works to _(促进,增进) friendship between nations.7. Dont be _(泄气). Everything will be all right. 8. Wildlife there has adapted to its _(极端的,恶劣的) conditions.9. She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her _(不在场). 10. The temperature here is very low in winter and you can become _(麻木的) with cold. 11. _(困在) in the burning house, she felt panicked. 12. He was _(沮丧) because he had not got the ticket of the concert.II.短语、句型1. 适应_2. 以形式 _3. 进入,到达_4. 突出,显眼_5. 特别,尤其_6. 进入视野,看得见_7. 碎开,粉碎_8. 想出(主意)_9. 冒险_10. 信守承诺_11. 详细地_12. 遗留,留下_13. Not until the late 18th century _(英国探险家才穿越) the Antarctic Circle. 14. Gases and minerals can tell us a lot about _(世界气候是怎样的) in past ages. 2.课堂识真A.Hundreds of years.B.Thousands of years.C.Millions of years.D.One hundred years.3.How many countries signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1961?A.12.B.8.C.10.D.15.4.Whats the aim of the Antarctic Treaty?A.It aims to prevent people from using the land.B.It aims to keep Antarctica free from unclear tests.C.It aims to keep Antarctica from radioactive waste.D.It aims to protect the land from different kinds of pollution.5.Why is Antarctica an important place?A.It is full of wildlife.B.It holds 90 of the worlds ice.C.It can give researchers lots of information.D.It is the coldest and driest place on Earth.答案:1.A2.B3.A4.D5.C.Welcome to the South Poles!1.Whats the result if you dont wear sunglasses or use suncream in the South Poles?A.Youll be numb with cold.B.Youll damage your eyesight or get badly sunburnt.C.Youll be black.D.Youll hurt your skin.2.What is it like to live here?A.We can see sunrise and sunset come once every six months.B.Were totally isolated.C.The total absence of daylight can be tiresome in the winter. D.Life is quite abnormal.3.What does the scientific station look like?A.The scientific station is surprisingly luxurious.B.The scientific station is cosy but has some restrictions on personal lifestyle,such as a shortage of water.C.The scientific station provides perfect accommodation for long-term visitors.D.The scientific station has very basic equipment and is unlike living anywhere else in the world.4.What should visitors do?A.Visitors can do anything that they like to.B.Visitors can only buy souvenirs from the scientific station,and do not take anything else away.C.Visitors should stay away,and only animals should live there.D.Visitors should not take anything away which belongs there,and should take their possessions and rubbish when they leave.5.How many South Poles are there?A.There are three South Poles.B.There is only one.C.There are two: geographical pole and a magnetic pole.D.There are four.答案:1.B2.D3.B4.D5.A3. 课后见功难句透视1.With annual rainfall close to zero,Antarctica is technically a desert.南极洲年降雨量几乎为零,严格来说该地区就是一片荒漠。剖析:with annual rainfall close to zero为介词短语,在句中作状语,表示原因,其结构为 “介词+名词+形容词”;close to 表示 “几乎;近于”。2.Covering about 14million square kilometers around the South Pole,it is the fifth largest continent in the world。南极洲覆盖了南极圈周围约为1400 万平方千米的面积,是世界第五大洲。剖析:covering about.是v. -ing形式,在句子中作状语;the fifth largest continent in the world 形容词最高级前面的修饰成分为序数词。3.On average it is two kilometers thick,but in some places it reaches a depth of five kilometers。(南极洲)冰层平均厚度为2000米,但某些地方厚度可以达到5000米。剖析:词组on average意思是“平均”,一般用作状语来修饰句子;reach a depth/height/width of.也是一个常见的用法,意思是“深度/高度/宽度达到了”。Not to advance is to go back.不进则退。4.Yet Antarctica is full of wildlife,which has adapted to its extreme conditions。然而南极栖息着许多的野生动物,它们已经适应了那里极其恶劣的条件。剖析:which引导的非限制性定语从句,指代前面所出现的先行词wildlife;full of 表示“充满了”;adapt to 意思是“适应”。5.But the long Antarctic winter night,which lasts for 182 days(the longest period of continuous darkness on earth)as well as the extreme cold and lack of rainfall,means that few types of plant can survive there。但是南极洲冬天的夜晚长达182天(地球上持续时间最长的黑暗时期),气候极度寒冷,降水量极少,这意味着很少有植物能够在这里生存。剖析:which lasts for 182 days 这是一个非限制性定语从句,which 代表前面句子的全部或者部分意思;as well as是一个并列连接词;few表示“很少;几乎没有”。6.Gases and minerals,in the
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