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【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 4 Section 语言点一 Learning about language & Using Language应用落实 新人教版必修3.单词拼写1A truck went out of control and crashed (碰撞) into the back of a bus.2The smell of new bread floated (飘动) up from the kitchen.3Dont pull (拉) so hard or the handle will go off.4As we all know, Qian Xuesen is a famous physicist (物理学家)5The young man knows little about Newtons law of gravity (万有引力).单项填空1The whole family had almost given up hope, but the little boy finally _ .Apulled outBpulled throughCpulled up Dpulled over解析:选B。句意:全家人几乎都放弃希望了,但这个小男孩最终恢复了健康。pull through“恢复健康”,符合题意。pull out “拔出;抽出;驶出”;pull up “停下;停车”;pull over “将开到路边”。2Be careful when you open an unknown document.It might contain the deadly virus which could entirely_your computer system in a minute.Aexplode BcrashCmultiply Ddissolve解析:选B。句意:当你打开一个未知的文档时要小心,它可能含有致命的病毒,这种病毒可以使你的电脑系统立即崩溃。explode “(使)爆炸”;crash “使崩溃;坠毁”;multiply “使增加;繁殖”;dissolve “解散”。根据句意,B项正确。3He_at the red light and we stopped behind him.Apulled up Bpulled throughCpulled on Dpulled out解析:选A。句意:他在红灯前把车停下,我们停在了他后面。pull up“停车”,符合句意。
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