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Period 2Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period the students are to do some exercises on the useful words,expressions and structures learned in the reading part.It is to help them use the useful words and expressions from the context.They are also to learn something about word formation,which will help them to remember English words so that they will enlarge their vocabulary.To achieve the above aims,the teacher can help the students to learn autonomously and cooperatively.That is,the teacher will get the students to work on the exercises individually first and then check the answers together with their partners.While dealing with word formation,the teacher will help the students do it as a task.That is,the teacher will first ask the students to read some words and sentences from the text in which some compound words,derivatives are used,then ask them to discover how these words are formed,summarize the rules and write as many words as possible according the rules in groups.Teaching Important and Difficult Points How to grasp and apply the knowledge of word formation to enlarge vocabulary.How to gain the ability to use the key words and expressions from the context.Teaching & Learning MethodsAutonomous learning,cooperative learning,task-based learning.Teaching AidsA multi-media computer and a blackboard.Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsHelp the students learn to use the useful words and expressions from the context.Help the students learn something about word formation.Process and StrategiesGet the students to sum up the grammatical rules in word formation.Help them study autonomously and cooperatively.Feelings and ValueThrough the study of this period they may have grasped an effective way in memorizing new wordsword formation.Meanwhile,their ability of autonomous learning will be improved to a certain extent.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 RevisionT:In the last period,we studied a passage about different theme parks in the world.And I asked you to write a summary using the key words.Now please look at the screen and read out your summary of the passage with the key words individually.Im sure all of you can do it well.Summary:Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy life for a while.In recent decades,however,many parks have been designed to provide entertainment.We call them theme parks.The new parks are usually huge places and have a variety of things to see and do.Theme parks have a certain ideaa certain themethat the whole park is based on.For example,a sport theme park will offer visitors sports to play or watch;a history or culture theme park will let us see how our ancestors dressed,worked and lived.The oldest theme park in the world is Disneyland. It seemed like a place of fantasy. Besides these,we have the marine or ocean parks,the science theme parks and so on to let us enjoy totally different experience from the real world.Step 2 Discovering useful words and expressionsT:From the reading passage,we can find some useful words and expressions.So now Id like you to do Ex.1 and Ex.2 on Page 35,Ex.3 and Ex.4 on Page 36 individually first and then check your answers with your partners to see if you can use them in the given context.Suggested answers:Exercise 1:alternative expressionWords and expression from the textA main subject or ideathemeset of things needed for an activityequipmentshoes used for sports and outdoor activitysneakerspeople going to live in a new area with small populationsettlersunlimited imaginationfantasya careful test to try out an ideaexperimenta small number or part;less than halfminoritybecome real;become alivecome to lifeExercise 2:sneakers,fantasy,theme,experiment,equipment,settlers,came to life,minorityExercise 3:1.amused2.various3.charged4.admission5.profits6.souvenirExercise 4:1.When I got close to the tiger.I felt very nervous and excited.2.As I got closer to him,he moved further and further away from me.3.Who are you closer to,your aunt or your uncle?Why?Im closer to my aunt because she and I both like shopping for clothes.4.The map showed me that China is closer to Japan than England.5.My brother is getting closer every year to becoming the leader of his company.Step 3 Discovering useful structures T:Boys and girls,have you finished checking your answers?If so,lets come to the next partDiscovering useful structures.First read the following sentences from the reading passage,pay attention to the underlined words and see what you can find from these words.Of course you can have a discussion.1.They are more than amusement parks with rides,such as a Ferris wheel,merry-go-round or a roller coaster.2.They all charge money for admission.The big companies that own theme parks expect to make a profit not just by the charges fo
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