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Unit1 Living with technologyGrammar and Usage1. merely: adv. only 仅仅,只有She is merely a child.I merely looked at the chocolate. I didnt eat it.This is merely a beginning.Not merely but also mere a. 仅仅,纯粹2. model:n. A particular design or a type of product.型号,样式 The car industrys always producing new models. 汽车业总是不断推出新型汽车。模型a model of an airplane 飞机模型 极相似的人或物She is a perfect model of her mother. 她活像她母亲。 模范;典型This student is a model of diligence. 这学生是勤勉的模范。 时装模特儿3. accompany: vt. To be or go with as a companion. 陪伴 He accompanied his wife to the hospital. 他陪妻子去了医院 He accompanied his friends to the film. 他陪朋友们看电影 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 雷声常伴随闪电而来 Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano. 玛丽唱歌,我用钢琴给她伴奏4. ownership:n. The state or fact of being an owner.Legal right to the possession of a thing.所有权,物主身份private ownership私人个人所有制state ownership国家(全民)所有制5. anyhow:adv. In whatever way or manner; however: 无论如何,不管怎样 It may rain, but anyhow I shall go out. 天可能要下雨,但无论如何我要出门。 (用来表示更换话题) Johns a good friend of mine. Well anyhow, I left for Mexico the next morning. 约翰是我的好朋友。但是,我明天早晨要去墨西哥了。6. ample:a. More than enough:充足的,丰富的 We have ample money for the journey. 我们有足够的钱去旅游。Ample food and clothing by working with our own hands.自己动手,丰衣足食。7. selection:n. The act or an instance of selecting or the fact of having been selected.可选之物;所选之物;选择select vt. 选择selective adj.选择的, 选择性的8. capable: adj. Having capacity or ability; efficient and able: 有才能的有才能的或有能力的;有效率而精干的:be capable of 有能力做某事Some airplanes are capable of going 800 kilometers an hour. Tom is quite capable of lying to his parents. capacity n. 能力;容量 a hall with a seating capacity of 200 people. 有200个座位的大厅9. tiny:a. Extremely small; minute.微小的,细微的10. brand:n. A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer.品牌;商标 brand-new adj.崭新的, 新制的11. familiar: a. Having fair knowledge; acquainted: sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某事物 sth be familiar to sb某事物为某人所熟悉We havent met our neighbors so we are not familiar with them.We havent met our neighbors so they are not familiar to us.12. budget:A systematic plan for the expenditure of a usually fixed resource, such as money or time, during a given period: 预算 A new car will not be part of our budget this year.买一辆新车不在我们今年的预算之内a family budget 家庭预算a government budget 政府预算budget plan分期付款13. all-round:a. 功能齐全的;全方位的,全面的 an all-round athlete 全能运动员14. translation:n. The act or process of translating, especially from one language into another.翻译,译文15. hint:n. A brief or indirect suggestion; a tip:提示,a clue:暗示16. weigh:重量为vi. It weighs 12 kilos. 重12千克。称 vt He weighed the fish. 他把鱼称了一下。17. shape : vt To give a particular form to; create.使成形;影响,决定shapes, shaped, shaped, shapingHe shaped a pot out of the clay. 他用黏土塑成了一个罐子These events shaped her future career.这些事情影响了她未来的职业n. 形状 clouds of different shapes in the sky 天空中不同形状的云彩 in the shape of 以某物的形式 in shape 健康 out of shape 变形,走样;不健康18. inbuilt:adj. An inbuilt quality exists as an essential part of sth/sb.内置的,镶入的19. text:n. The body of a printed work as distinct from headings and illustrative matter on a page or from front and back matter in a book.文本,正文,课文20. scan: vt. To examine closely. 细察仔细地查看To look over or leaf through hastily:浏览匆忙地阅读或翻过21. definition:n. A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry定义22. elegant:a. graceful and attractive优雅的 elegant furnishings雅致的装饰an elegant gentleman举止文雅的绅士an elegant vase别致的花瓶an elegant writer格调高尚的作家elegantly adv.雅致地, 娴雅地23. clip:n. 夹子 vt -pp- 夹住;夹牢;用夹子夹牢The letters were clipped together. 信被夹在一起。Clip these newspapers together, please.请把这些报纸夹在一起。24. battery:n. A single cell, such as a dry cell, that produces an electric current.电池25. case:套子;盒子 the case of a watch 表壳 事;事例a case of stupidity 愚笨的事This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。情形;场合;状况Well, in that case, I would prefer to stay on the bus, I answered.唉,那样的话,我宁愿留在车上啦,我回答说。a case of poverty 穷苦的情形病症;病例This is a case of fever. 这是一发烧的病例。案件;诉讼a difficult case to prove 一个很难办的案子26. guarantee: n. A firm promise that you can do sth or that sth will happen.保证The new television has a guarantee with it.He had to offer his house as a guarantee.bank guarantee银行担保cash guarantee保证金credit guarantee信贷担保 v. To promise to do sth , to promise sth will happen.担保;许诺 guaranteed; guaranteeing; guaranteesguarantee a product. 保证产品质量guarantee to free the prisoners 保证释放 My watch is guaranteed for one year.我的表保修一年。Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. 许多店主对顾客保证满意。guarantee against/from sth/doing sth 保证不guarantor n.律保证人
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